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Posts posted by Dorftek

  1. Thank u Ensign and Whipstich for your very informative posts! 


    And wow Boeroer u still hang around? :D 


    So a small update: The controls on Xbox are horrific! positioning and managing everyone in battle is a chore! It was way better on PC, but no suprise there really.

    I realised after dying because of silly mistakes that i will have to get used to this and get into the game a bit again so i started over and i now play on Hard. So far its perfectly challanging. 

    I picked up Aloth, Eder, Durance and Kana as soon as i could and then continued doing some minor questing until i hit lvl 4. Now i am going to do the ruins in Gilded Vale.


    PS: I think there is no Deadfire DLC on the Xbox. I cannot check exactly what i have it just says "Definitive Edition" and says i have the same major updates as PC but i am not sure about this. I read in one of the patchnotes here on forums that "One Handed Style" was changed from "Graze to Hit" into "Hit to Crit" but on my tooltip on the xbox it still says "Graze to Hit".


    Edit: I just went to Anslög's Compass and there are no merchant there. 

  2. Hello, downloading this amazing game on my xbox right now. I havent played since patch 3.0 hit us and i could use some help to get back to speed with my party composition. 


    *I'd like to play on Potd.


    *I'd like to play with the default companions and avoid the clearly better but more boring custom made ones. 


    So first of all i am considering to make my Watcher a Wizard since Aloth is such a bad one with his low Mig. BUT i have also considered making my watcher a priest, a Cipher or a Chanter.


    So in order to decide this i have a few question. 


    1. When 3.0 launched ppl were freaking out about the Cipher nerf, has anything changed in that regard? Should Cipher be avoided on Potd? 


    2. Durance have pretty weird stats with his super high resolve and crappy dex, could he be used as an off tank?


    3. Do dex still do nothing for Chanter phrases? Can Chanters be made into decent dps and in that case will Kana suffice?


    If i do not make my Watcher a wizard ill most likely use Aloth as a CC wiz.


    I wanted to avoid using a fighter this playthrough. What would make the best main tank instead?


    Edit: Going to make my watcher a glass cannon a glass cannon dwarven priest with high might and INT. With the Bael background and peasant weapon focus for quarterstaff (was the safest weapon focus i found for priest except the rifle wich i do not want to use). Does priest background weapon focus/bonus add to whatever soulbound my priest can equipp too? Because as far as i can remember the soulbound for staffs was not usable for priests.

  3. So far I'm really enjoying this Priest Boeroer, thank you for the build. So far lvl 9. I've made a few personal changes so far tho but I'm keeping myself within theme. Using the mucra eye glass with +12will and whisper of treason spellbind, cuz I think it fits the Skaen theme (deceptive and cruel god, usage of slaves etc etc) and i use heavy plate armour and pale elf race for lots of DR. So far very solid on my Hard difficulty duo with a cipher, surprisingly easy actually. Anyway, enjoying your builds so far and thank you for sharing. How's your roguemage coming along btw? I'm playing mine right now about to do Durgans battery, wich I hate btw.. So I have a nice mix of deep house music and a bottle of cheap whiskey to ease the pain. Wich explains my jabbering o_O


    Binding Web is brutally good. I currently play Rogue, wiz, Priest, druid, cipher and ranged paladin and I melt everything on Potd. Rogue is my main tank and my by far highest dps, spells+deathblows!

    Tanglefoot+binding Web allows me to nuke any encounter that isn't immune to stuck before they can even touch me. Web can be cast outside of combat so if the enemies are clustered prepull it's a great opener.

    I picked Web as my second spellmastery and it's super handy!

    But from level 9 on I'll basically start every fight with Slicken + Interdiction + Some AoE from the Druid and then Mental Binding to Paralyze + hold everything that got away. And that will happen in pretty much every tough fight from level 6. I don't really see the need for it.


    But I'll give it a shot in the mean time.













    I'll start seeing how thing will work out tomorrow :)


    might also reload and turn the Priest into a glass cannon and the Wizard into a sword and board melee fighter with Steadfast.

    Different spell to achieve similar results however the webbing will continously reapply the stuck affliction thru the fight. Give it some testing and I'm sure you'll find it useful. I always pick chillfog as first spellmastery so I don't have slicken as a per encounter spell. Chillfog is great to use within the webbing area as it will often interrupt enemies movement when it ticks, giving the webbing even more time to root them down again.

  5. Thanks for the tips. I was already playing with the idea of binding Nightshroud to the Priest, but I'd have to give it some more con... which I'll do now.




    Furthermore, be sure to pick form of the Delemgan as Druid Spell Mastery for lvl 4. Fast cast party wide 8DR against physical attack will greatly help your survivability. Combo with binding web is great.

    I never liked binding web earlier. I haven't used it since I've started playing again after WMII released. From what I recall the casting time was just tragic and the AoE too small. To be honest the second level wizard spells are all kinda meh, except Miasma of Dull Mindedness.

    Binding Web is brutally good. I currently play Rogue, wiz, Priest, druid, cipher and ranged paladin and I melt everything on Potd. Rogue is my main tank and my by far highest dps, spells+deathblows!

    Tanglefoot+binding Web allows me to nuke any encounter that isn't immune to stuck before they can even touch me. Web can be cast outside of combat so if the enemies are clustered prepull it's a great opener.

    I picked Web as my second spellmastery and it's super handy!

  6. on Hard Consecrated Ground+Watchful Presence probably will be enough to cover all ur healing needs , so u should be fine , i would try to have atleast 6 survival ( only need few points for that assuming u took colonist background ) , cipher can start fights with Phantom Foes from lvl 6 and that 10% damage is simply free then

    Yeah sounds like a plan alltho i always pick drifter background. Need that xtra stealth and mechanics to get the gloves of the mechanic in raedrics in time.

  7. I would put 10 points minimum into survival nowadays.


    And I would like to test Vent Pick on this priest - and that club, "St. Wygelt's Cudgel".


    Maybe I would try to duplicate Vent Pick with the Helwax Mold - or Bleak Fang. Touch of Rot is a nice Spell.


    Other than that - it's a priest. You can't go wrong with a priest. ;) Especially Crowns for the Faitful + cipher seems to be a great combo.


    Painful Interdiction + Secret Horrors is also a great debuff combination for the beginning of a fight. That will lower fort. and will a lot.


    You could try to use Boots of Speed on the priest (or the cipher) and cast "Hand of Wael on Woe" an the cipher while the cipher casts Ectopsychic Echo on the priest. Nice double-beam that does tons of damage and healing. :)



    Yeah - at some point you will find that you do way more casting than melee. You will have plenty of spells at some point - aome of them per encounter. But I think it's ok if this guy transforms from melee + casting to pure caster during a playthrough.

    Ok no changes with the talents? No frenzy?

    Was thinking about getting mechanics up on the Needler and lore on cipher. As it's a duo and I value lore and mechanics high I'll have to use survival as a dump stat. I want a minimum stealth of 5 without stealth gear. I reckon I'll get accuracy high enough anyway, after all I'll have the debuffs of the cipher and the buffs of a Priest.


    Blunderbuss, I intend on playing this as a duo so additional healers aren't happening :)

    I plan on buying that healer figurine to accompany me and use CC scrolls and speed to my advantage so hopefully most fights will be doable without too much headache. Also I'm considering playing the duo on Hard.

    Playing Potd on my magerogue right now and while I don't find the additional difficulty very noticeable anymore at around lvl 13 I do find the insanely large encounters a dull timesink. The Magerogue build I'm using is so overpowered tho it gets boring after a while. If I find the patience to get to 16 on him I'll post my build, otherwise I'll just leave it where it is and see what Boeroer posts about his magerogue.

  8. Yeah I'm just playtesting it. Will take at least another day I guess until I'm ready to post him. I would like to see your build. It will be more effective I guess, but I think the essence of the builds will be very similar. This time I wanted to do some "twisted" builds just to make the playthroughs more interesting again. The "standard" class builds start to get boring after a few hours of gameplay because I've seen and tried them all (at least it feels like that).

    So I went the whole way and made my rogue more wizard than rogue. He's a robe-wearing, rod-using glass cannon with a pointy hat now (of course a gun or bow would be more effective, but would break the theme a bit), totally specialized in missile spells. Missile Barrage with Deathblows, Ryona's Vembraces and Penetrating Shot is just wow - instagib for most foes. Concussive Missiles are also really great with Deathblows and Deep Wounds. And in the end I also used the spell stealing morning star with this guy (plus Escape when stealing happenend). That is game over for every enemy. Casting Calling the World's Maw and other stuff for free for about 40 secs is just devastating with Deathblows and the rogue's ACC. And he's really good with the petrifying traps plus Coil of Resourcefulness, too. ;) I lure them onto the trap, then apply another affliction and then Concussive Missiles - the end.

    Of course I also could use all the other Spellbind Items that have fireballs - but I like to stick to the missiles and leave those for another build (yet to come).


    Scolls + Rogue is really great. And with Prestidigitator's Missiles and Cloak of Minor Missiles you can also have some missile action for lame encounters without wasting srolls. I found three cloaks in my last playthrough. That's 9 missiles per rest. ;) Pitiy that all those things don't work with Sneak Attack, but only Deathblows. So you have to wait till level 11 until the real magic starts. But implemenmts on rogues are not as bad as I thought. Two damage types, Sneak Attack and Dangerous Implement do good enough damage.


    I wanted to post my new "Dichotomous Soulbenders" first - but maybe I'll post the rogue first since some people seem to be more interested in that.

    Ahh yeah your build is quite different then mine. My Rogue is a bit of a battlemage with scwath ganek shield focused more on AoE magic, cone spell scrolls such as fan of flames and boiling spray, and ofc twin stones to spread deep wounds. Using the necklace and chest armour that grant sunbeam for a total of 6 of those, helps my tanking aswell as dps. Sometimes I switch armour for a overwhelming wave. Weapon slot 1 is scwath ganek shield and Bittercut Sabre, second slot is arbalest for finishing blows. This Rogue is supported by a priest and wizard for CC and afflictions. However my build is far from over as I'm only lvl 11 and haven't even been to twin elms, endless paths or Durgans battery yet. Having lots of fun with it tho :)

    Can't wait to get home from work and continue hehe. Work this whole weekend tho :(

  9. Rogue is good because of deathblows and high crit rate. Those two are the only reason I play one. With the right gear and scrolls a Rogue with deathblows is amazingly deadly mage, weird but true. I'm lvl 11 on my first POTD run right now and the Magerogue is absolutely amazing. As a side bonus you can have some fun with finishing blow aswell, had a 450dmg crit with arbalest+deathblows+finishing blow+petrified last night :)


    I'll post my magerogue build once I'm finished, unless Boeroer beats me to it :p

    • Like 1
  10. Ahh lol Boeroer now that you say it I clearly see it, Madonna :p


    How do one define a class such as the barbarian tho? How do one "RP" a Barbarian? Greeks and later Romans used the word barbarian against nations they believed less civilized, or more primitive then them. So basically a Barbarian is just a "fighter" who comes from a more primitive nation. Example, a Norwegian viking was a Barbarian to the ppl of France, but the definition of the warrior type and battle style was still a viking. How do one fight like a Barbarian?

    A warrior can be "barbaric" meaning that they are ruthless and brutal, but any warrior type can by that definition be barbaric, even a mage :o

  11. Were there any changes to blights in 3.0?? Or will this build still work. Thinking of doing a duo with a druid build like this and a ranger, i'd like to have lightning going everywhere.

    Blights still have the immunities. Ranger+druid duo is insanely fun. I've tried it. I used the ranger with stormcaller bow and 8 lore for scrolls. I loved the binding Web scrolls on this duo and I usually pulled with tangling roots. Rangers binding roots is super fun too, 40sec of stuck 5 times per rest makes sum fights a lot easier.

    • Like 1
  12. Hi, all!

    Pretty looking build, very interesting in case of roleplay, but did anybody try this in solo PoTD? What are the basic rules in soloing?

    The key steps, talents, traits in first 5 lvls, for example i have char lvl 3 and stealth lvl 4, and no chances neither to sneak around the Rederick's keep balcony guard, nor ghouls in cewers. And so on.

    I'm so tired to die from very beginning every time, when charged by more then one enemy.

    First lvls is hell on a wizard, cuz bad ACC, bad everything really and very little spells. Scrolls is the way to go on low lvls. Webbing is a great puller, minor missile scrolls for the targets you need to kill. Pick vulnerable shot early. Minor missile scrolls are easy to make, the gem for it is very common, trolls are easy to kite for the creature part and Skaen bone plants you can find in easternwood and towards wardens Lodge in Caed nua. You should be able to get around 4-6 missile scrolls. Coupled with your own per rest spells you will have plenty firepower for act 1. You can get lvl 4 to get enough stealth for raedrics and still have 2lore for the scrolls before doing Caed nua or any hard quests.

    I could write you a detailed description on how to, imo, optimally solo ACT1 because I've done it tons of times now. On all difficultys except easy.

    • Like 1
  13. The Golden Gaze, Curoc's Brand and Gyrd Háewanes Sténes are pretty good on ranger, too: with Driving Flight the proc chance goes up a lot (as it does with blast from the wizard) - and with Outlander's Frenzy + Vicious Aim + Dangerous Implement + Stunning Shots that's a nice combo. It's +74% damage with Stalker's Link+Torc and +30 ACC with Stalker's Link. I find the Golden Gaze to be especially good because Exposing Vulnerabilities is a nice spell and gets triggered often. And the two projectiles often hit different targets with Driving Flight, stunning even more foes with Stunning Shots. Not to speak of interrupts - this implement is one of the best weapons for a ranged interrupt build.

    But all in all a wizard still can do this better I guess. But it's an option if you meet pierce-immune foes or want to have more than two ranged rangers (with Stormcaller & Persistence) in the party...?


    On A fighter i can imagine that all his dmg mods plus Dangerous Implements add up pretty nicely up to 50% - but then I ask myself: why not use a rogue with deathblows for that (+225%)?

    I thought that the wizards blast area was its own attack and didn't proc weapon effects?



    I like to save the Endless Paths for powering up soulbounds. There are large groups of vessels for the Redeemer sword and an entire level of blights. There are even big groups of beetles there. Even the large packs of Xaurips serve for some of the big kill count weapons

    Probably not a bad idea, KDubya, though there are some really nice weapons in there that would be painful to give up on, like the Persistence hunting bow and the saber (Resolution?) that are both found on level 4.


    Honestly, while I like some of the soulbound weapons, I'm not a fan of the soulbound concept itself. I don't like having to go around changing my play style and doing crazy things just for the sake of empowering these weapons. Like having to play the user of The Redeemer in a way to get them knocked out in battle 4-5 times and revived in battle. With my last party, I just about had to play Pallegina, my Redeemer user, without any armor or any other accessories, just to get the enemy to knock her out. (I wouldn't play her naked. Maybe that makes me a prude, but I put her in a set of Valian clothes.) And the thing with having her wear no armor was that offensively, it almost made her more dangerous in a way because she had no recovery penalty, so she was swinging the Redeemer that much more often. For a while, it was easier getting kills than it was trying to get the enemy to please, please, please knock her out so I could revive her.


    And all those kills requirements are a pain too, because IMO it wrecks the team dynamic. Normally, I have my party working as a team, and it doesn't matter who's getting the kills or the damage as long as the enemies are defeated. But with these kill requirements, you have to just about stop the rest of your party from targeting certain enemies just to allow the person with the soulbound weapon to grab the kill. And even then, sometimes, characters will ignore what you tell them to do and attack the wounded character anyways.


    And then when all's said and done, you end up with weapons that are either nearly game imbalancingly OP, like the Redeemer, or you end up with very underwhelming weapons.


    Don't get me wrong. I love The Redeemer. I love the "Holy Avenger"-ish quality of it. The glowy greatsword of power. I just wish that it wasn't quite so OP with its anti-vessels insta-kill ability. Takes a lot of the challenge out if the game, IMO.

    I dunno, maybe my luck was just bad but I found the redeemer quite underwhelming and I was even trying it out on a Barbarian. It didn't proc very often so two handers like Mabecs Morningstar still felt better.

    I'm having similar experience with stormcaller on my ranger right now, it rarely procs but the shock dmg and shock DR reduction makes it worth it. The soulbound mace looks utterly useless. The grey sweeper was decent on barbarian.

    Greenstone staff I haven't tried yet but all in all I'd say that the soulbound weapons aren't OP and are generally worse then durganized unique weapons such as Tallgrass/Persistence/Tidefall/Drawn in spring etc etc

  15. You dont get exactly 40%, however i dont know how it scales - it didnt look like it scaled with int and might (had 20 might and 18 int, it healed >40%, but i think under 60%, bb in 5 mins, testing :D)

    If it works with spelltongue... i know my barb build xD

    My bad, it won't heal more, when it has healed that 40% the "buff" wears off. It won't heal more cuz of spelltongue, my bad! :(

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