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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Sounds like it might be a long wait until Christmas haha.
  2. How are the survival aspects? I don't mind needed to get food and water, but having to do it too much will get old.
  3. One thing that concerns me is the large amount of people hoping for SWG2.
  4. I put the game on my Christmas list haha. So I'll be waiting for a while regardless.
  5. I will trust your review jags! Any man that loves Freelancer must have great taste in games!
  6. I'd like to tell the husband of my friend that I shared romantic feelings with that he's a self-absorbed insecure douchebag...but I don't haha.
  7. You could have like a 300% score. The percent wasn't a percentage at all.
  8. You're pretty much feeble haha. I like it.
  9. Ah, after looking up the game on IGN, it seems as though it is Naga Sadow. Didn't get that impression from the main webpage
  10. Meh, I don't mind the idea of "talents." It's something I enjoyed in Diablo 2 as well as WoW. As for smugglers, well, you could still have them do talents as well. All talents really are are a type of feat. I am indifferent about non-combat jobs, though I suspect they'll be limited as Bioware seems intent on making you the hero.
  11. By contrast I only know one other person and it's because I told him to play the game haha.
  12. I'm assuming the SAGA system is what the first games used? I doubt that too...though you might see similar names (such as Guardian, Sentinel, Consular) for example. Actually, as I write this, I could see Guardian, Sentinel, Consular being the equivalent of talent trees if they were to blatantly rip off WoW. Or they could be different classes entirely, with their own talent trees (I do think that the talent trees will be ripped off, as well as much of WoW's mechanics actually...not that I think that's a good or bad thing).
  13. they might make smuggler the shooty shooty equivalent of the standard Rogue class.... after all a smuggler and a rogue are the same thing... kinda. Fair enough. But I was thinking more along the lines of someone that is sort of ancillary to the conflict, and tries to make his big bucks by smuggling during the conflict. As in you are actually a smuggler...not just called a smuggler.
  14. Hehe, it'd be cool if you could play through the game as some type of smuggler. They mentioned distinct stories based on what you start as...but I suspect the smuggler might just be a bit TOO open ended for what they're aiming for with story.
  15. And they do have a reason. It just got sacked. EDIT: Temple has been destroyed. Newbie area is pretty much going to be Tython, as that's where the Council is now.
  16. Isn't cortisol a codeine laced cough medicine? I had a prescription for it once upon a time haha.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if you got hundreds of bright color options. For my Sith character, I'd like a metal sword that's as good as a light saber. What's that substence again? Cortisol? Cortosis weave IIRC. I am only familiar of it from KOTOR and Jedi Knight 2, but I haven't played the game in a while (I think in Jedi Knight 2 it makes your lightsaber turn off)
  18. I imagine the weapon loot you'll be finding would most likely be saber crystals (for the Jedi folk that is)
  19. If it all possible I'd appreciate the thread not be closed, but I wouldn't mind if people stopped trying to derail the thread with stuff they've already commented on ad nauseum. I have enjoyed the discussion about potential good/bad of the SWTOR MMO from gameplay, as well as financial success and whatnot. I don't want that to stop.
  20. One thing I was just thinking, is that if games tend to need mini-patches and downloadable content, is that pirates probably will start to find ways to crack them. One nice thing about something like Impulse is you have to verify your purchase before you can download it. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to track this download and release standalone patches though. Though a concern here is that developers could be encouraged to sell games that are incomplete, and letting users download final chapters of the game to ensure legitimacy. I am not sure where I am on stance like this.
  21. I am still baffled by someone that would buy a game purely based on the DRM implementation (or lack thereof). Would you still buy the game if you didn't think you'd actually like the game?
  22. Many WoW players likely will check out SWTOR without any "convincing" to see if it is better, simply because people are always looking for something better.
  23. My connection to it is rather nonexistent.
  24. In this one 6 masters were killed and the Jedi withdrew to Tython to recruit more force sensitives to fight the Sith.
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