i think he was in deadly earenst. after all, the voice acting for Aribeth in the original NWN was the stuff of legend.
i hope she got more work after that.
I <3 Stardock too...
EDIT: And I just bought another one of their products today -The Politocal Machine 2008-, one of the few compenies I will actualy buy games from WITHOUT checking what ****ty DRM scam will need to be removed delt with to enjoy the game.
Also, thanks for the mod tip Musopticon? - I had not tried that yet and am now downloading it. As for M:TW 2, I think it should be playable on the system you posted, albeit at lower settings.
So there were some standard fetch-the-"X, Y, and Zed" quests involved, amazing. Also, you did not have to "deal with the refugees" if you did not want to, there that much to "explore," and I can only remember ONE "Sith patrols" that was not DEAD.
O RLY? And where exactly did you come across that definition of "debate"? I was under the impression that it meant something like "a contention by words or arguments" or "to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments."