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Everything posted by SZJX

  1. I'm thinking the exact opposite. After such a long quest about how to deal with the Hollowborn issue it seems only Hylea talks about an actual remedy. When you were talking with the gods how can you be sure that the souls are corrupted and abnormal after all. That's other gods' trickery words. They're just trapped there. Maybe some of them such as wichts cannot be saved, but there are still many hollowborns out there who are kept by parents and hoping for remedy, and even some children who are not born at all such as the case about the woman you helped in Gilded Vile. And after all they'll still go back to the Wheel in the end, what's wrong. Every other god looked like a coldblooded d*** and only Hylea was at least a bit humane. I'm not passing on any moral judgment or whatsoever, games are exactly designed for you to do whatever you want, but I'm at least glad that there's a more humane and benevolent god out there among all those whimsical, scheming and cruel ones. To think that a whole bunch of people would be following Rymrgand/Skaen and treat wrecking havoc/destruction as their aim in life, that'll be quite insane. Anyways glad to see most people here realizing the clear deficiencies in OP's line of thought and recognizing Hylea's idea as a good one. Play less CoD and have some soul!
  2. Seems that whenever you choose "lie" in PoE it's always a permanent action and cannot just serve as a temporary conversational tool. This is not how things usually work in real life. For example in Something Secret the "lie" option permanently ends the possibility to give the dagger to Gordy, which doesn't make sense. What if I just wanted to first make sure that he really had some valuable secret worthy of all the troubles of getting the dagger? Then after I verified the authenticity of the "secret", I shall still hold up my end of the bargain and get the dagger for him, which sadly is not possible here. I forgot to save before triggering this event and the outcome made me quite distraught. Another example would be that in "Lord of a Barren Land" I lied to Osrya and claimed that I was sent by Lord Raedric to check on her work only to get more information from her. After that I should still have an option to decide to attack her instead of having to force attack her manually.
  3. I thought Durnace is super supportive of the opporession against Eothas worshippers, and he even helped blow up Waidwen himself. Why would he just gladly fight along with PC to kill Raedric without a word, whose ideologies seem largely in line with his? It just doesn't make much sense to me.
  4. I think Raedric can very well worship Berith and there's nothing wrong it as a last resort when he doesn't understand the true cause, but the problem is what's the point of killing those who're worshipping Eothas and banishing "all mothers of Hollowborn"(i.e. believing they're all wicked Eothas worshippers). That's just nonsense and illogical. At most I'd say it's lackluster writing/excuse for creating a tyrant figure so there's no sympathy for him and he probably deserves to die, not knowing what's going to happen afterwards. There's no denying that Kolsc might be a mediocre leader but it doesn't seem he will do any cruelty from all the clues gathered up till that point. It's like choosing the lesser evil even though it might mean choosing a mediocre one.
  5. what I mean is "unticking the cage cursor option and then ticking it again" as suggested in some posts
  6. I've seen a couple of posts back in March about cage cursor not working with dual monitors. Unfortunately it seems to still be the case on my OS X 10.10, steam version of Pillars of Eternity? I can still scroll past screen edge, and "unticking it and then ticking it again" didn't help.
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