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Everything posted by k1rage

  1. No. This would be a complete non-issue if the bigots hadn't thrown a fit. Go read the replies to the other thread. Someone actually vowed to undermine everything Obsidian ever does. The reaction is completely, hilariously, out of proportion. Some bigots may have replied yes but what about those of us who just hate the growing censorship we are seeing in our society?
  2. No. It's a bunch of anti-SJ idiots throwing a fit, as usual. Anyone who thinks this has anything to do with censorship is an ignorant tool. Obs did the right thing. *Gets the popcorn* I don't know if Obsidian did the, "right" thing, but they certainly did nothing wrong. The backers content was changed with the backer's consent after all. we dont really know what would have happened it the back had said no way
  3. yes really if one is going to get offended about the game their are many better reasons that that sill poem
  4. I actually love both poems the man has talent its just a shame his first had to be censored
  5. Knowing the tenacity of modders who feel scorned, I'm sure we'll see a travelling bard version with full VO reciting these Limericks somewhere in the game as a mod. It's bound to happen. Censorship is not only forced by law. As I said you are pretty naive if you believe that is the case. A beautiful point my good man in fact most censorship is not caused by government bodies
  6. KANG: Transphobic jokes for everyone! CROWD: [boos] KODOS: Transphobic jokes for no one! CROWD: [boos] KANG: Transphobic jokes for SOME...little American flags for everyone. CROWD: [thunderous applause] OMG I love this vintage Simpsons reference if im not mistaken lol
  7. No. It's a bunch of anti-SJ idiots throwing a fit, as usual. Anyone who thinks this has anything to do with censorship is an ignorant tool. Obs did the right thing. *Gets the popcorn* I respect your opinion and your right to say it but I disagree with you I feel that Obsidian has wronged a $500 backer by censoring his text I question a company that so quickly and easily caves to such pressure
  8. this needs to continue as it was an important discussion on the merits of censorship all should be welcome to express their options openly hopefully the mods will respect that
  9. Can game designers change something about their game if they want as well? Or is that not covered? not if a backer paid $500 for it Even if they asked said backer and said backer said it was okay to change it? the backer caved to them, what would they have done if the backer had said no? we can only speculate but the point is on person on twitter should not have the power to change a game and to make some backer change his original text, it was a funny well written poem
  10. I hope they are watching I hope they learn that caving to a tiny minority can invoke the wrath of an angry majority and by an tiny minority I mean one person
  11. Can game designers change something about their game if they want as well? Or is that not covered? not if a backer paid $500 for it
  12. Down with censorship in any form Let freedom live again Trans people should be able to speak their minds even if offenceive Bigots should be allowed to speak their minds even if their word offend Gays should be allowed to speak their minds even if some find it offensive Indeed all should be allowed to speak their minds no matter what they content of their statements Let the freedom of speech live, in the true sense not just the legal
  13. Basically because it's still not the government imposing those consequences on you, which is the only protection Americans are guaranteed; if your landlord doesn't want to rent to you, or your employer doesn't want someone expressing your views representing their company, that's legally their decision. Personally I do find it something of a grey area, but that's gist of the reasoning. Thats my whole point legally it still exists, perhaps your not old enough to remember but there was a time when it existed beyond the legal system when it was real, when if someone said something dumb or bigoted people said back your a dumbass but I respect your right to say such things
  14. I can assure you a PR agency instructed them to remove it, in order to mitigate any fallout moving forward, despite any protestations the may have had. Integrity aside, it is a business that needs to operate in the public sector, so unfortunately has to bend when faced with this type of issue. We don't have to agree with it however. but fallout was released years ago...
  15. You can say whatever you like. You just can't do so without people disagreeing and calling it offensive if that's their opinion; that sort of robust disagreement seems like a positive thing to me. Oh how I agree with you thats the beauty of free speech I can say something and you can disagree, but these days if I say something thats politically incorrect I can be fired from my job or even evicted from my living quarters. How is that free speech
  16. Why dont we just remove all the combat because killing people offends pacifists?
  17. and what motives are those? My motives are a hatred of censorship, I grew up in a county where they told us we had free speech, well across the course of my life I've watched it disappear and vanish before my very eyes. you have to be careful what you say at almost any moment because there are dire consequences to saying things that offend people. shall we all show our mouths shut? All of us will intentionally or not offend some one with our words it happens but we must be allowed to speak those words or freedom is dead this man PAID to say those words and obsidian took the away more than a refund is in order! Are you being arrested for expressing offensive opinions (that are not inciting violence)? No? Congratulations, your free speech rights are fine. I am sorry but if you believe that censorship can only be done through the government you are really naive. Especially in this day and age.... I was addressing the "my free speech rights in our glorious nation are being eroded!" argument. People not giving you a platform to publish your views, or saying those views are offensive, does not infringe upon anyone's right to free speech. not my legal right per say buy my in practicality you can say much less than you used to, again its not necessarily the government doing it but you can nolonger say what you feel
  18. and what motives are those? My motives are a hatred of censorship, I grew up in a county where they told us we had free speech, well across the course of my life I've watched it disappear and vanish before my very eyes. you have to be careful what you say at almost any moment because there are dire consequences to saying things that offend people. shall we all show our mouths shut? All of us will intentionally or not offend some one with our words it happens but we must be allowed to speak those words or freedom is dead this man PAID to say those words and obsidian took the away more than a refund is in order! Are you being arrested for expressing offensive opinions (that are not inciting violence)? No? Congratulations, your free speech rights are fine. oh people aren't arrested for speaking their minds here but the you still cant do it you may lose your job or worse, just because the government is not the on suppressing free speech does not mean its not still happening
  19. ? Do you think they really are completely and utterly mentally unstable and should be confined to a padded room for their own protection? Your diction is proving my point. Putting quotes around 'trans' as if it's some imaginary thing -- some make believe group that thinks they're more special than everyone else. Obsidian has marketed Pillars of Exile as a dark fantasy game with a rating and warnings that reflect such. If people find blood and death and sexual content and coarse language to be triggering, then clearly this is not a game for them -- as it is advertised as a game that has content with these themes. A padded cell? Hyperbole isn't going to do you much justice here. Comparing the advertised content of a game to a transphobic and homophobic limerick that evaded the vetting process and was hidden is silly. Am I on Tumblr right now? In no way was that poem "transphobic", if anything it was mildly homophobic, but was much more "ALCHOLICPHOBIC" or whatever people like you would call it. You need to get a thicker skin, and stop trying to censor everyone around you. Or maybe just leave your politics at home while reading a joke. That poem was wholly transphobic and homophobic. Someone found out that they'd mistaken someone for a woman and killed themselves in shame. Because they slept with someone that they identified as being a woman, but was in fact a male. He killed himself with sleeping with a male -- homophobic. He killed himself for sleeping with someone who thought was a male, but presumably presented herself as a female -- transphobic. Slept with this person out of their own volition, mind you; there was literally not a single mention of alcohol in the limerick. Not one. You guys are the ones framing the limerick in the haze of an alocholic stupor. Oh it's much worse. It's caving in to the demands of a twitter tranny who likes to to tweet disgusting genocidal fantasies. Yet zealously expects others to live by a strict moral standard he would never, not even for a split second, apply to himself. I mean the thought would just never register. Yeah, so, this is part of the crux of the issue. I mean, we can just start with the simple use of the word "tranny" here and the egregious misgendering of the person in question. People spewing hateful comments like this about someone who has been consistently targeted by cruel messages from misogynistic men who are wishing rape, death, and maiming on them is really muddying your intentions. Let me get this straight: Erika is all of these awful things you're casting them as, but when they fight back against a torrent of hate by writing a misandrist joke -- which is what you guys are characterizing this limerick as; a harmless joke -- suddenly they're an awful wench and a tranny? That's a pretty awful double standard. What you're saying is "I hate you Obsidian, you're so awful! I won't buy your product because you got rid of a harmless joke! Screw this tranny for ruining my game! They're so awful! Look at them, making harmless jokes about men who have sent them death threats! How dare they!" Grow up. This is about hateful gamers being entitled pissants about something that doesn't affect them. Censorship is the biggest form of bigotry, even bigots should be allowed to speak their mind even if they are crazy crackpots
  20. so will I Not on the grounds that they make bad games but on the grounds that I have lost respect for the companies integrity
  21. and what motives are those? My motives are a hatred of censorship, I grew up in a county where they told us we had free speech, well across the course of my life I've watched it disappear and vanish before my very eyes. you have to be careful what you say at almost any moment because there are dire consequences to saying things that offend people. shall we all show our mouths shut? All of us will intentionally or not offend some one with our words it happens but we must be allowed to speak those words or freedom is dead this man PAID to say those words and obsidian took the away more than a refund is in order!
  22. I love this, a man or woman who sees the real issue here can we bitch about anything enough where you will change it?
  23. If you call me a CIS I also know what I need to know about you. And yes this word is being used more and more like a slur. CIS is indeed a slur and I reject that term
  24. As someone who really likes satire, I must admit that I disagree. Not that I mind the occasional bout of silliness, but we would live in a very sorry world indeed if humour is never meant to be taken seriously. At the very least, we'll always need a court jester to point and laugh at all of the King's flaws without his head getting chopped off. I agree but to live in that world the the king must not take the jester's humor too seriously or he will get all pissy like some folks lol and chop off the jesters head
  25. First of all I would be honored if a game of this caliber made fun of me, I am secure enough to deal with it secondly I find censorship of a $500 backer offensive so should obsidian reverse their editing because im offended?
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