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About Ash

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Yoda was pretty depressed throughout EP V. He didn't want to train Luke, for reasons probably like mentioned: Yoda was afraid for another Vader. When Luke left to confront Vader, Yoda lost all hope. Fortunately Yoda was convinced by Obi-Wan to train Luke. Obi-Wan however I'm not so sure about. I think Obi-Wan saw an opportunity when he met Luke. He sacrificed himself against Vader for a reason - so he could guide Luke towards the way of the Jedi.
  2. Well there's also Bethesda, and I expect things to change for Obsidian with NWN2. Too bad Troika got axed, they had some great ideas.
  3. Ehm Darth Vader is one of the most powerful characters ever in the Star Wars universe, second only to the Emperor. Anakin Skywalker had a lot of potential powerwise (he was prophesized to bring balance to the Force, that's gotta amount to something) and as Darth Vader he murdered many Jedi. Not to mention he waxed the emperor at the end of ep VI. I think we can safely say Vader would've wiped the floor with the chinless wonder...
  4. Who? I always played as a male so I never got him.
  5. Lightside. Darkside in games means that you're just another brute bully. Now if there was a way to play a more controlled, subtle darkside...
  6. The only must-have for K3 is Revan IMO. Bastila, Mission and Carth should also make a return, along with Canderous and HK-47. I'd say Jolee too, but he's probably in some Jedi retirement home by then.
  7. Apart from Revan and to a lesser extent the Exile, I'd say Malek, Carth, Bastila, Canderous, Atton, Kreia and funnily enough Bao-Dur. The latter doesn't say much but when he talks about the past its kinda...realistic. The best one though is Revan, obviously, despite the whole 'lost my memory and turned out to be the world's greatest villain' clich
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