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Everything posted by kokoko3k

  1. I'm in Breith Eaman; just jumped down. Any way to play the expansion now?
  2. I'm on gog, but if this is true... damn me when i updated from 1.05 without making a backup first
  3. Yeah, i tried to roll back to 1.05 but the savegames are not compatible anymore... Hoping for a 1.07 as soon a spossible, really...
  4. Somehow my kana is now at full endurance, io don't know why; if it is for 1.06 or maybe because i sent him to the stronghold for a mission.
  5. Sorry to bump, but after Kana, the same just happened to sagani, she just entered the party. Max endurance is 92/102 and won't raise. Is there a cheat to give her the right endurance somehow, please? Here is another savegame, just ask her to enter the party: http://wpage.unina.it/aorefice/sharevari/8eb253fd-5b5c-4eed-b778-5d11947927ce quicksave.savegame
  6. Ok, here is a SaveGame: http://wpage.unina.it/aorefice/sharevari/8eb253fd5b5c4eedb7785d11947927ce 10479480 CaedNua.savegame It is just before kana enters my party. It seems that his "full endurance" is somehow capped.
  7. Me too, it says glanfathan is in the stronghold and the number (1) is on the flag, but no event is wrote. Where is glanfathan?
  8. I've that problem with Kana level 5. He just entered the party with 61/90 endurance it won't raise. I'm using patch 1.05 and never used 1.04.
  9. I just got Kana in my party, we're all level 5. But his endurance, even after resting, is stuck to 61/90. Is it something aumaua specific? A bug or something else? Thanks.
  10. It seems that choosing a non native resolution actually made the antialiasing working. On my 1600x1200 screen, choose anything lower "fixes" antialiasing issue (nvidia blob) on a 1366x768 laptop (intel hd4000) choosing 1280x720 (or lower) make antialias work. Of course this is not a solution, but maybe this information could help devs to narrow down the issue or open the way to new workarounds...
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