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About SiliconMage

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  1. I updated this mod to version 4.0 with the following changes: I fixed a bug related to the new affliction "Limited Invisibility." The text will now display correctly for spells and abilities that make use of the affliction. I updated the "Grimoire of the Ascended Archmage" so that its granted bonuses will stack with a Wizard who takes a specialized subclass.
  2. I updated this mod to version 3.9 with the following changes: I fixed a bug with Conviction III not granting an extra casting of a 6th level Priest spell. I fixed a bug with the "Grimoire of the Ascended Archmage" not showing up in the Dark Cupboard in Neketaka. Ensured compatibility with the 5.0 patch.
  3. I updated this mod to version 3.8 with the following changes: Storm Surge (Wizard PL 8 ) has now become Arc of Lightning, which is a slightly more powerful Chain Lightning. It only deals 10 more min damage and max damage than Chain Lightning (base), but it has more chains, chains further and has a higher penetration rating. Temporal Acceleration now has a health drain effect attached to it to make it more balanced.
  4. I updated this mod to version 3.7 with the following changes: Unique spells for the Watershaper Druid subclass (Ondra's Whip, Ocean Burst and Watery Double) have been added to the Druid Progression Table. Unique spells for the Harvest of Gaun subclass (Blessed Harvest) have been added to the Priest Progression Table. Added 9 new rings in the game that grant casting classes extra higher level castings. Rings of Wizardry can be bought at the Dark Cupboard in Periki's Outlook in Neketaka. They can only be used by Wizards. Ring of Wizardry VII grants an extra 7th level spell cast for the Wizard. Cost: 128000 cp Ring of Wizardry VIII grants an extra 8th level spell cast for the Wizard. Cost: 256000 cp Ring of Wizardry IX grants an extra 9th level spell cast for the Wizard. Cost: 512000 cp Rings of Divinity can be bought from the Dawnstar Vendor in The Sacred Stair in Neketaka. They can only be used by Priests. Ring of Divinity VII grants an extra 7th level spell cast for the Priest. Cost: 128000 cp Ring of Divinity VIII grants an extra 8th level spell cast for the Priest. Cost: 256000 cp Ring of Divinity IX grants an extra 9th level spell cast for the Priest. Cost: 512000 cp Rings of Shamanry can be bought at Cuitztli's Exotic Herbs in Periki's Outlook in Neketaka. They can only be used by Druids. Ring of Shamanry VII grants an extra 7th level spell cast for the Druid. Cost: 128000 cp Ring of Shamanry VIII grants an extra 8th level spell cast for the Druid. Cost: 256000 cp Ring of Shamanry IX grants an extra 9th level spell cast for the Druid. Cost: 512000 cp
  5. I updated this mod to version 3.6 with the following changes: Added the following new spells: Lunar Radiance - Druid 7: The druid focuses lunar energy into a column of brilliant light that greatly heals all allies within the area of effect. Added the following new talents to Druid, Priest and Wizard: Nature's Bond I - Druid Power Level 5: The druid expands his or her connection with nature and the world around him or her. The druid gains an extra 1st level casting and an extra 2nd level casting. Nature's Bond II - Druid Power Level 7: The druid expands his or her connection with nature and the world around him or her. The druid gains an extra 3rd level casting and an extra 4th level casting. Nature's Bond III - Druid Power Level 9: The druid expands his or her connection with nature and the world around him or her. The druid gains an extra 5th level casting and an extra 6th level casting. Conviction I - Priest Power Level 5: The priest reinforces his or her faith in his or her beliefs, and draws from it as a source of power. The priest gains an extra 1st level casting and an extra 2nd level casting. Conviction II - Priest Power Level 7: The priest reinforces his or her faith in his or her beliefs, and draws from it as a source of power. The priest gains an extra 3rd level casting and an extra 4th level casting. Conviction III - Priest Power Level 9: The priest reinforces his or her faith in his or her beliefs, and draws from it as a source of power. The priest gains an extra 5th level casting and an extra 6th level casting. Arcane Training I - Wizard Power Level 5: The wizard rigorously trains his or her mind to push past its normal limits. The wizard gains an extra 1st level casting and an extra 2nd level casting. (Blood Mages cannot take this ability) Arcane Training II - Wizard Power Level 7: The wizard rigorously trains his or her mind to push past its normal limits. The wizard gains an extra 3rd level casting and an extra 4th level casting. (Blood Mages cannot take this ability) Arcane Training III - Wizard Power Level 9: The wizard rigorously trains his or her mind to push past its normal limits. The wizard gains an extra 5th level casting and an extra 6th level casting. (Blood Mages cannot take this ability)
  6. According to the Script Documentation, you can always get the player's ID by using the value "b1a8e901-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".
  7. Hey Armakoir, I updated the Extended Spell Collection to use the new progression table objects to that the new spells are appended to the base progression table for each respective caster. If you want to incorporate the next version of the Class Project, I'm definitely fine with that.
  8. I updated this mod to version 3.5 with the following changes: Added the following new spells: Mechanical Mastery - Wizard 3: The wizard calls upon his or her magic to help with picking a particularly problematic lock or disabling a potent trap. The spell makes the wizard's fingers incredibly nimble and reactive for a short duration, yielding to a bous to the caster's Mechanics. I updated the progression tables so that they make use of the AppendableProgression object, so that this mod is compatible with other mods and future enhancements to any class's progression table.
  9. I updated this mod to version 3.4 with the following changes: Berath's Awe and Berath's Will have had their IsRace script check updated to match the new signature calls. In addition, they now deal damage before trying to inflict their designated status. Damage should always be inflicted, regardless of whether or not the spirits or vessels can be frightened or dominated.
  10. I updated this mod to version 3.3 with the following changes: Added the following new spells: Miraculous Recovery - Priest 9: The priest prays to his or her god to intercede on his or her behalf. A wave of divine energy greatly heals all allies and grants them a boon that temporarily makes them immune to all Afflictions.
  11. I updated the mod to version 3.2 with the following changes: Spell Descriptions will display properly in Turn Based Mode Added the following new spells: Mind Blank - Wizard 6: The caster utters a spell that invokes mental clarity in its target, making the subject immune to all Mental Afflictions for a short period of time. Peak Condition - Druid 7: The druid calls on Rejuvenation magic to enhance the target's metabolic processes, making the subject immune to all Physical Afflictions for a short period of time. Added the following spells to the Wizard Progression Table: Maura's Grasping Tentacle (7th Level) Bekarna's Midnight Daydream (7th Level) Storm Surge is now foe only.
  12. I updated this mod to version 3.1 with the following changes: Updated spell descriptions to not overwrite in game abilities like Blood Sacrifice Updated the Wizard, Priest and Druid Progression Table files to include abilities from the latest update of the game.
  13. I updated this mod to version 2.1 with the following changes: Added Fetid Caress's AOE to be hostile only Added Jernaugh's Equalizing Burst to be hostile only
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