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About Cirian

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  1. The OP lost me when comparing console games to PCs in terms of bugs. Definite troll post.
  2. I take it you didn't try SWTOR at launch. I like Bioware, but compared to SWTOR, Pillars is a masterpiece of stable gaming.
  3. Oh, we complain about Bethesda bugs. I guess we're just used to them because it's been this way at least since Daggerfall and we all know we'll just have to wait for the brilliant unofficial patch team to fix what Bethesda didn't. These bugs are far more gamebreaking than anything you can find in Pillars, too, save for the stat bug which if severe, completely breaks difficulty. Daggerfall's main quest broke. Morrowind has a skill which doesn't work to this day (Unarmored), Oblivion still has the Abomb, Skyrim still can bloat your saves to the point of unplayability. Do you see now why I'm not bothered by Pillars? Daggerfall might have been the must buggy game I have played in the past 2 decades, but man was it a great game. My friends who got into gaming with Morrowind/Skyrim have no idea how good the series was, but oh well I'm old lol.
  4. You must be kidding. The game freezing completely at a loading screen is a game-breaking bug. The player will retry, the game will freeze again. The player won't run around within Raedric's Keep (or another place) in search of an exit that may still work. And yet this doesn't happen to all. My loading screen has never frozen and I cruised through Raedric's keep with no issues. I don't doubt that people had these issues but it isn't universal.
  5. I'm having a great time. I haven't run into many bugs and my stats aren't all out of whack as a level 6 about 20 hours in. I got lucky and haven't had anything game breaking come up although I hear others have.
  6. I went fighter first time through as I did the same with BG1 & 2. I think rogue will be my second and then a caster.
  7. Awesome game. Thanks to Obsidian and the backers who made this possible.
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