Hello everybody,
i also just finished the game, liked it a lot and would still support it.
This is complaining on a high level, but nevertheless i was kind of disappointed of the story in the end.
(As for my choice: i promised none of the gods something, just did their quests, and then followed Wael's hint.)
The story is build up slowly during the first two chapters, more tension getting up, rising curiosity.
(You even start liking your fellowship members, that seemed just like a bunch of crazy people with mental Problems on first meeting.)
But 3rd chapter was, concerning the story and game flow, too rushed and fragmented at the same time.
(Also twin elms was lacking atmosphere somehow.)
Iovara and the gods are somehow out of the box too late, but thats not the main problem.
Also the Engwithians seem pointless.. so they sacrificed their whole civilisation, to create the "modern" gods.. leading in their "high priest" (Thaos) getting crazy about Woedica as the mightiest god someday.
Imho the main problem is that you get the knowledge very late,
and that you neither can act on the knowledge you gain, nore you get real explanations that gives you at least "philosophical satisfaction".
This leads to an unsatisfiying feeling.. increased by the fact, that your actions just affect a small region in the end.
You cant figure out more about the Engwithians and Thaos' role, as the only one surviving that ancient civilisation.
(So Thaos lived for thousands of years and just now started to collecting lots of souls for Woedica!?)
You cant figure out more about what exactly the gods are.
(some machines somewhere in the inside of the earth?)
How could you chose one then? Just by personal favor?
All those promising threads that were layed out, just ended in nothing or something you have to search for between the lines or hope for in an expansion or PoE2.
(This isnt balanced by the fact that you can choose your motivation to hunt Thaos in some explanations.)
When all gods are manmade and the "Guardian of the Gods" (=Thaos) is starting to destroy the balance and make one of the gods stronger then everyone else.. this is something that should affect the world, not just a small region.
The story settles up for something like: You stand up against the gods or have to bargain with them or restore the balance or destroy those old mind-controlling-machines or sth..
.. but the moment the story should fan out and give you real possibilities, it just ends.
First Iovara throws parts of her background on you out of nowhere .. Thaos says nothing binding and you just get some unclear visions when scanning his soul.. and then you have to choose to follow one of the gods though you really know nothing about them .. end... that leaves you totally impotent for a real change... but this is a video game, not a novel .. the player should have had the possibility to really interact with the gods and change something.
At least the confrontation with Thaos could have been less vague.
So in the end PoE loses his story's big potential, because of a hasty 3rd chapter. The player is pushed too much into a narrational nebulous way, instead of letting him play longer on developing his final decision by finding out everything. Also the balance and feeld of the story's epicness is not outplayed properly.
Penalty missed! - Still a great game!
(sorry for my bad english)