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About Keithustus

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Awesome thread. Still trying to optimize attributes and talents so this stuff is fantastic.
  2. Hmmm.....so my main is a Chanter with Int of 18. Is it not advantageous to have about +50% to AoE? That makes my chant area much larger and their effects last longer? Btw I have and will continue to only take summon invocations because Diablo II summonmancer.
  3. "chanters' close association with the Lost gives them one final, passive power: Ancient Memory. This ability activates whenever the chanter is in combat and grants low-level Stamina regeneration to all nearby allies. It is not as strong as a fighter's Constant Recovery or a priest's Holy Radiance, but can affect even faraway allies at all times." http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66195-update-78-the-leaders-of-the-band-chanters-and-priests/
  4. I'm trying to better understand how Chanters work. There have already been some tidbits in the Chanter Assistance thread but that thread doesn't outline what the base attributes do for a Chanter. Might...clearly this affects weapon damage but does it affect summons? Does it affect damaging chants and invocations? Dexterity...says "affects the character's Action Speed with all attacks, spells, and abilities" so I assume this works for everything except chants? Perception...I assume this stacks with the Concentration-attacking chant? Intellect...for chants and invocations, what does "influences Duration and Areas of Effect for all Abilities and Talents" mean? The size of the area? Does it affect summoned creatures at all? Resolve...this stat is recommended...why? To prevent being disrupted while casting an invocation? FYI, I am building my main as a Diablo II-esque summonmancer. Since--my surprise--Chanters can engage in regular combat while chanting, I am focusing on melee attacks between summons.
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