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Everything posted by Skladzien

  1. That's why my first walkthrough was on normal, despite fact that i am veteran of IE games. My first cRPG was Baldur's Gate and then whole te series of games on IE, but alotof mechanics is changed since them so first playthrough was to find them and understand how they work. later it only comes easier to increase difficulty. Maybe next playthrough (i have to check druid still) will be on PotD (despite fact that i already have TCS achievement - but rogue speedrun is not what i liked the most :-P - yeah getting TCS took me 3,5h).
  2. Thank You. I always thought that i can upgrade enchants, but not downgrade them. Have no idea why )
  3. Savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gv7eesngru8oopu/402799d7f9274aff977f34400098b3aa%2013512683%20WielkaSala.savegame?dl=0 output_log.txt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7z8tr5avb3qd4jq/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. It seems that This still occurs. Free slots are not the problems. It seems that game do not recognise enchantment type. New Screenshot. Same armor, with 14 slots (5of them are free)and still no possibility of upgrade (
  5. I just hate how gamers talk about challenge when reload is the lamest mechanic ever. I pretty much never play above normal on any game but always with ironman rules. So much more fun and immersive. Then the forum is full of people saying POTD is to easy. Ofc they have reloaded a hundred times. So lame. Even if you only have 1% chance to win if you can do it endlessly you might as well have every cheat in the world. Why so aggresive? For me more cheating is going in non-expert mode, but i get that it is just mine feeling and I do not call everybody else cheaters just because they can hurl spells wherever they want (I avoid all kind of AoEs that can hurt my team), and because they have maim(which for me is much closer to immortality mode than having to reload last save when someone get killed).
  6. Right, sorry. I added Third option ;-)
  7. Hi. After finishing game few times (Normal -> Hard ->PotD -> TCS -> Hard Expert) i can fully responsible and thrutfuly say that Hard with Expert mode is my favourite one. Battle are challenging but if worked properly don't require dozens of reloads in hope for a glitch (in PotD especially Wraiths and Pwgra sometimes do), and Expert mode is better than having full of tips about enemy listed. This one feels the closest to playing with reasonable GM some PnP game. Trial of Iron is not fun as sometimes You just don't expect something (like a glitch, fps drop or anything), and You can have to restart whole game not becaue u played wrong but because of something impossible to predict. Andasi said before PotD sometimes feels just unrealistic (being stunlocked in Lle a Rhemen...). I have a question to You all. What is Your favourite difficulty setting, and do You use any "difficulty increasing" option (second poll allow multiple choices). Edit: Story Time difficulty has been added to Poll.
  8. Thanx. Didn't noticed that last time - probably i was not enchnating "maxed" items.
  9. I always keep all "yellows" for later and instead using them or hiding in a stash i sell them all to "general trader" in Caed Nua.
  10. I Have Pass on GoG so i would play it on 17th ( (i amin GMT+1 Time zone) it will be released at 8 PM for my time zone - too late to download it, and try it -anyways i wonder how it will be put into plot. I still didn't go through first part (just finished Woedica temple and received Letter).
  11. Some time ago i was able to re-enchant stronger enchant of the same type in armor (e.g. Change Endurance+1 for Endurance+2) so it was possible to have same armor upgraded when leveling up. Suddenly i can not do this. I have 'Hand and Key' Armor, with Endurance+1 enchantment with 9/12 enchantment capacity taken, Endurance+2 should change 2capacity into 4capacity so it should be possible to make this reenchant, but it is not.
  12. What time zone is their office? I want to count what time in my country would it be ;-)
  13. It is true that a lot of hats look cheesy, i only use Hoods (sad that there is only one Footpad) and sometimes Stag Helms (mainly on druid/hunter). If there was possibility tomove enchantments and enchant helmets i could still use hoods but with nice enchantments (like +2 Intellect from Ram Helmet).
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