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About Parsong

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  1. a bg1, bg2, and poe playthrough.....so much bliss
  2. I might be a minority but I prefer EE over Original. The new items, companions, quests, scaled UI, and area-loot are kinda cool. It also seems to load/save/transition crazy faster. The two new Monk kits are decent. There are some mod incompatibilities, but I personally was able to use all the ones I liked. (Tweaks,SCS, Monk Oversight). However If you wan to go crazy with the mods Original is probably better for you. As far as Vs. PoE goes, I'd give a slight edge to BG due to far more builds & playstyles and better stealth/rest (imo) but you can't go wrong with either. After playing any of the BG you'll probably end up gettin PoE no matter what.
  3. The picture was over you randomly insulting the OP. And now you're randomly insulting me. Double facepalm.
  4. Can't say my wizard misses that 24%, barely uses couple spells at hardest encounters. Tanky wizard with a robe is quite fast for any encounter and extremely, extremely durable. Man, wizard tank must be a chore with per rest spells and low hp/end for the class. A barb,rogue,fighter,chanter,paladin make better tanks.
  5. Barb and Cipher need dat' nerf bat. Oh and I've read all the Pro Monk posts, those numbers are very underwhelming. They still need love. The game is easy enough for that not to matter much, but this is a class balance thread not a difficulty balance thread.
  6. How do you stack infinite DR? I doubt it's as easy as simply clicking a talent on level up.
  7. I notice on the playthrough where I sold almost none of my items it saves/loads faster. I think that is causing the issues.
  8. I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about SJW's who find everything insulting. That is pretty loony. Should I be more respectful and just say I believe they have mental problems?
  9. They should change OSA and Carnage to only work with your weapons attacks and he'll be balanced out.
  10. Is that what you guys call regular people these days? I don't think people who compare a willingly changed limerick in a video game to Communism/Nazism qualify as "normal". Calling the mere desire for freedom of speech as "Social injustice" just shows how nutty these guys are. A lot of people seem to believe that Freedom of Speech means being able to say whatever you want without thinking first and ALSO having no responsibility for having said that. Which is laughable. Freedom of Speech as a law means that no matter what you say, you won't be shot by a death squad. Other than that, you are still responsible for what you say. Also, the game was created by Obsidian, it's THEIR property. You don't come to your neighbor's house and start calling his wife a wh*re and then accuse him of being anti-Freedom of Speech for kicking you out. They made this game, they decide what content there is. They even contacted the guy for God's sake! The issue is that these loons find everything and anything offensive and "irresponsible". This is why everyone laughs at SJW's. Not because they are evil or hate "social justice".
  11. Is that what you guys call regular people these days? I don't think people who compare a willingly changed limerick in a video game to Communism/Nazism qualify as "normal". Calling the mere desire for freedom of speech as "Social injustice" just shows how nutty these guys are.
  12. Is that what you guys call regular people these days?
  13. Yeah Barb has probably the most over powered combinations thanks to how Carnage and OSA work. Retaliation, Battle Forged, Spell Holding, Spell Binding. Oh and Jolting Touch seems to be an easy level 1 scroll to craft and requires 2 lore, so GG.
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