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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Same here. I like to keep it "secret" but this could be an option.
  2. You made my day because I am told I rarely make sense! You can play the game almost exactly how you play it in the physical version. If you buy the season pass or just buy everything individually, it'll function how you expect it to. Once you get to Adventure Deck 1 the cards from Adventure Deck 1 get added into you vault. Once you get to Adventure Deck 2 the cards from Adventure Deck 2 get added to your vault (box in the physical version). The cards from the chests add in some variety and let you play with new cards not found in the RotR. I have a feeling they will come in especially handy on Harder Difficulties and during Quest mode. They are however completely optional. You can play through the RotR normal campaign and not need to buy any chests. We'll have more info for you guys on chests in the near future! I hope this helped clear some things up though. Can you turn those extra cards on and off, if you like? Lets say that you buy them, and then decide that you want to play without them.
  3. "Backwards to American standards. To the best of my knowledge, day/month/year is the norm in Europe and the like (and, in my humble opinion, makes more sense)." Well day/month/year definitely, but I think that it would be best to put those according the user setting and/or country checking.
  4. Yes, more gradual option would be nice! It gives player more options without making the game or programming any more complex!
  5. It still seams to be cheap for the whole game. When X-com 2 cost 60$ this is a bargain. But maybe some cheaper Bundless that don't have everything that is in season pass. So more options what to buy?
  6. Hmmm... Is it not the Purpose of this game to make Profit? The 25$ season pass seams to me very reasonable. If someone does not want to pay anything, They can grind if They want to. There may be some tinkering to the relative Prises, but would it be ok if the new adventure Path would much more expensive to compensate cheaper characters... I am not so sure of that.
  7. Hmmm... In the real game you can not pass to accuire the boon. Not at least any more. You can use your worst skill if you want, but you have to try (not to get the boon)...
  8. Well this open up what program developing is. It Also show that the next two weeks Are needed fully to get this game to work properly or at least allmost properly. I am guite sure that we will brake it when we get the official release in our Hands ) But that is just normal in Computer world. I am quite happy that we Are allowed to follow the development of this game! Good Luck and happy debugging! And hopefully not too Many game braking bugs during the last weeks!
  9. I Also did like the article. It was wery spesific about the difference of this game vs the tabletop version. Hope to see more like this in near future!
  10. New article about the game difficulty http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5likm?Obsidian-Gets-Difficult#discuss
  11. Well, now the team really is in hurry, if They Are gonna release newsletter before the game release... ;-) Maybe we get newsletter after the release of the game! ) Well, it does not actually matter.
  12. A video preview about Patfinder adventures
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  13. If there will be class decks, They Are selling the class deck mechanicks to the game. virtual cards are virtual cards, They don't have subtance, but the mechanics of using class decks has to be programmed separately, and They can Profit by selling "different" packs based on that mechanics. But yep, we don't know if there will be those or not. What that would allow, would be online games between different peoples around the world. Like real class decks allows now you to play same character in different Gaming groups. It would be like morpg, but with cards. And I can see how that could be were profitable and fun too! But there is not online game, in the Beginning, so we have wait and see how They handle the online Gaming. Most propably, if there will be class decks or similar, They Are not part of the season pass. Or that there will be separate season pass or pay monthly system for that, like in many real online role playing games, or subsgription like there Are class decks by Paizo. All in all the online game will be its own kind of beast, compared to pass and play, that we will get in the Beginning.
  14. We Also have to remember that there Are other purchaceable things than adventure packs. We have 6 adventure packs Character upgrade pack Maybe some promos Maybe something else, so the total cost will be higher than 30 $, but the season pass will affect Also that. Ans there is that system that allows you to get something just by playing can reduce the total too. All in all this seems to be cheaper than I personally expected. Season pass can be anything between 20-40$ depending on what you can buy separately, 25-35$ seems more likely though. But if season pass includes class decks... Well... How Many we allready have them 20? And if each of them in the same 5 $ then the season pass can be much more expensive. Though then there would be more content also. This is not the same, but for Example Elite dangerous season pass is something like 200$ and the bace game 40-50$. But the season pass includes all future releases than can cost easily 350-500$ is sold separately. So 150-300$ discount. It all is so relative...
  15. IPad mini is quite near iPad2 so it should be possible at least. But slow like a iPad 2 too...iPad mini 3 and 4 will definitely be just fine!
  16. I don't suppose that the reason is bad Mugumbo ;-) I expect that there is a quite small team in this project? And/or these peoples has other diversions also. I like screenshots like every man, but the small introductions like http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5li9h?Whats-New-With-Obsidians-Adventure-Card-Game#discuss gives a quite a lot of information about the game, so there is not much more that the developers can say or show. They definitely want to keep some secrets and surprises nearer the release. We enthusiast will buy the game in anyway. Normal customer needs advertising, so they are saving best part very near the release of the game, so that they can get as many people as possible to get interested in about this game. The competition in the mobile aps is strong, so they want to have all the guns they can have. If they give up too much now, normal customer will get bored and forget this game less that a week. And Obsidian definitely don't want that to happen! Have patience my friends! It will come, eventually. Maybe we even get some newsletter(s) before the release day )
  17. In one song they say. "You will be ill untill ready to my bill" ) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BBdKZf77hjw
  18. The one good thing about this game is that it is against a system. You don't "teach" the computer to be a good card player (very difficult task). So there is no need to make an AI that can play well. You only have to have a good program that handles different card combinations well, and offer a good user interface to card game. And that can be done reasonable well. So I expect this one to be a great version of original. Other good candidate that would work well would be Lord of the Rings lcg, because of the same reasons. You don't have to replace human player, you only have to program the same system that you confront in the real game. Many games where computer control an opponent are bad because computer can not learn new tricks, when you learn how the computer plays, you can beat it. In games like Pathfinder adventure card game you don't need to do that, and that is why they can become really good computerized versions!
  19. They Say: "Additional adventure decks will be available for purchase at launch, and regular intervals thereafter." So it seem that some adventure packs are ready in the beginning, and some will be released later. I think that they follow quite promptly how fast people play and how willing they are to buy the next adventure pack. And based on that data they will manage their release time table. If there is not enough to play, people move to other games. If they release packs too often, some people may consider that the game is too expensive and stop buying expansions. But most probably the release is faster than one release in a month. Only reason for one release in a month would be that one adventure pack would cost 19.99$ like the real thing. 19.99$ could be easier to swallow, if you have to pay it only once a month...
  20. "From the heart-of-gold mercenary on an eternal quest for the next drink to the intensely serious Cleric of Sarenrae, to the always optimistic and sharp-tongued Halfling bard" This is form Obsidian Pathfinder Adveturer page, so this would suggest Valeris, Kyra and Lem. But your ques is as good as mine ;-) It is always also possible that all characters are available from the beginning. So you don't have to start from the beginning, when you buy adventure level 1 upgrade pack. I am almost sure that all normal and Add on characters are available in the tutorial set! But do we get Character class set heroes later... Maybe, because they do mention add ons in their home pages. It can also mean something else, but what else it could be? The next interesting this is, Do we get season of Rune Lords to the Pathfinder adventurers as an buy able expansion? Even more interesting is, do we get other pathfinder games also and if we can use our Class deck add on cards also in those adventurers... But that may depends on a lot of how well this system will sell. And if the Rise of the Runelord is the only adventure that will be released, those Class deck upgrades are not so usefull... But I really hope that we will see Season of Rune Lords because it will use a lot of the same cards than the base game, and it would give a good use for those Class decks, if they are released.
  21. Good to know that pass-and-play is ready from the start! It allows us to use any size of companion we want. I think that I will most likely play with two characters. It allows reasonable skill pool without making the game too complex. I will definitely try 3 and 4 heroes also. But two is my personal preferret Number in this game. This is really starting to look very promising!
  22. Old screen shots of the game did have all the characters from the RotR including the add on pack. Hmm... So the obsidian has already been testing the multiplayer version. Does it mean that pass-and-play version is coming at the same time as solo version? If so the situation is good indeed. Makes the game much easier. But from what I have read from Paizo blog, not all of the heroes are available in the free tutorial part. "From the heart-of-gold mercenary on an eternal quest for the next drink to the intensely serious Cleric of Sarenrae, to the always optimistic and sharp-tongued Halfling bard" This is form Obsidian page, so this would suggest Valeris, Kyra and Lem. All guite good solo characters. So maybe the tutorial is pure solo? So many possibilities! So few clues...
  23. Have anyone been thinking that you most probably can only do solo in the beginning, so only one character is allowed. It makes some characters preferred, until the multi player option will come to the game. It is ok, but I hope that they consider this when they think what heroes are in the starting set. Kyra is reasonable good for solo gaming. Valeros will have really hard time when closing some locations, even though it is very hard to kill him. Ezren can be really bad in solo game. No blessing, so location closing is almost impossible with him. So any hopes, or estimations what heroes are best for pure solo experience for digital version? I am quite sure that non Pathfinder player can be very frustrated when trying to close location that requires 8 and you have d4... Or even a barrier that requires 12 and you have d4 to defeat it and that stays in the location. It is very important that those characters that are in are suitable for solo playing. When the multiplayer expansion will come later, the situation is somewhat different of course!
  24. There is quite many possibilities to character add on. It may be also that every character has to be bought separately. If there is only one or two character in the basic set, with 3 introduction scenarios. It may be enough for trying out what this game is about. And then sell everything else separately The dilution of card pool is good question, but Rice of the Rune Lords is so easy that having diluted basic card pool is maybe just a good thing. We also have to think that we have new versions of many cards, so there can be more cards, without having too many of one specific card. I think that there is at least 3 different version of the most basic armors. And most probably there also is many version of for example basic dagger, etc... But my experience from ROTRL is that game is too easy even when the add on deck has been shuffled in, even when using only few characters. But in digital version they can handle this in many ways. They can keep the card pool as it is in board game version (with those digital card variants) http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5li9h?Whats-New-With-Obsidians-Adventure-Card-Game Or they can change the card pool based on how many players there are in the game. Even more interesting thing is how the digital game will handle the character dead. In board game you have to start from the beginning, but are the digital version players used to games that will force you to start from the very beginning every time when you die? Even most computer role gaming games allows some kind of reload form the last saved position start, when everything goes south. I am quite sure that non pathfinder gamer, with get baby cry effect when they would find out that their level 3 character has to start again, from the beginning... So my ques is that we have reload button, when character die in the digital version.
  25. The total cost for the game is always interested in games like this. Is one adventure 4.99$ or 9.99$ or 14.99$ like in the real game? Maybe the adventure level 1-2 are 4.99... 3-4 are 9.99$ and 5-6 are 14.99$... More money from the addict ) But most probably they have not set, the price yet and producers are tweaking the good and bad points for each price. 4.99$ for each adventure would mean total cost 30$ plus the base program. (Where did you get, that it would be free) 9.99$ would mean total cost of 60$ for the game and the cost of base game. This may be possible, but non pathfinder players, may avoid it. putting the cost to 14.99$ like in the real game (total 90$) may keep even some pathfinder players out of this digital version, but not all of them, so it is possible, but maybe not best for big audience. In anyway as it has been said above. Keep it simple!
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