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Everything posted by mgnails

  1. I am 100% sure that you use percentages too much. And thats nice that your skeptical and that you feel the world must know when the world itself is all skeptical. I guess you just said that so you could let everyone know you joined the club.
  2. The new padawan (revans padawan) is some guy you meet on coruscant who becomes your apprentice. We are trying to get a name for him, it will be a him now instead of a her BTW.
  3. heh, its doable. :D
  4. it took bioware 3 years and that because they spent alot of time on their engine plus they were making things from scratch. This is a branch off of thier work so it wont take 3 years to do it. At any rate, the download for my "edited" GUI is up. http://www.freewebs.com/kotor15/index.htm Its at the very bottom of the page.
  5. I agree. We still need revans padawan to have a name. Revans as in your PC's padawan. And for the intrest of romance sidequests the padawan will be female. You will have 3 possible romances for male and 3 possible romances for female.
  6. Heh, sorry, its named partyselectscreen.gui. That may be but it appears that in the gff editor, you can add new buttons and such by copying the gff trees and editing them to take you to different locations, Im sure there must be some coding involved but I think that there are just locks on the gui that keep you from having more thn two party members at a time which I am looking for so I can change it. There appear to be alot of locks on things in that gui which i have removed almost all of them and nothing is different. <sigh> its just a possiblity and not written in stone yet. <_<
  7. No, Its not hard coded, its just figureing out how the GUI's work. I am viewing the party selection screen in the gui and already found out how the dimensions of the boxes work. To get more party members id just have to edit the dimensions of the boxes, copy them and change a few words and that should do it though i havent tested it yet. I did change the gui to the party selection screen to prove to you that its not hard coded and Ill post the download in a bit.
  8. That may be. I have no clue how to code so Im not wure if thats possible. But our lead programmer Warrior.ex aka element x said that he would try to recode the combat engine.
  9. ok........... I think I forgot to mention Kamino, When its finished, I was thinking of releasing that as some sort of press release demo or something just so you can play through new models and such.
  10. ummmm, If you guys have any ideas for good jedi names Im open to the suggestion.
  11. Well, If the combat engine recoding goes as planned we will surley add multiplayer. We were also going to change around the swoop racing so that you can actually race against opponents and shoot them down and all of that instead of just trying to beat their times. Swoop racing I think should be more of a pod racing sport where you can sabotage other people's swoop bikes. We were thinking of making swoop racing really interesting by making a swoop bike upgradeable. It's very possible to do and it would sort of be covering for Bioware since they said in an xbox strategy guide that you could upgrade your swoop bike and ebon hawk (i dont think it was a strategy guide but I know they said it somewhere.) Swoop bikes should be upgradeable if the sport is to become that much more fun.
  12. Well, I wanted T3 to be a servant droid because he was absolutely useless in KOTOR 1. Juhani died because she was a whiner and had homosexual problems and Carth dies or is killed because it seems many hate Carth's guts. And it was Return of the Jedi BTW. The unknown world was a bit boring but there will be quite a few areas added too it. The biggest add on is an underwater part where you can use lightsabers underwater and fight creatures underwater with more than just a sonic emitter. One of you party members is recruited on the Unknown World and he isnt a Rakatan. A jedi if you can believe that. We havent finished the DS plot yet, but there will be quite a few spots ingame where you can choose to go DS or stay LS so there are more options and sidequests. The DS plot of course will have different party members, dark lords and mercenaries of course. Hence the Dark Lord class.
  13. LMAO, Chemix wrote the storyline. I only did a little of it. We have modding tools already BTW. The only thing that isnt fully understood I think is the model format. I do believe that every other aspect odf the game has a pretty good editing tool for it except for the model format. I know there isnt a tool for coding but there is one for scripts and such.
  14. ok, i uploaded a screenshot of what the texture looks like, can you find the leg? This mod will consist of 9 planets, 2 ships, and 3 stations in a list its something like this: Planets: Mannan Kashyyyk Rebuilt Dantooine Coruscant Unknown World Hoth Yavin IV Korriban Slehyheron Stations: The Galaxy Forge The Dark Forge Yavin Station Ships: Ebon Hawk Leviathan (probably going to have a more original name) Your party will look alot different, you will have: Jedi Master Pascal Neder Revans Padawan (need a name) Yuthura Ban Mission Bastilla Chemix my character (suggestions for a name?) Exar Kun Canderous HK-47 Jolee is in there as a jedi council member on dantooine. Juhani.....died. Carth will be ingame yet not in your party. You can kill him early ingame and get DS points or kill him later in the game and get LS points. T3-M4 is your servant droid in your "estate" on dantooine. I know thats 10 party members and the limit is 9. One of your members will die and Exar Kun will replace them. Classes: Jedi Master Dark Lord CHOSEN ONE Jedi Gaurdian Jedi Consular Jedi Sentinel (you will start out as a jedi knight) Force Powers: Battle Meditation (boosts your stats and stuns your enemies) Enhanced Force Storm (much more powerful force storm Force Summon (you can summon beasts and stuff) Force Destroy (obliterates all enemies) Force Create (adds jedi items to your inventory) Force Morph (you can change into almost any NPC ingame. Sort of like what that geno boss could do in kotor 1) (More to come for force powers) New Items: Alot, most probably a curved lightsaber hilt will be added as well as some more heavy weapon models. Also some simple items like lightsabers with reasonable stats. But when you get the CHOSEN ONE class, you become ultimate in power so your lightsaber has maximum abilities. Explaination behind the CHOSEN ONE class: After beating the game, you get a class called CHOSEN ONE. This class maxes out your stats and makes you a jedi "god". You will get all force powers ingame as well as all feats in game. You will also get an arsenal of weapons for you. And after this, you will have the option of restarting the game except this time, enemies will have quite a bit of power too for you to have a challenge with the new class. This CHOSEN ONE class is just something that will be added for replayability and to make the game more interesting. Servant of Eru suggested a non jedi PC but I think the CHOSEN ONE class will make the game more interesting. I think thats at least most of it. Any more info and I would be talking about the whole storyline. There will also be som background new characters (team member's custom charaters) and of course new sidequests. I will say that malak returns as a droid with a clone army which is what the dark forge is. Its a small sized star forge that can clone people as to how malak raised a clone army of those sith elites. Yes, the game originally had plans for 6 or 7 KOTOR 1 sized main quests that we might do as expansion packs to this first AE quest. Also, you may end up with more party members mentioned as I have almost discovered a way to make it so you can take more than just 2 party members with you and how you can have more than just 9 party members.
  15. I consider that constructive critisism and since you were nice about it Ill be nice about it too. Actually, the guy on the front is the malak 3d model so him on the front is the actual reskin. Though I will post some more ingame screenshots of him. Kamino is no where near finished but it will be. Also, all of those textures were done in photoshop. I don't think paint can export and edit the tga images that make up the textures so we had to use photoshop. And I didnt do any of those. I havent posted any of my work up there. That is all Chemix's work. Although we started 6 months or so ago, we really are sort of starting over. Originally, every area in the game was just going to be a retextured copy of one of the areas from KOTOR 1 but then we learned that we can get or will be able to get new models ingame. So, we really have just started the game over so most of those textures wont be used ingame anyways because we will be making mostly new models. We just started on models BTW so Kamino is really all we can show for it now. Most of these textures that are up there are just saying that we were working on things in the past 6 months and that we havent just been talking about it. And the textures are actually pretty hard to do because the images look wierd, I'll post a screenshot of what the texture looks like and how it would be hard to identify whats an arm and whats a leg. And also, the turret minigame is planned to be recoded so you can actually fly the ebon hawk instead of just operate the turrets to make it more interesting but Im not so sure we will get to that. The Lev there is just a test to see if there was a real Leviathan 3d model so that we could put it anywhere we wanted as a placeable object.
  16. Check the site, I uploaded some more screenshots and a download or two. http://www.freewebs.com/kotor15
  17. Very astute, that is the lev when you were escapeing it. Chemix was just trying to see if the Lev was a 3d model or just a 2d model. All of those were done in photoshop 7 just done pretty quickly. Has anyone tried out the downloads? you just open up the rars, copy the files inside them, and paste them into your override folder of your SWKOTOR directory to see them work. And as I said those are only a few screenshots and far away from being all of them. And kamino, thats not finished, thats just concept really and it was made in 3ds max
  18. Ok......... If all goes according to plan even with real life interferences I would project this up for release in 6 months max . Most probably in early November. Right now I am going to finish up all of the modules from KOTOR 1 that will be in KOTOR AE. Planets like Mannan, some of Kashyyyk, Leviathan, Korriban. These planets dont require new models so I will most likely use them for screenshots until we have more models made and a decent importer. Without Element X, we have to rely on cchargin who is doing good at cracking the model format. But all we can get ingame right now using his tools is simple models but he has new stuff coming out often enough to have the whole thing cracked in 6 months.
  19. I set up a site where I will post screenshots and downloads. VIEW IT! Some things on the site you might like and enjoy as small mods. I will update regularly so dont go asking "is that it?" because I have many more screenshots and downloads I will post. Those model pictures arent ingame but that is what WILL be ingame once we get our hands on a better model importer. http://www.freewebs.com/kotor15/
  20. I had an idea that maybe mission could be an artificial jedi. I was thinking maybe an ancient artifact (item) could give the weilder special jedi traits. This way mission can have a lightsaber and wear robes but cant have force powers. We also were going to have plans for HK-47 to wield a saber since we can give him the animations for it now.
  21. Thanks! I tried putting these on bio boards but they have no tolerance for mods so they kept closing my threads.
  22. Hey, its a "sequel" in between kotor 1 and kotor 2 so duh it will have kotor models in it. It doesnt take place 900 years after all of this stuff. I would elect some of those statements to be something off of the top of your head that dont mean anything and make no sense just so you can have something mean to say. Actually, I know quite a bit about modding. Quit saying I havent a clue.
  23. No, it is a totally seperate game with a totally seperate launcher and wont reaplace a thing. Its just a copy of the kotor directory with major changes to it. Thus since its an entirely new game can't be labeled mod because although it is an edited KOTOR, it will not be attached or replace anything in KOTOR 1. And Raven, you shouldn't talk like you know everything when you don't, it sounds so stupid. If you want to know whats going on then join the team or just at least visit the forums and find out almost EVERYTHING that we are doing to allay your doubts or your i know everything about nothing talk.
  24. And like servant of Eru said, when the obsidian moderators get tired of it they can move it. And this isnt a KOTOR 1 mod, how many times must we say that. There are about 30 team members with hopefully 20 coders on the way. And Im sure that we are having disagreements on completion because we know how to mod and most of you all don't. You dont know how easy it is to mod and we do. There is no art. Scripting is easy, Dialogues are easy. Models are coming around to make new areas. Textures take about 5 minutes with photoshop 7 and it will all be voice acted. From the team's size and ability there is no reason why we cant get this KOTOR 1 sized game done in a few months.
  25. It is a Total Conversion. Dang near everything new except a few things to actually make it look like a KotOR sequel. But since KotOR 2 is being made we can only have it take place before KotOR 2 making it a KotOR 1.5.
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