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Everything posted by mahe4
what elvarein wrote, and that you can hold right mouse button and draw in which direction the formation should look. you can create own formations. you can sneak and look for traps at the same time you have weapon sets basically PoE helps you a lot there, the only thing that would decrease micromanagement is your "do everything for me" option.
BG had it, because it didn't provide a lot of other features that help with your micromanagement, that this game has. we strongly disagree, because we don't want any development time wasted on this "feature", that would be just implemented, to provide a suboptimal playstyle. lets get this straight. there isn't a single ability, that needs to be activated at the exact same conditions at every fight in the game. all abilities that are always needed are either modal or passive, and therefore wouldn't make sense in a tactic system. every other ability is situational and is strongly dependant on the fight, the suroundings etc. so why implement a tactical system? so you have to click two times less in a fight? you want that developers waste hours over hours implementing such a complex thing, so you can click 3-4 times less per battle? see the cost vs the benefit? benefit low cost high therefore not recommended easy logic.
they are calculated after DR as you said. that means 15 damage hit with 6 DR would give you 0.9 wounds instead of 1.5 wounds (10 damage threshold for wounds) that is exactly the counter intuitive way. by increasing your avoidance/mitigation (deflection/DR) you decrease you wound generation and vise versa. or did you just wrote it the wrong way around, and wounds are calculated before DR that would be new for me, and it would certainly make the monk a good tank class. thats why you do retaliate monk tanks, so you dont need to attack or use skills to hit them , if they hit you they die xD Oh i thought it meant you got more wounds per life by tanking, oh well not exactly what i thought it was however still pretty decent, living longer lets you use your wounds more reliably as i already wrote, they are decent. but so are barbarian tanks... and i would still prefer fighter, paladin or maybe chanter (haven't tested chanter tank yet, so i don't know) over monk. if they just change the way wounds are generated, it would be a pretty beautiful tank class. either by calculating wounds before DR (which would be the cheap way) or by implementing them the way they were meant to be. that they take part of the damage away after DR and create a dot on you for that taken away part. and when you use your wounds, the dot goes with them. that would give monk another layer of mitigation, and counter the low deflection that you need to generate wounds in the first place.
I am, but it sucks. Hence the suggestion. No, I won't stop, thank you very much. People are providing feedback for this game, positive and negative. If some people think that a certain feature would improve the game's overall quality then they will make a suggestion. It is at the discretion of the developing team to decide whether or not this feature is worth implementing or not. PoE is a singleplayer game, there is no competition and everybody should be able to enjoy this game in their own right. Adding an optional feature will not turn the game into something different, but provide more options for those who want to use them. Why do you think people are using mods for this game as early as one week after launch? Because there are flaws and oversights which can be easily corrected. Being a claqueur does not help improving the game, making suggestions does. Don't try to dictate how we, as customers, should voice our opinion. exactly, and we are against it! why? 1) because we don't care 2) because we don't need it 3) because it takes a considerable amount of development time to implement, which would be taken from other things ... and then my generation's grognards arrived! It's like a convention! Oh my god do a Jets/Sharks thing. "When you're a HARDCORE PC GAMER you're a HARDCORE PC GAMER all the way / From the day you first spawn to your last dying day~" don't get me wrong, i loved origins. it had one of the greatest stories i ever played. but the mechanics part was mediocre at best. (at least that prevented me from restarting a 100 times, to minmax my character )
they are calculated after DR as you said. that means 15 damage hit with 6 DR would give you 0.9 wounds instead of 1.5 wounds (10 damage threshold for wounds) that is exactly the counter intuitive way. by increasing your avoidance/mitigation (deflection/DR) you decrease you wound generation and vise versa. or did you just wrote it the wrong way around, and wounds are calculated before DR that would be new for me, and it would certainly make the monk a good tank class.
Guys, guys, the next generation of players has its own grognards now! All of the squees, guys. All of the squees. Setting up good tactics requires skill and knowledge, it's not an easy thing to do. You need to completely understand the combat before you attempt to apply any type of tactics. I don't want the game to play itself, I want to setup my tactics and have my companions follow my orders during real time combat. It's the equivalent of planning a battle BEFORE going into battle, it's called strategy and planning. If I wanted to do everything manually, I'd go play starcraft 2 and spam the worker creation button every god damn 18 seconds. So, you don't understand the combat? Or you just don't have the skill and knowledge to do so yet? just ignore him, he is complaining the whole time about this game, and instead of realising, that it just isn't his type of game, he wants to change the game, to be his type of game. he is just a dragon age casual, and has never player something like neverwinter nights or baldurs gate...
How useful (or not) is action speed for Monk? action speed is useful for any party member who wants to deal damage with weapons. attacking more often is good. especially if you dual wield, which unarmed from monk is, as far as i know. besides, don't take monk, for a monk to work properly, you have to send him on a suicide mission. what i mean is, for a monk to use his abilites (besides one or two) he needs wounds. and he gets wounds by getting hurt. so for him to use his abilities, you have to let him getting hit. if you micromanage it well, it can work out, but i recommend to dump the deflection stats (perception and resolve), so that you get hit easier. and then try to only get engaged by one enemy. and have a good healer by your side, because a monk will need it. the current monk is as counter intuitive as it gets, and is pretty bad designed for now. This is all wrong. You are talking about one very specfic way of playing monk, ie as a glass cannon, ive found he works far better as a tank as you have much more time to unload your wounds back on your enemies. Monks have the health pool of a tank. I think that the suggested build for monks is all wrong, they make terrifying tanks, damage on par with an rogue out of stealth lots of cc and tanky. This is my build I cleared the entire of valewood at level two except the bear cave and even then I got it down to half health before it killed me. And this is what im wearing Most fights I just fight barefisted. I havnt tried fighting with by shield yet. he has the health pool of a tank, but your character doesn't have the mitigation/avoidance of a tank. you let yourself get hit far more often than a fighter or paladin tank, and therefore take more damage. yeah of course it works, it's like the barbarian tank build that was on here just now, but there are just better tanks. if wounds would work as they were supposed to, then your build would shine like the sun! wounds were supposed to to take part of your damage you take, and convert it in a dot. and if you use your wound fast enough, you would take all the damage. but it doesn't work that way, so there are better options.
How useful (or not) is action speed for Monk? action speed is useful for any party member who wants to deal damage with weapons. attacking more often is good. especially if you dual wield, which unarmed from monk is, as far as i know. besides, don't take monk, for a monk to work properly, you have to send him on a suicide mission. what i mean is, for a monk to use his abilites (besides one or two) he needs wounds. and he gets wounds by getting hurt. so for him to use his abilities, you have to let him getting hit. if you micromanage it well, it can work out, but i recommend to dump the deflection stats (perception and resolve), so that you get hit easier. and then try to only get engaged by one enemy. and have a good healer by your side, because a monk will need it. the current monk is as counter intuitive as it gets, and is pretty bad designed for now.
so let me get this straight... for a monk to be useful he needs to take lots of damage. unmitigated damage to be exact. so the only way to make a monk useful is if you let him take as much damage as possible, and always heal him up. what role does a monk really fit in? his mechanic doesn't help in a tank role, as tank you want to mitigate and avoid as much damage as possible. his talents help a little as damage dealer, but as damage dealer you don't want to take damage in the first place. his talent help a lot in crowd control, but also only if you let him take damage. he isn't good as healer. he isn't good at debuffing/buffing. so the only thing i can see him in is as crowd control. but only if you let him take enough damage. is it really worth, to take a monk (a healers nightmare) instead of one of the other classes, that provide good crowd control?