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Everything posted by mgnails

  1. There are many posts on how to get Mira on the GameFAQs forums and probably here too but I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say you get her by <{POST_SNAPBACK}> first of all where is she, cant find her at all. Ive seen small cutscenes of her and the wookie guy fighting but i can never find her. Any idea where she is hehe.
  2. ok i got the guys asleep and reaped the benifits in his armory or whatever it was. Now im still puzzeled as to how to get to goto and to get mira on my party for that matter. I havent a clue where either of them are.
  3. how DO you get the hutt to watch a girl dance? all he says is i dont see goto in chains. If im supposed to take care of goto first, then where the heck do i find him? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You sign her up with a Twi'Lek at the Pazaak den I believe (that or the cantina) not directly through the hutt <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok ill try that.
  4. how DO you get the hutt to watch a girl dance? all he says is i dont see goto in chains. If im supposed to take care of goto first, then where the heck do i find him?
  5. what about visas? shes a woman
  6. wow, the story writers sure know how to make things obscure.....thanks!
  7. Is there anyway into the warehouse or into that security door the kath houds keep barking at me when i get to close to it? (this is on nar shadaa in the docks)
  8. I just force persuaded him to let me in...but its very possible you get it from beating other pazaak players. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> duh, ive been playing it all this time and never considered getting persuade. thanks
  9. how DO you get the password into the pazzak den?
  10. Anyways...............We are thinking of replacing the ebon hawk with a better ship because it seems many dislike the ebon hawk. We were thinking of a bigger maybe two story ship, more room, doors, not so much of a brig/detention block look to it, more luxiorious possibly. Would any of you want to keep the Ebon Hawk? Or would you want to fly first class in a bigger ship (not battlecruiser sized though after about two worlds you get the option of flying a sith battle cruiser.
  11. Dodo Fett was too much of a drunken idiot and was killed during one of his jobs. Too bad.
  12. LOL, yodarn isnt going to be yodarn. Yodarn will be replaced by Kyneaus' character ummmm whose name is Kyneaus who just HAPPENS to be a yoda like creature who isnt an ancestor of yoda. :D
  13. LOL, I think Raven was kidding. Anyways, I don't like ancestors or people who don't belong in the timeline there because it just doesn't make sense. I just mentioned ancestors because many want to have epic battles with darth vader and the emperor mods for kotor and it just don't make sense! Ancestors arent as bad but still are bad because they come up with some wierd. And I wasnt going to have Ran Solo or anything like that. I would just simply copy off of Hardware Wars. Obi-Wan-Kenobi to Auggie-Ben-Doggie Luke Skywalker to Fluke Starbucker Han Solo to Ham Salad Chewbacca to the Cookie Monster Leia to Princess Ann-Droid (with pastries as hair buns) Darth Vader to Darph Nader R2-D2 to a Vacuum Cleaner ECT ECT That being said we WILL make new characters for that except for the Spirit of Exar Kun and maybe Marka Ragno's Spirit. I see it to be this as a good way for party members for a DS plot HK-47 Canderous Spirit of Exar Kun Spirit of Marka Ragnos (maybe someone like Yuthura or something he posessed) Somepowerful dark lord and I cant think of any more. Heh, Carth goes DS in this so maybe he could join you as a loyal follower/servant/punching bag instead of an arrogant and obnoxious whiner.
  14. Just a quick question. If you had the option in a DS plot, would you want to have all Dark Lords in your party? Or would you want maybe one or two dark jedi and the rest be mercenaries like maybe an ancestor of Boba Fett or something. Maybe a Mandalorian mercenary and HK-47. If you wanted an all Dark Lord crew, who would you want in it? If you had a few dark jedi and some mercs then who would they be? Need suggestions because we don't have a storyline for the DS plot and you will have the option of going DS very very early in the game as to be able to play as a Dark Lord throughout the game and so it will also add replayability. Ideas forparty members anyone?
  15. oh, well it appears that on the editing screen, there are controls that I assume are the buttons. I think that I could copy these buttons and edit them so that they can be different thus adding npcs.
  16. Why, did you think I knew how to gui edit using the gff editor? Its very difficult to do.
  17. I'm just messing around with partyselection.gui. Trying to toy with it to see if I find the locks on a few things. I know adding party members is possible, to have more than 9. That I can tell MUST be possible without coding. Right now im trying to figure out how to get rid of the lock that limits you to 2 party members at a time.
  18. The way some people talk no, I dont think some of you do. Most of you act like and talk like you think you know what you are talking about but dont really seem to. but I don't doubt there are people on this forum who understand the game's structure.
  19. Might look that way but its tough to be sure from an outside position.
  20. Heh, opinions. Why don't you all sort of sit back and wait and see just when this will be done instead of trying to guess the projected release date by yourselves. It should be a comfort to wait and see when something is finished instead of just picking numbers outn of thin air like 2006. It would take 2 years only if we were starting from scratch. Its really quite easy to build something like this off of an already made game. Can you people "discuss" things other than your own projected dates? No offense intended by this post fo course, just a simple question. <_<
  21. Ok, I guess I could start a wish list or something. Just say what you think should be in the mod and we might do it. Make it reasonable, no "I wish there was a bathroom area! This can be where you can dunk Darth Malak in the toliet!" that sort of thing wont be done. <Sigh> Ill just start one of these at our AE forums because it seems many are fed up with us being here spamming the kotor 2 forums even if obsidian said they would let it stay. And I don't really like spamming other peoples forums anyways. If you want more info you will have to come to the project forums. Sorry, but at least there it wont be spam and at least there I can post attachments for more recent downloads instead of waiting an hour for the screenshot to upload on a freewebs site. http://www.elementx.org/Forum But I seriously doubt anyone will join because no one seems to be THAT interested in this "MOD". <_< Or maybe its just because you look at the forum and think it doesnt look good. But we will have a forum up thats powered by Vbuliiten 3 soon so that would look better or at least have more features. :ph34r:
  22. Nah, he don't get free T-shirt. Its more like if you don't join the club you get a free mod. LOL
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