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Everything posted by hk79v1

  1. Their movement and damage are unmatched in ANYTHING I have fought in the game before. I've beaten the final boss, and I didn't lose a single solitary character. I met a Mercenary Brawler(UNNAMED TO BOOT) who almost literally teleported to my back line 1 screen away. I always scout a bit then send the tank in first and set up crowd control effects(the guy's Reflex is 166, none of my team's effects will hit him all but guaranteed) and this bat out of HELL comes charging in, hits everyone and then somehow spawns DUPLICATES of Fire and Ice. That DON'T go down when he does and proceeds to get off around 20 attacks against my entire team in a matter of seconds. I have a Monk. THEY CANNOT DO THAT. I will try and rebuild them as such because THAT was ludicrous.
  2. Not really, I'm not worried about my tank doing damage, I'm worried about him keeping the enemies heavy hitters busy while my ranged back line and melee fighters take out their squishier/more dangerous fellows. But, Engagement is the ONLY thing that keeps an enemies attention on your tank and it seems the only way now for them to be effective is to do damage. But, if they're doing damage their defenses must be lacking which means their ability to stand toe-to-toe longer than the other guy is compromised. Honestly at this point, I'm gonna try a Pale Elf Barbarian with Cautious Attack, Hold the Line, a few of the elemental damage Utility talents and with high Perception so his attacks will actually land. I'll have to look at the numbers next time I play, but I'm currently using Eder as my main tank (playing on Hard) and with buffs etc. he's doing fine with regards to Disengagement attack (currently level 8 party). What I'm finding in 2.0 is that I have to switch from ranged to melee with Pallegina and Kana more often because of AI behavior. He shouldn't NEED to be buffed to to make him an effective blocker and wall though, that's the thing. He should be able to do that on his own and the buffing should be there to improve that. Besides Hard doesn't change stats, just numbers of enemies. You want to REALLY test the numbers, pull it on TOI mode. Trial of Iron mode doesn't increase difficulty, it just removes the ability to reload. The game was balanced for Hard mode. The game was balanced for Hard Mode? Really? Because my entire party got wiped by a damn no-name Mercenary Brawler that almost literally TELEPORTED on top of my back row and wiped them out in a few seconds before I could even get my spells set up. Rushed right past the guy I sent ahead(FAR ahead mind you) at least 2 screens worth. Anyway yes I meant Path of the Damned not Tide of Iron.
  3. Not really, I'm not worried about my tank doing damage, I'm worried about him keeping the enemies heavy hitters busy while my ranged back line and melee fighters take out their squishier/more dangerous fellows. But, Engagement is the ONLY thing that keeps an enemies attention on your tank and it seems the only way now for them to be effective is to do damage. But, if they're doing damage their defenses must be lacking which means their ability to stand toe-to-toe longer than the other guy is compromised. Honestly at this point, I'm gonna try a Pale Elf Barbarian with Cautious Attack, Hold the Line, a few of the elemental damage Utility talents and with high Perception so his attacks will actually land. I'll have to look at the numbers next time I play, but I'm currently using Eder as my main tank (playing on Hard) and with buffs etc. he's doing fine with regards to Disengagement attack (currently level 8 party). What I'm finding in 2.0 is that I have to switch from ranged to melee with Pallegina and Kana more often because of AI behavior. He shouldn't NEED to be buffed to to make him an effective blocker and wall though, that's the thing. He should be able to do that on his own and the buffing should be there to improve that. Besides Hard doesn't change stats, just numbers of enemies. You want to REALLY test the numbers, pull it on TOI mode.
  4. Not really, I'm not worried about my tank doing damage, I'm worried about him keeping the enemies heavy hitters busy while my ranged back line and melee fighters take out their squishier/more dangerous fellows. But, Engagement is the ONLY thing that keeps an enemies attention on your tank and it seems the only way now for them to be effective is to do damage. But, if they're doing damage their defenses must be lacking which means their ability to stand toe-to-toe longer than the other guy is compromised. Honestly at this point, I'm gonna try a Pale Elf Barbarian with Cautious Attack, Hold the Line, a few of the elemental damage Utility talents and with high Perception so his attacks will actually land.
  5. IEMod currently doesn't work with the 2.0 version for one, for two they aren't that powerful to begin with. Yeah, they get a hefty accuracy boost but damage is the same far as I can tell(sure as heck never noticed any higher numbers when it did happen).
  6. I mean hell, it was your post about them rushing past your tank to rush your squishies. Sure you can build a hybrid but the way combat works in this, they just aren't good enough to hold the line and die too quickly even with support against truly outrageous offense(I'm looking at YOU Secret Boss of That Place I won't mention because no spoilers). Give us talents that improve Disengagement attacks! Increase the range, frequency of attack, damage. Make it a Modal, have it reduce REGULAR attack speed or something.
  7. I mean, I've played the game fully as a full tank fighter and with the new A.I. patterns, they just decide to rush past him. Why not add some Fighter only abilities to boost Disengagement range/damage/attack frequency or even add effects? Would make Tanking less about pure damage mitigation and more about ACTUALLY holding the line against enemies. Engagement was a good start and has a decent Accuracy boost but it's ONE attack and even a Fighter that doesn't have Might as a dump stat won't cause more than a nuisance's worth of damage to an escaping enemy. Unless of course, I'm missing something in the Offensive or Utility trees that buffed up Disengagement to be a TRUE threat to enemies and not just a slap on the wrist?
  8. Yeah, if you don't care about achievements then just use the command console to boost your level, add gold/abilities/items and make enchanting free. You can run roughshod over the game, I tried it with a Paladin and gave her 100's in all stats.
  9. Could it possibly be avoided by removing the Grimoire from their equipment slot before respecc'ing them?
  10. You seem like the kind of player that would allow a 5 INT, 5 MGHT Wizard into your party. At the very least, give us a chance to re-specialize the characters traits and talents!
  11. It's just an average chance to hit I think, plus in the beginning of the game even focusing on using a single weapon most enemies are going to have around 30 Deflection or so, it gets better as you go up in level. Although, considering things I tried building a max Accuracy Elf Ranger and even she only topped off at around 90 or so with relevant boosts(using a basic bow though). Seems like they want to make it that nothing is a guaranteed hit on your end regardless of level and items. But that's just my experience with it since the new Patch.
  12. Wouldn't it be wise to buff Disengagement attacks then? Make them ACTUALLY matter! Give them a MASSIVE accuracy and damage boost, make those enemies IMMEDIATELY regret trying to run past your mobile brick wall. Hell, make some talents and traits that boost the effective of Disengagement attacks then! Better range, multiple attacks against enemies trying to run past you, debuffs like say "Hamstring" where it lowers their movement speed and causes a bleeding DoT. Stuff like that!
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