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About Sorgoth

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Ummm... I like watching and taking part in motor sports. I goto quite alot of track days at Knockhill in scotland with my Yamaha R6. Love anything about motorbikes. I listen to all kinds of music, mostly old stuff like the Doors and Pink floyd, but I've been listening to alot of classical stuff lately. I read and write alot, trying to write my own book HAH! Dont think I'll ever get it finished, I tend to let things slide and forget about them only to start on somthing new later on. I also do alot of stuff on the computer like 3D stuff, though I've not done that for a while now. I used to be into Warhammer the table top game. I thought it was realy cool, all the storys and armys etc. So I built 3 armys, Vampire Counts, Eldar and Dark Elves. I painted them and went for my first game with a friend of mine who got me into the Warhammer thing. God did it suck! I hated it, it was so boring and I've never played it again. Now I just read the storys and paint the figures, which I enjoy. I dont like violence unless it's in a good movie. I've served roughly 400 hours of community service because of my old hobby of beating up **** in my younger days. I've not been out for a drink for a long time, the town I live in is full of **** who only come out at night.
  2. Well after reading this thread, I think this is the last thing the game needs. I'm all for gay rights etc, but I dont think a game is the right place to explore this subject or educate people about homosexuality. Not yet anyway.
  3. Man is a party animal. Always will be.
  4. Historical. A mix of TES, BG and Total War in a medieval setting with no magic.
  5. Yeah, was not enough faces in kotor. Maybe the Xbox is to blame for that, I dunno.
  6. Gamespot trailers
  7. What does it matter? It's not like he's the one guy making all the decisions is it?
  8. Yes, people would just find somthing else to use as an excuse. But if religion had never existed then maybe poeple would'nt have so many differences.
  9. Sorry, tierd and I never thought this place had that button. Only thought I could quote by replying by pressing "quote" from the message I wanted to quote.....eh, yeah.
  10. This forum has a strange quote thing and I dont know how to seperate a quote into smaller parts.
  11. Sorry but your post anoyed me a little, and I cannot sleep cause its too damn hot so I edited my post. As I said, old news, and not a reason for going to war(apart from the terrorist part, but I think thats suspect). Yes Iraq has been a problem for years, but hardly a threat since desert storm. Old news and not a reason for going to war. I guess I need to catch up lol.......As far as I knew the had found signs of WMD but not WMD. Suspect. These are a reason for the war and they are suspect in my mind. Nothing new. They do this alot. Yes, old. Not a reason for going to war. That was not a reason for going to war, that came afterwards when they needed to justify the war. Nothing new. They do that alot. About the same as the US is. I said reason, not facts. And I'm not claiming anything, this is what I think as I make up my own mind and do not listen to propoganda or hold any bias views. I'm fully aware of Iraq's past and history ever since the UK made it. The UN is not an aggressive organization like the US. And I dont think Iraq was a threat to global security. Yes, for peace keeping. Bah, for me there is too much suspect info. And I am so sick of hearing about Iraq I no longer follow it. So I'll leave the table. Thanks for your facts, I was running low on toilet paper. Feel free to flame my anti US goverment arse, but I will not change MY views on this since I made my mind up a long time ago and have not followed whats going on since.
  12. "The UN has had no qualms ordering the deployment of troops in the past." Yes, for peace keeping. "I think you're forgetting that Clinton bombed Iraq before Bush was in office, or the fact that Saddam invaded Kuwait and sided with terrorist to begin with." No, I did not forget that. "And lest we not forget that Saddam was put in power by the CIA to combat Iranian terrorists. We screwed the pooch on that one, and there is no denying it. Iraq has been an issue for nearly 30 years. You're kidding yourself if you believe otherwise." Yes Iraq has been a problem for years, but hardly a threat since desert storm. "WMD have been found in Iraq. I guess you don't follow the news." I guess I need to catch up lol.......As far as I knew the had found signs of WMD but not WMD. Bah, for me there is to much suspect info. And I am so sick of hearing about Iraq I no longer follow it. So I'll leave the table.
  13. This is completly false for anyone who knows anything. Well I dont think so. And if you knew anything you would have backed up your words with a reason why you think what I said was false. Oh yeah, and I dont believe everything I hear on the news. So dont preach what you hear on TV to me.
  14. The UN does more than you think. The UN is not in a possition to declare war on independent nations like the US is. Iraq was no threat to anyone, and the UN was keeping it that way without bloodshed. There was no Iraq situation until bush made one that was outdate and based on old intelligence.
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