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Posts posted by Dorftek

  1. What? Really? I didn't know that. Thanks for the info. How exactly does it work? Will you get more than 40% health out of it then?

    I'm going to have to test that, just fought that fampyr bounty in sewers solo on the Barb and tested it there but it was a bad spot for testing cuz of all the charms and debuffs I was struggling harder to keep my endurance up so I eventually had to split the grp in two to kill them.. Not sure where to go and test this. I'll try to find a good spot and get my HP critically low somehow


    But the duration of wound binding went up so I just figured it worked. But I didn't consider the "40%" part

  2. The good thing about Spelltonge is that you can steal attack speed and durations and then switch to a different setup.


    I didn't do a whole solo game with that Leech. But I did some bounties solo just to see how he performs on it's own. Turned out is was doable without pulling and splitting. I just stood in the midst of Nalrend and the Gang and kept hitting. Frenzy, Consecrated Ground, Savage & Stalwart Defiance, Suppress Affliction, Scroll of Defense, potion of Eldrtich Aim: they all didn't wear off and soon all Ogres were dead. I had low health afterwards but didn't go down. So if it still works that way I suppose you can solo with that. The big problem is getting Spelltongue. ;)

    Wound binding works with spelltongue. For long hard AoE battles it's quite nice

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  3. I play on Hard and I've soloed a lot on my PC Barbarian just leaving the other guys at the entrance of the zone.

    Spelltongue weapon, Suras supper plate, Chorus helmet, ring of Overseeing, binding rope, Blaidh Golan Armor, Ryona's Varmbracers.

    I absolutely love this Barbarian because all his defenses are always high and all consumables you use will be prolonged with carnage+spell tongue.

    Blaidh Golan is amazing and can be retrieved early. I'd use this armour on any toon I'd solo on I think.

  4. I once lost my whole party to one Iconic Projetion - it simply hit everyone multiple times - until they were dead, i paused the game and looked hard at the log... looked harder at the log, even harder... used alt+f4 (was an ironman run) and calmed myself down... did something else... started pillars again, deleted the safe and started playing solo runs again.

    Lol I hear ya, getting that in an iron man run, yippie! :)

  5. That's because you seldomly will walk the "optimal" path in terms of encounter difficulty. And at some point, after a certain level and if you have good builds, everything gets supereasy (except dragons of course).

    Yeah true, this is typical RPG when I think about it. As strong as Hiravanis feels now I think I'm going to try a solo Druid playthrough next time I start over, with your sword and board druid build. Unless that would gimp my spiritshift too much.


    Or perhaps a ranger, sigh.. I can never make up my mind!



    Please try a weapon & shield rogue before giving up. With deflection over 80 and higher DR he will not get swarmed anymore and will still do good damage - especially when focusing on crits and using Badgradr's Barricade. You can try it with Rimecutter.


    If this is still lame - go for the fighter. :)

    Ok I'll do it! I just kind of dislike the idea of a Rogue using a shield :p

    But I'll try it!

    Great. Tell me what you think. That shield is awesome for a crit based rogue. :)


    Edit: wow - missed a whole page...sorry. Great you tried! :)

    I did and I'm actually loving it. I just now gave him the soulbound mace to see what it's like fully upgraded :)


    Went down and killed Adra Dragon now and found little savior shield, what a nice find! Gave it to my Barbarian off tank. It also stacks with the paladins Buckler for a total of +10 to all defenses grpwide! :)


    Fun times! BTW can I get more Adra scales somehow?

  7. Hello again, yeah I know I said I was going to sleep but, I had to test this shield rogue that Boeroer asked me to, so I did... And, well, yeah I admit, it's SUPER AWESOME!


    I also picked up Hiravanis instead of my third Barbarian O_o


    I then went to Longwatch for the first time ever where I suddenly stumbled across a cave. I had to explore this cave before I go to sleep I thought. So I went in, took a few steps and WHOAA DRAGON! After being humiliated by the Adra Dragon several times I thought there was no point in trying this one but I thought what the hell, I'll give it a shot. Rogue blinded dragon, Hiravanis permalocked adds with relentless storm, Hiravanis then petrified the dragon and my grp killed him in seconds.. Wtf? Druid OP or what?


    Anyway, I killed a dragon! Yay!


    Goodnight now, for real!


    Please try a weapon & shield rogue before giving up. With deflection over 80 and higher DR he will not get swarmed anymore and will still do good damage - especially when focusing on crits and using Badgradr's Barricade. You can try it with Rimecutter.


    If this is still lame - go for the fighter. :)

    Ok I'll do it! I just kind of dislike the idea of a Rogue using a shield :p

    But I'll try it!

    Respecced my Rogue, used the Mold for another durganized Badgradr's Barricade and gave it to him. 91 deflection right now. I'll try it out tomorrow, time for sleep :)

  9. Im playing Melee rogue MC right now and and he almost never gets attacked and even if he does thats by lesser enemies and he can solo kill a bunch of those , I started with average stats and i havent used any of the "oh **** button" talents like escape or shadowing beyond ( i have cape of the cheat tho and that helps but i mostly use it offensively to jump into back line of enemies and murder them )

    Rogue was kinda weak in act one , and now im sure that in act one only safe choices are reach weapon or ranged weapon most of the time and that is perfectly fine , in act 1 blocking door is main tactic anyway . As soon as u get to defiance bay( lvl 4) u can make ur melee rogue beast .

    Using Dagger and Rapier with Speeed , Outlanders Frenzy and Dual Wield talent u can have 0 recovery at lvl 4 , but u should use some kind of armor ( eders second chance works just fine and ur recovery is still very short with Outlanders Frenzy up , i would never go beyond scale tho more than 35% recovey penalty is simply too much with rogue and 2-3 more DR wont save u ) , passing some time in stronghold untill thief visitor arives for cape of the cheat is good choice also ( this is not stronghold adventure its stronghold visitor and those can come by while simply passing time ) , with these items and a fighter tank who has 4-5 engagement slots and one more melee body ( paladin/barb/monk/rangers bear etc ) ur rogue should never have trouble being swarmed by enemies , although its worth mentioning that u must wait at start of the combat for your team to grab agro , and only then move into melee range , use outlanders frenzy and kill everyone , i usually wait for melee enemies to swarm my tanks and then use cape of the cheat to teleport into backline where enemy casters are . Its good to have some casters in your team who can crowd control from range ( cipher is rogues best friend ) in case your rogue gets in trouble , u should never try to out heal that trouble better to crowd control it so ur rogue can either kill it or run away , but this Should not happen often , and when it does Second Chance armor/ring should bring u right back up , and it gets easier and easier to play melee rogue with more levels and items

    Yeah this used to work good for me too. Played a stunlocker dual wield Rogue for backline killing. Played that guy up until lvl 10 and it worked fine. In white March on this new Rogue it was a different story. Mobs are too fast. :/

  10. Please try a weapon & shield rogue before giving up. With deflection over 80 and higher DR he will not get swarmed anymore and will still do good damage - especially when focusing on crits and using Badgradr's Barricade. You can try it with Rimecutter.


    If this is still lame - go for the fighter. :)

    Ok I'll do it! I just kind of dislike the idea of a Rogue using a shield :p

    But I'll try it!



    My Rogue is now wearing double Rimecutter and gloves of Swift Action. My recovery is still quite big, does the durgan steel make that much difference? Do I use the steel on armour or weapons?

    Do you have TwoWeaponStyle talent? And what kind of armor do you wear?

    I was wearing -45 armour, replaced it with a -25 armour. Durganized the Rimecutters and used the gauntlets. My attack speed was awesome then, however, I'm starting to think that a dual wield Rogue is just bad because no matter what I do enemies just swarm him as soon as he gets out of stealth no matter how long I wait before sending him in. I ran several tests against a bunch of ice trolls using first a fighter tank and then a Barbarian tank. The fact that the barbarian was constantly damaging them didn't bother them at all, they just went straight for my Rogue once the Rogue started hacking.


    Bad aggro mechanics makes the dual wield Rogue way to risky to use in the late game :(


    I'll try and replace him with a "glass Cannon" inspired fighter instead.


    The mold gives you the exact copy of what you put in. So yes - all enchantments will also be copied.


    You don't need Pilferer's Grip. I think it still doesn't stack with durgan reinforced armor.


    With two durganized Rimecutters and Two Weapon Style and Outlander's Frenzy you will have 1.15*1.15*1.2*1.2*1.25 = 2.58. Enough to use Vulnerable Attack and a durganized plate and still have no recovery. You could use Pilferer's Grip and skip durgan stell on the armor. You will have a tiny bit of recovery (0.2). I don't think anyone could notice the difference to 0 recovery.


    With Gauntlets of Swift Action you could skip Outlander's Frenzy and have a little recovery - but you wouldn't have to cast anything. Your attack speed would be permamently fast. I think I would do that. Frenzy can be a bit annoying because of that concealment.

    I can't find those gauntlets, never have :(

    Woot! Just found em inside Durgans battery

  13. The mold gives you the exact copy of what you put in. So yes - all enchantments will also be copied.


    You don't need Pilferer's Grip. I think it still doesn't stack with durgan reinforced armor.


    With two durganized Rimecutters and Two Weapon Style and Outlander's Frenzy you will have 1.15*1.15*1.2*1.2*1.25 = 2.58. Enough to use Vulnerable Attack and a durganized plate and still have no recovery. You could use Pilferer's Grip and skip durgan stell on the armor. You will have a tiny bit of recovery (0.2). I don't think anyone could notice the difference to 0 recovery.


    With Gauntlets of Swift Action you could skip Outlander's Frenzy and have a little recovery - but you wouldn't have to cast anything. Your attack speed would be permamently fast. I think I would do that. Frenzy can be a bit annoying because of that concealment.

    I can't find those gauntlets, never have :(

  14. Yes I received another Rimecutter from him aswell so won't have to use the mold on it :)


    Question: if you use durgan steel on say an armour and then use the mold, will the molded one also be durganized?


    With Pilfters grip, two weapon fighting and durgan steel can I get zero recovery on a -50 recovery armour?

  15. She's immuned to half of the game's status including all that nasty mind-control.

    I doubt you could ever find an armor with an enchantement on par with this.


    But it's right her stats are weird.

    Does someone know which stats were buffed for 3.02 ?

    (as it was listed she gets buffed.)

    Too bad I sacrified her to Skaen and I can't check now :devil:

    Yes but that comes with the drawback of not being able to use any consumables. I suppose if u wanted to build a tanky Rogue she'd be perfect.

  16. Hey guys, I have a dilemma. I'm going to add a Rogue to my lvl 12 party and I have too many good weapons in my stash :(


    I have Rimecutter, Bittercut, Dawn in spring and many more awesome alternatives. Cleared endless paths all the way down to Adra Dragon, who humiliated me, several times :(


    I'm still in ACT2 as ive read that I cannot do the xpansion if I enter ACT3 so I don't know wich weapons will await me in ACT3.


    So what weapons would u use for Rogue dps? I'm willing to spend the helwax mold on the Rogue unless anyone of u guys know a better use for it. My grp is all melee.


    Also, should I create a lvl 11 merc Rogue or should I use the Devil of caroq (whom I don't know how to find)?

  17. I love my barbarians! Currently running Barb-Tidefall, Barb-St Rumbalt, Barb-Tall grass and a paladin to support them. They mow through mobs like they are nothing, creating walls of mobs prone on the ground! Never had this much fun in endless paths before!

    Thinking about adding a cipher to put "Flanked" on mobs and get the +dmg against flanked resting bonus for them.


    What does that unique Morningstar u listed do and where do I get it?

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