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About Kilburn

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  1. D20 doesn't offer enough granularity maybe is the biggest problem. BG2 was great for its time. If i tried playing it now i'm not so sure.
  2. This is basically it. Like I said there is a good game in there somewhere, having to stick to D&D is what wrecked it IMO. If they did it with only 1 quarter of pillars 2 budget that is actually fairly impressive. It really showcases how bad those old D&D 3rd edition rules were. If they had more freedom to do their own thing instead of using that rule set it probably would be have been much better. deadfire's rule set is the future and I can imagine a blend of kingmaker and deadfire would be pretty darn good.
  3. I have no idea. Just throwing it out there. Maybe a dungeon crawl game like icewind dale. maybe raise the level cap with some new abilities like BG2 Xpac. whatever they want to do that would be cost efficient.
  4. x2 on that I tried DOS 1 briefly. What the hell is that? My god. different strokes i guess. Im a bit surprised those games sell so well.
  5. They should make more games IMO. So much effort in making all this infrastructure, seems a shame not to milk it a little. Look at how long they milked infinity engine. Pillars 2 combat system is miles ahead of pillars 1. They should just make the new ones more low budget, add a bunch of new kits, maybe a new class some new monsters is all you need. Get rid of anything that would be a time sink, ship combat, complicated reputation system, etc. which doesn't add any value to the core of the game play anyways IMO.
  6. Has anyone found a build capable of soloing and actually doing most of the combat? Thief can do it but only by breaking engagement all the time which seems pretty cheesy. Deflection doesn't seem to help enough. I'm over 100 deflection at level 8 but when the enemies gang up it makes no difference.
  7. yup you're right. The encounter is resetting and combat is trying to end. It is inconsistent.
  8. I reloaded the map and it seems to be working now. odd, not sure what would cause that.
  9. This must have been changed in the newest patch. I can no longer attack from smoke veil to trigger backstab and assassinate. GG that pretty much ruins the assassin which sucked to start with but this used to be a fun tactic at least. The veil lasts for 6 seconds with my INT but the character now refuses to attack from it. He just stands there for all 6 seconds.
  10. bravo obsidian, compared to kingmaker, the deadfire devs have godlike genius intellect. I cant believe what a save scummy broken pile of garbage kingmaker is. Too bad because somewhere in there it feels like there's a decent game hiding.
  11. it makes sense. i didn't know finishing quests changed disposition. I thought it was only tied to the chat options. I just swapped the documents then talked to the guy, wasn't really paying attention. There's probably a more evil way to complete it.
  12. I really hate most of these NPCs. There should be a place where you can throw aloth off your ship into piranha waters. Xoti too since i can't say anything shady without her blowing a gasket.
  13. I think it was because I helped that huana guy outside the trading company get his land back. ****. and i cant reload because it's iron man.
  14. Yes my bleakwalker is now tainted by benevolence. It's terrible. What is this pathfinder game everyone is talking about. I will need to check it out.
  15. Another bug that maybe isn't actually a bug but i really hate it. You're going to backstab and at the last second your target moves ever so slightly which completely negates the attack but your character still swings and you pop out of stealth. I think if your character shows the swing the attack should get to roll. The backstab should lock in like engagement.
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