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Everything posted by Illuminaire

  1. Oh, thank you very much, but I have a mac at work and will try it myself tomorrow.
  2. Also, correct me if i'm wrong, you can't really overlevel, as you dont get exp for enemies after a certain point. But I noticed, if you do a harder area first, and do the easier side quest later by accident, it gets pretty trivial
  3. My Eder has 61 deflection , 76 fort, 56 reflex, 64 will with level 6. And my Kana has 22 Intellect . All unbuffed/naked. At least the def stats on eder are surely bugged. my Barb has only 26 deflection and gets destroyed on melee.
  4. I don't know if you were trying to make a joke or not, but there is a rogue talent that does exactly that - the first attack 2 seconds into combat. And I like the sneak attack in this game. The 50% damage buff rogues get when the target qualifies (when it's diabled etc.) is much more rewarding then cheesing 30xstealth multiplier like in Skyrim. At least you can combo the sneak attacks in PoE with (even rogue!) abilities.
  5. A better player will have less time spent on his playthrough. So the only thing it does, i a sort of bragging rights if you managed to minimze rest and travel times on quests/side quests. Personally it challenges me to be mindful of my resources, even if there is no real in-game penalty for running to the inn all the time. Also you find 1-2 camp supplies in every dungeon which most of the time I didnt even need. It feels very rewarding getting to a sort of boss encounter with minimum resources and 1 camp fire left. Rest up and throw everything at the encounter. The trash mobs will always be dealt with minimal resources (per rest abilities and health) spent. The gamechangers will only be brought to fights where they are needed. It works quite well. It's an indirect push into the direction, the devs want you to take when tackling the encounters.
  6. Look at your defensive stats. If they are over 80+ it's possibly the stats bug some guys are talking about.
  7. I thought so too until, I read about a bug. It may very well be, that hard mode is too easy, because of a stats bug on your characters. There is a bug, where stats from items or abilities stack permanently. After reading about this, I checked my Eder for example, and saw that he has 90+ in all defensive stats (deflection,reflex,fortitude,will). So I hope a patch comes and, that can fix those bugs retroactively. I think after that, hard mode will be a lot more challenging. Because currently my tank is nearly invincible.
  8. Oh, that explains why my Eder has 97 deflection and 80+ Reflex/Fort/Will . And I thought fighters are supposed to be that tanky =( Would definitely explain why the game is much too easy on "Hard" difficulty. My barbarian gets shredded in comparison. I always let Eder tank in choke points (doorways etc.) and have 5 rangeds attacking from behind. Removed my rogue and barbarian because I found them useless and getting 2 shotted all the time. Now I am tempted to restart the game, because I went though 80% of my progress with an invincible juggernaut =(
  9. Hi, Does anyone know, if savegames between operating systems are compatible? I have cloud feature activated, but my savegame list is empty on my mac. Wondering now if a manual copy would work, or if it isn't compatible. Thanks in advance, Illuminaire
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