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Posts posted by Dorftek

  1. It's very cool. It's not a build I'd use because the game has absolutely no way to deal with the "invis and reset the encounter" cheese, so it makes the game trivial and to me trivial is boring. If I played in a grp I'd use this build cuz then u can't cheese encounters with invis I think, for solo I'd switch the rogue part even if it sucks because ud loose that super accurate alpha shot.


    If obsidian could ever fix the invisibility problem while soloing (was the same BS in the first game) I'd LOVE to play this build.

  2. I managed to get 3 Duskfall swords lol. By playing both sides, then convincing them to have a meeting, tell Valera that I'm not ready yet, run over and kill Ezzali, run back to Valera and tell him I killed her and then tell him I'm ready for the meeting. Ezzali appears at the meeting, alive lol. After they made peace I spoke to Valera and got second sword, then I killed him and got me a third sword hehe.


    Tried to recreate it again on different playthrough but something went wrong somewhere so I couldn't convince Ezzali to have a meeting, might have been because Captain Vilami died during the vault raid.


    Absolutely Berserker subclass. The -5int from confusion is easily dealt with by chewing svef or using Mordryn sword.

    Thanks, didn't think about Svef, tbh I love taking high alchemy the drub bonuses are insane. I'm not sure I want to start again, but damn those zerker bonuses are nice.... Aaaaand of course now I'm tihnking a zerker/nalzpacwhatever monk with high alchemy would be a monster. 



    Yeah i have a Zerker/Junkiemonk and he is indeed a monster :)

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  4. I have always loved evil DoT builds in RPGs, I like ur idea with DoT and HoT stuff with summons to keep the mobs in place while they wither and die. However, in this game as of right now with how little HP the enemies have a monk or a fighter will have already finished painting the battlefield with gib before u have even finished applying all ur DoTs. Hopefully Obsidian will balance this out and if they do I'll play ur build. But without a shield with a quarterstaff instead :)

  5. If you use the beraths blessing to unlock the special merchant he sells a belt that provides +2 Alch and fills ur empty quick slots with potions every encounter. Potions get better with Alchemy too. On my lvl 11 Nalc/Bleak a potion of for example arcane armour gives me +7 armour points.

    Then there's a pair of gloves in Neketaka that provides another +2 Alch and get the Alch training asap for a total of +5 Alch. Every now and then the belt summons one of those skill boosting consumables with good duration for a temporary +2 Alch. Add in resting or hooker bonus and u can have +8 Alch at times.


    Hit to crit conversion potions get ridiculous hehe. Enjoy ur junkie playthrough! ;)

  6. Shattered Pillar is hard to beat. As long as you do damage you get wounds to do more damage. It works great at all levels, not just when money is limitless like the drug monk. Unfortunately the power level nine teleporting kill everything ability is so brokenly powerful that its hard to justify not going single class Shattered Pillar. Plus multis miss out on the power level eight upgrade to Flagellant's Path that knocks enemies up in the air which is pretty fun.


    Another good combo is Bleak Walker/ Berserker. Lots of on kill effects and at level ten you can get rid of the confusion. Also has a few armor increasing abilities that can get you a pretty good armor rating. Plus its a good role playing fit.

    I just like that 50% lash too much :)


    Svef and/or Mordryn sword also gets rid of that confusion. I just can't stop promoting drugs! ;P


    Hellwalker is just about seeing bigger damage numbers, they are viable right now because the difficulty is non existent. Monk in general brings a lot, mostly offensive buffs, but also the best status resistance in the game imo (enlightened agony). Btw Flagellants path = charge, you just get it later. You also have stuff like turning wheel, rooting pain, lightning strikes or swift flurry, raised torment, thunderous blows, etc.

    Alright. So would you recommend Helwalker or Shattered Pillar for a Bleak Walker mukticlass?

    Monk lashes and FoD is insane dmg. I'm gonna recommend drugmonk like I always do. Pillar have less max focus so ud be nerfing ur lash dmg. Helwalker is squishy and u wanted to avoid that. There's so much money in this game that ull never run out of drugs anyway and if u wanna min/max ur DPS wich i assume u do since ur asking on forum there's no reason not to use drugs. Deadeye is amazing with high alchemy (wich is a very easy stat to boost).


    Drugmonk is amazing give it a try

  8. Monk. Anything with monk. But Drugmonk>Shattered all day every day.


    U want Monk for buffs and lashes and u need another for the active attacks.

    I've tried a Berserker/Drugmonk and he is nasty!


    With so many additive dmg boosters around u kinda need lashes.


    Try a streetfighter/drugmonk or berserker/drugmonk on Deadeye drugs with high Alchemy, u won't regret it.

  9. Lvl 11 so far and I'm really glad I tested this out, very fun character with awesome offensive!


    Alltho I was wrong earlier about assassinate triggering on both attacks from stealth I still don't recommend using a two hander because the recovery is too slow and more attacks means more crit rolls. I recommend rapiers for this at this point for speed and extra accuracy.


    Going invisible in combat is not something I recommend soley for backstabbing and assassinate, it's too expensive. It is however a great tool to drop aggro for ur figurine/charms/tank and to quickly take out a dangerous mage or gunner.

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    I would really like to have 1,4s reload time that the tooltip shows but even though it's like that it's still ~3,6s every time.


    Kills the fantasy of pistol/rapier pirate for me.


    I downloaded the rum runners but it's still the same :S



    It's a friggin' muzzle loader, not a revolver with a speed loader!!!


    You're lucky it doesn't take longer.



    If tooltip shows 1,5s I expect it to reload at 1,5s, not at more than double that.


    Also, fireballs and other crap, muzzle loader is the least thing to worry about.


    This is RPG, not a Reloading-simulator



    And yeah I hope there is a fix for this ASAP. First thing I wanted to do in this was a dual pistol guy but was made aware of this bug, until it's fixed I'll have no dual pistol guy =(

  11. Alright I made an Assassin/Skald solo just to try it out. Alltho I had only 2.5h so I didn't get further then to lvl 9 and this is not enough to get Shadowing Beyond and I didn't want to waste a point on smoke veil. So I've lvled doing minimum fighting. The character work decently so far, it's very squishy because I dumped res completely and took 2 points from Con. So I snuck past just about everything on the first isle including the Ghosts and Panters.


    Maxed out both Dex and Per. Even with 21 perception my Accuracy is not very reliable so I'd recommend Alchemy + Deadeye. Also my recovery is really slow after im used to playing Barb/Monk.


    If the Skalds magic work with deathblows later on, like scrolls did in the first game it would be worth multiclassing with the rogue. Otherwise I'd strongly recommend monk for their very high INT boost, recovery speed and lashes.

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  12. No they need to fix the broken abilities. They need to tune certain gear better. They need to take a serious look at empowering on AoE spells/Attacks. They also need to give encounters better tools to screw you over. You should have to be afraid of enemy mages. You should definitely need to be afraid of enemy dragons!

    Stacking armour is too strong and too easy. Same with deflection I've heard.


    They need to have a serious look at the classes. Maybe Paladins Deep Faith is tad too strong? Maybe Rapid recovery is a tad too strong too? Maybe Cipher spell dmg need some buffing?

    What about the insane passive lashes on the monk? Etc etc etc.


    A Troubadour can stay in stealth all day long safe from enemy fire spamming summons quicker then the enemy can kill em.


    Rogues stealth need to NOT break combat and should be disabled if u move too far away from the enemy and the enemy need a longer aggro leash. As of right now a rogue can stealth in,kill one guy and then teleport away and go invisible then enter stealth to deactivate the encounter and repeat the process.


    Paladin Death save should imo only work once per encounter.


    Procs should absolutely not trigger additional procs. Cleave and swift flurry will still be very very strong.


    I cannot comment on Druids or priests cuz I haven't tried them and I haven't seen any videos proving them broken OP yet.


    What about two handed weapons vs dual wield? I always DW for obvious reasons.

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    Paladin chanter and "rogue" better then anyone else? Come on rogue DO NOT belong on that list. Fighter, monk and wizard do but I guess u forgot about them?


    Rogues definitely are not better at anything other than the initial opening attack. Otherwise, once the fighting has ensued, their overall contribution significantly drops, despite still being able to do more damage with a single attack than most any other class. They still spend too much time moving around the field to get into the correct position, and they also have to essentially dump all of their points into restealthing.


    Fighters and Monks are two of the best base classes to multiclass with too. Chanters are another class that fit well with multiclassing. In fact, I would actually say they probably fit with just about every class combination. They are also one of the few classes that has very little trouble soloing the game. I wouldn't say they do everything "better" than the other options though, but they are essentially the jack-of-all-trades class of the game.

    Yeah this is what I meant. Rogues resource cost vs efficiency is very very low.


    And as for passives, sneak attack and later Deathnlows? I'd trade those for monks 50%+25% lashes any day of the week. I'm not even gonna bother bringing up swift flurry or cleave stance. Oops I guess I just did..



    Paladin chanter and "rogue" better then anyone else? Come on rogue DO NOT belong on that list. Fighter, monk and wizard do but I guess u forgot about them?

    Funniest joke I heard today, yesterday it was a thread that claiming chanter is incredibly underwhelmed ;)
    Yeah, probably the most versatile class in the game and super broken when they get the Brilliant inspiration.


    I guess a rogue with a chanter buddy refilling his resources so he can click killing blow forever Rogue might be OP. But that's because of the Chanter ;P

  14. You don't have to be popping in and out of stealth constantly to play an assassin, in fact that will eat your resources rapidly.


    I play a solo Assassin/Bleakwalker and i stealth in and take out a high priority target then I fight pretty much normally with affliction+FoD otherwise I won't have enough rogue resources for the rest of the fight. Hobbling strike + FoD is the most cost efficient.


    I'd not go two hander just for backstabbing. Assassinate still work on both weapons while DWing and that's almost a guaranteed x2 crit with the first swing being a backstab as well. With a Skald and some RNG love that's possibly 2 phrases instantly. I actually like the idea to assassinate someone and then xplode him. Just run two chant buffs and ur good right?


    U might wanna invest heavily into Alchemy and use Deadeye so ur Skalds invocations hit.


    I'm gonna try this when I get home from work.

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