Hi. After finishing game few times (Normal -> Hard ->PotD -> TCS -> Hard Expert) i can fully responsible and thrutfuly say that Hard with Expert mode is my favourite one. Battle are challenging but if worked properly don't require dozens of reloads in hope for a glitch (in PotD especially Wraiths and Pwgra sometimes do), and Expert mode is better than having full of tips about enemy listed. This one feels the closest to playing with reasonable GM some PnP game. Trial of Iron is not fun as sometimes You just don't expect something (like a glitch, fps drop or anything), and You can have to restart whole game not becaue u played wrong but because of something impossible to predict. Andasi said before PotD sometimes feels just unrealistic (being stunlocked in Lle a Rhemen...).
I have a question to You all. What is Your favourite difficulty setting, and do You use any "difficulty increasing" option (second poll allow multiple choices).
Edit: Story Time difficulty has been added to Poll.