I think we need a separation between editorials and reviews(subjective) and news(objective), with different standards for both. Obviously disclosure should occur, and there should be some standards implemented to maintain professional distance.
It seems strange to me that game journalist cannot implement this, it is so simple to have an acknowldegement before the piece speaking of ones contact with a publisher and developer, along with any ties. It is not an onerous or complicated thing. Then make the review in two sections, one an objective critcism focusing on features, tech and issues etc, and one a subjective review. A simple process, and yet the game journalists refuse to disclose or acknowledge the plethora of objective points that any game has. It's pathetic really, and emphasise how reasonable these demands are, and how unreasonable and arrogant the game journalists are being.
Then again they've had many years of railing and preaching at their audience to become accustomed to it, must be hard to let go of their self righteous posturing.
Edit: More than ever I believe that a regulaory board is needed for game journalism, as well as a period of sharp adjustments and heavy fines for those whom flagrantly flout journalistic ethics such as Kotaku.
Sorry to seem to be disagreeing with you again but this is another point I fail to take seriously as I think you guys have convinced yourselves its real and relevant
There is this view that gaming journalists should be judged the same as real journalists...they are discussing a game, they aren't updating us on the Ukraine conflict. Why do you guys care about the integrity of reviews on RPS for example? Is this a website you use to get informed views from?
It is a legitimate issue. I wouldn't put them on the same level as war correspondents. Rather, they're doing consumer reports. Being a consumer reporter is all about building trust and a reputation for integrity. Entanglements are inevitable, but its not unreasonable to expect disclosure. In the case of the inciting incident, I don't expect the journalist to say "I highly recommend this game but keep in mind I slept with the developer" but he should have listed her as a friend or recused himself from writing that particular review.
That said, the reaction is disproportionate even if this is worth taking seriously and even if I'm only talking about the "legit" wing of GG. On r/KIA they've tried multiple times to pressure advertisers into withdrawing their ad money from Polygon and Kotaku. Argue all you want but this kind of manipulation is something that always bothers me when the activists and the chronically offended do it and I'm not going to make an exception for GG. They should be focusing their efforts on building the community they want, not tearing down the ones they don't like. They have enough resources, organization and skill in their group by now to launch their own gaming sites reflective of their values. Thats where their effort should be focused.