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Everything posted by s13ep

  1. I always find his posts interesting, granted they may be enigmatic and sometimes esoteric but they always make me think Now to answer the question, I have been active in the gay scene for 15 years. I support events like Gay Pride and have gay friends. i have studied homosexuality and this is my view I have never known any gay person to truly become heteorsexual, I have seen gay people have to pretend to be straight but they always gay The Apartheid government attempted to do exactly what you suggesting.,...make homosexuals become heteorsexuals. They failed ....please read this appallinhg but true article http://www.bmj.com/content/329/7480/1415 There is no need to want to become heteorsexual, why would you want to change who you are? Thanks... TO CON: His argument: A (pure-)homosexual cannot force an erection for a female! My argument: "I beg to differ". 1. A (pure-)homosexual cannot force an erection for a female! 2. cannot force an erection for a female! 3. A human cannot be attracted to that which it doesn't feel attraction for. In theory, an erection is, a step ahead. You can't, force, an erection to come naturally, for what you're not attracted to, but carefully, you may, metaphorically, tune it. Con, thinks, but cannot confirm, that a purely homosexual male cannot become heterosexual. I disagree... A purely homosexual man, wants, male on male sexual intercourse, or a, type of, life, with a male; want, is determined by what's available! Scenario: What's available is a bunch of males and a bunch of females; and you don't want the females; you want the males. Want, is a choice, between one or the other - the females are definitely an option. You're not attracted to females, in the same way as you're not attracted to eating a certain food; either because of nature, or nurture. I argue, homosexuality is nurture, and refer Con to the original post to contest what I've said instead of inanely voicing an opinion that's relevance to victory of this argument is nil (I almost fell asleep).
  2. Why oh why, Tale? Why did you bring this curse upon me? What's next, your signature victory pose? More words? ..... No...
  3. You didn't seriously just... disrespect... everything I've ever done... even birth? You win.
  4. Can a homosexual, become heterosexual? I think it's possible. I assert homosexuality is not genetic, but mental; that homosexuality, is an abstraction of 'human competitive nature'. Boys will be boys... "There is a woman, long lost, in every homosexual man's imagination". 'Human competitive nature' spans from small-scale to large-scale; for example, simple games, and then, war... The abstraction of, this nature, can be abstruse. The long lost woman of the homosexual man's imagination, is hard to keep track of. A homosexual man may find comfort in pure-homosexuality (where there is no alternative); he may endure a life, and sexual life, without woman. Further on 'human competitive nature' and how it links to homosexuality... Life is largely about love, and humans will compete for love... Sometimes a lifestyle, is preferred, over choice of partner. If your desired lifestyle is deemed out of reach, you will opt for an alternative. Sometimes, we prefer choice of partner. Competition surrounding lifestyle, and choice of partner, is often harsh; and good competition is scarce, these days... Restrictions on lifestyle, or choice of partner (law, social systems, etc) have a great effect on a man's mind. To conclude, it's okay to be gay but, why, if you can have a woman?
  5. s13ep


    You cared enough to reply. And you cared enough to tell Hurlshot he cared enough yet you also have no interest in this thread yet Hurlshot clearly is someone you care about .....well enough for you to pretend to care about this thread We give Hurlshot a pass for this because he normally really puts effort into tolerance and not being bias in the USA....so in fact he really cares. Found you.
  6. s13ep


    Is this in reference to all my threads or just Dragonfly? In any case, I wasn't intending to attract the views of the struggling solipsistic!
  7. Self-censorship is the worst kind of censorship. am pretty sure that inability to self-censor is symptomatic o' mental illness. just sayin'. HA! Good Fun! is a coward, as experienced in my other threads where he claims, "incomprehensible", with no evidence or reasoning. When his signature, "incomprehensible", is pitted against any of my thread, the word itself is incomprehensible. You almost misunderstood this paragraph because of , the mental screamer. Minotaurs, such as , censor good, intellectually-stimulating topics, for no reason other than egoism. (Minotaur reference; will come to a thread sometimes and trap you in contest with his/.her mind; with , there is no contest).
  8. I'd be willing to do that, Orsovir said something about that the last time he ppsted some weird ****. But I'm honestly curious to how Pokemon is an "African/Asian Sexual Fantasy" and how teenage wrestlers fit into this. Did I wake up in Ancapistan or something? I'm honestly curious Did I wake up in Ancapistan or something? (end of curiosity) 1 post 1 ring
  9. s13ep


    06:12, 06:16 06:12 1 The root digit; a point or a circle, not a duet. Black standard – hover. 2 The fount. Opposite, and polar – the line. 3 The minor – triangular. Wit, a tutor of the second – a quiver. 4 Major, or the square: a fix, a gradient – a scale. Skeleton. 5 Minute integer; agent of a quartet. A note on a blank canvas – a pin. 6 Naught. screw. 7 The enigma; corrival for the root digit. Sinister asylum, the lens. 8 Eclipse number. Opulent mien – a lever. 9 Bone – immaturity. The phobia, temper; a nexus. 10 The flux, a cross of hue and tint, multiplied. The perfect blend; the fly. 06:16 2 ( Band (.2). 3 (9) Bezel (.5). 1 (10) Lug (.1). 1 – 8 Hard Problems; axioms of numbers 1 – 8. (3) 1 UNIVERSAL a: Logic, or creativity. description: 0, or 1 2 VIOLENT a: I, student. description: 3/4 3 GENESIS a: I, scholar. description: 1/4 4 CONTINUUM a: Wisdom. description: 4/4 5 CENTRAL CONTINUUM a: Wisdom's end. description: 1/2 6 CONTINUUM END a: -2 description: 2/2 7 ENIGMA a: 1 description: 1 8 ECLIPSE a: description: 0 0 (Red, Blue, Yellow). Green, Yellow (White); Purple, Black, Red, Orange (Beige). Blue, Blue (Blue). (Green, Black). [under construction] RIDDLE: In the time continuum, you can go forward, or backward in time! If you go back in time, you change the future; and when going forward in time, you leave parts of the past unchanged (you're missing). You speak to four characters on your way to the Time Continuum. The first, second and third characters, do not tell you their names; but the fourth character, tells you it's name, 'Time 4', and after, you're in the Time Continuum. Time 4 advises you, "change as little as possible". Question: How do you normalize the Time Continuum?
  10. Good choice of words, immature wrestler teen.
  11. Family Individuals should be isolated from matters which concern family. Family is of the utmost importance, and family is expressed vividly in most Christian texts. Human nature took an awkward turn! Individuality is, at present, thought of as more important than family, individuals are given a voice on matters which concern families. Free speech is not really free, because if I want to speak for my family, I must speak from an individual perspective; therefore I would be speaking for myself. Crisis of Individual-Based Free Speech I was just playing Pokemon Moon; an African / Asian sexual fantasy, with White, and their vibrant personality, in the middle. Secretly, through imagery and sleight, players are taught to be dirty towards Foreigners, from a young age! It hints to Foreigners, on White land, "do what you can ((the younger the better) it's heroism)"; treating white gender systems as exploits. This sort of information is hot, I may end up being diagnosed with an illness! You may run these words through a psychology system, play a bit of Pokemon and prove me insane - it's not going to stop White families appearing weak... Whites, there are so many weaknesses in your system because of pseudo-(individual based)-free speech. ADDITIONAL NOTE: For the forgetful and foolish, the winner takes the spoils in war.
  12. I wanted to give you what you deserved, honestly, but it's abstruse! There are so many conspiracies in the game; you will not be able to sum it up in one sentence. Some houses, for example, will have so many expressions that to contrast them to word would take forever! It's more productive to caption a screenshot. Further, there are many screenshots possible and this is what I mean by 'many conspiracies'. The developers just want to make their mark on the world and humanity, and the original post is their method of doing so!
  13. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the developers conspire against their audience. The canvass of the game has many artistic expressions. Art can refer to reality, and dialogue can be imagined dependent on how art is showcased. The geometry is used advantageously; houses and characters that are placed near to each other, or at different altitudes, create grander art. Some expressions, to be contrasted to words, would take a lengthy explanation. Therefore, we take a broader sense from every expression. That is, the factors in a house make a product, and the product is remembered above the factors. There is no simple answer to the conspiracy of Deus Ex, there are many attempts to conspire throughout the game, either for the developers to promote a greater good, or to be villains.
  14. s13ep


    Words are just a way to express something. Somewhere along the way, it gave an evolutionary advantage being able to communicate with them, so our physique and brains adapted to it. You might as well express yourself with cat pictures, putting your fist in somebody's face or put your body in front of an armoured vehicle to protest something. Ask yourself, if you plan to take a cup out of the cupboard, does your brain hear the words "open cupboard, reach for cup" or do you see a mental image of it happening. Not sure about the answer to be honest, as conscious thought seems to chase the image/words away from your mind. I do know, if someone asks me what I planned to do, it's easier to express in words that I planned on taking a cup out of the cupboard than doing some elaborate, stylistic dance illustrating how a cupboard open and a cup approaches my hand. Edit: wow, Amentep is fast, putting it in less words than me no less You are right, in your own way, but you suppress the potential of wordless thought and communication of wordless creatures... It's not only about these moments where we 'express a point' to each other, and these moments aren't always passive, or friendly. In other words, I think it's erroneous to reduce what's wordless, to how word-processes would appear wordlessly. There is also thought - there is also relationship, there are many aspects of life, that truly are abstracted by words... It's not like the world is free of word and we can choose when to speak or think in them.
  15. s13ep


    They are all one value! Originally Posted by Dywyddyr Originally Posted by m0nk3y 'Very rapidly', must be in your case, lacking knowledge of the speed that's possible in the universe! And you do know? By my own symbols, yes. And before you make a crude statement against it, this type of language I have tried to argue for in this thread. I haven't really won the case, however, I said I would research more ways in which wordless thought can be contrasted to word, and then reinstate my argument. Originally Posted by PhDemon Trash please... Good night, sweet prince. Hopefully one of you can orgasm out some semantics to raise the level of excitement before you bore off all the peers.
  16. s13ep


    The problem is words, not the fact "intelligence isn't words" which I'm arguing the case for more so than yourself. You could have built this 'collider' without the use of words... Children are able to create their own languages out of symbols, nonsensical to people like yourself, and think in these symbols, possibly and probably constructing a better understanding than people like yourself; and this is just symbols. Children can be anything. You can attribute value to a symbol, for example; a human may choose a symbol to represent 'the child', and this symbol also expresses the value of 'the child' to the human. Humans can create many symbols, and attribute different value to each; some symbols can mean 'a thousand words' - there is no limit to the symbols that can be created by humans. Building the collider is not word-based, the scientists who built it were in support of intelligence that includes words. Sort of like written language, without restrictions... I'm sure I could build the collider at some point in my life if I had the need. Words are symbols, but they are restricted to what we can communicate, as oppose to what we can think. As for communication, what we can think, can be expressed in many ways. Not 'interpretative dance', feeling and expression, character and emotion; there are many aspects of nature we can make use of to make a point. Thought would be more fluent with this 'more convoluted language', but communication wouldn't! However, if humans were in a good relationship with each other, I think communication also would become fluent. The scientists speak in and think in words; they present themselves as this word-afflicted mammal. I have not dedicated years to such a collider - and any human who does can make a significant contribution to the effort. We have to first want what the Government has produced (which often means that we have to endure time in educational institutes); the conversion of our wants truly twists our frame of reference. We must accept the man-made reality that comes with the scientists who speak and think in words, and their discoveries and technology, because of the word-aspect. Language doesn't evolve to the great degrees that a 'more convoluted language' could. IF NOT SCIENCE... IT'LL MAKE A GOOD STORY!
  17. s13ep


    Humans are able to think in shapes, dimensions, symbols, images, scenes, and more. Why do modern scientists retain an intellectual image when the science they conduct is word-based? I'm sure a majority of modern scientists are unwise. It's not the science that's incorrect, it's the promotion of a false intellectual image of a human being intelligent by words. Your intelligence is a bunch of words?.. Let's see it!
  18. Golly Gee Willikers! He done gone native! I guess all Americans should vote for Mr. Trump now! I see, Trump has decided to embrace political correctness now. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/video/trump-i-regret-sometimes-saying-the-wrong-thing/vp-BBvNfNC Yes so Trump says he feels " remorse for certain words he has used and where his words have hurt people " For me its not enough for Trump to make vague general apologies for " using the wrong words ". He needs to give specific examples where he feels he has offended people or the " apology " means nothing Reciting headlines from the local 'unbiased' media I see... Smart man...
  19. Somewhere down this thread people (including myself) have seriously questioned the wisdom of the wall. Though I'm still shilling for Trump; even if I have doubts about the wall. The wisdom of the wall? You do not know the beauties of the wall, it's one of the greatest inventions! Beyond the wall though, he has proposed many things - have any of these been addressed? Guard Dog has mentioned his being for big government, I guess. That's about it. It's mostly pro-Trump people on this board. Some like me and WoD want Trump to help the country; while some like Barothmuk just want to see everything burn. I think Kainparker is on the pro-Trump side for lulz and to spite neo-liberals. And again, you have nothing to support your political beliefs other than the call that it's 'basic knowledge' - I repeat, I don't understand what you mean, please share this basic knowledge. EDIT: He won't share, no Hillary supporter will share this 'basic knowledge'. I will opt out for now and come back at another date! (I don't like deadlock debates).
  20. Somewhere down this thread people (including myself) have seriously questioned the wisdom of the wall. Though I'm still shilling for Trump; even if I have doubts about the wall. The wisdom of the wall? You do not know the beauties of the wall, it's one of the greatest inventions! Beyond the wall though, he has proposed many things - have any of these been addressed? EDIT: And as for the post former to this post. Oh great, you're unwilling to share your contradictory prose! In short, no I don't know what you mean. If it's so basic, please share!
  21. It's "American nationalism", not "white nationalism". SPLC is a lying far-left organization. I don't know about how left anyone is, but if they think American civic nationalism is white nationalism; they are either 100% lying and not worth listening to, or are so hilariously moronic that they aren't worth listening to. Do you take these jokers seriously, Leferd? You are clearly a man of great credentials that support your opinion, or you have contradictory prose; care to share any of these?
  22. I haven't read the whole thread. It's nice to see the usual synchronized fart, clap and giggle in support of Hillary, but has anyone in this thread actually contested Trump's policies with a logical argument?
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