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Everything posted by hugin7

  1. It doesn't appear to be a matter of syntax. For example, the following is not working: removetalent player tln_bloody_slaughter_talent Does this actually work for you?
  2. Another example: use Cipher's Mental Binding to paralyze an enemy. Reapplication prior to expiration results in getting attacked by an enemy with full-duration paralysis.
  3. I just verified that the issue remains in the latest patch. For example, hitting a pack of enemies with Wizard's Call to Slumber, waiting until a few seconds remain on the Prone effect, then refreshing Prone with Slicken results in the problem. It seems that the enemies break free when the original effect wears off, ignoring the refreshed crowd control duration.
  4. This worked perfectly for me. Respecced both my Chanters and a Priest using this. The doc above states that it doesn't remove racial abilities. I'm hoping that "RemoveTalent" handles racial abilities, too, if/when it gets fixed. "AddAbility" works for racial abilities, so we should expect "RemoveTalent" to behave the same way. In a nutshell, I'm trying to respec companions fully, including their subpar race choices. I can add good racial abilities with "AddAbility," but need to remove existing ones to keep things balanced. Are companions that are every bit as optimized as hirelings really too much to ask for?
  5. According to the documentation at http://rien-ici.com/iemod/console, the following command should work without IEMod installed: RemoveTalent charname ability/talent. Works both for talents and abilities. Works like AddTalent or AddAbility. Preface talents with "tln_". Has anyone gotten it to work with or without IEMod?
  6. OK, I did this change, formula is monstrous now Please verify if your changes are in, too. Google Docs doesn't seem very robust as far as concurrent changes and merging is concerned. Since we now have several contributors, we might be better off with real version control, such as SVN or Git. Damn, it seems we have a conflict - it's either your or mine version. I've made a rollback to my version - you can verify if my changes are in bychecking if first sheet is called 'Main', also between focus gain and damage/dr table there should be another table with: Graze Chance Graze Damage Hit Chance Hit Damage Crit Chance Crit Damage I'm not sure if SVN or GIT would help here as it would have to support merging xlsx files not code files which are plain text I just merged my changes in, so I believe everything's in sync now. While version control software can't properly merge .xslx files, it would prevent us from uploading a new file until we manually merge in the changes from the server. Google Docs lets us overwrite each other's changes with no warning, though perhaps there are settings to prevent this.
  7. OK, I did this change, formula is monstrous now Please verify if your changes are in, too. Google Docs doesn't seem very robust as far as concurrent changes and merging is concerned. Since we now have several contributors, we might be better off with real version control, such as SVN or Git.
  8. After finding a lot of flawed information online on focus gain, I decided to test it myself and was fortunate to run into MaximKat's post. There was a cell reference error in the focus gain formula, which I corrected. I also noticed that someone broke the Quick Switch formulas after I uploaded them, perhaps when the tables were relocated. I corrected these formulas and added columns for focus gain based on Quick Switch. With these new findings, Penetrating Shot is looking much better for Ciphers. Typical scenarios show ~20% damage gain with blunderbuss, which compensates for ~10% loss in rate of fire. Result: 10% more damage and focus gain with blunderbuss and an even greater damage increase for some spells, such as Mind Blades. Can you make sure that your changes are in in current version? I've been making big overhaul to damage formula and your changes might have got lost They are in. I just made some corrections and enhancements.
  9. After finding a lot of flawed information online on focus gain, I decided to test it myself and was fortunate to run into MaximKat's post. There was a cell reference error in the focus gain formula, which I corrected. I also noticed that someone broke the Quick Switch formulas after I uploaded them, perhaps when the tables were relocated. I corrected these formulas and added columns for focus gain based on Quick Switch. With these new findings, Penetrating Shot is looking much better for Ciphers. Typical scenarios show ~20% damage gain with blunderbuss, which compensates for ~10% loss in rate of fire. Result: 10% more damage and focus gain with blunderbuss and an even greater damage increase for some spells, such as Mind Blades.
  10. I've been able to reproduce this issue during almost every encounter with my crowd control-intensive party. This bug is highly damaging to a CC-heavy play style, causing a lot of frustration when enemies unexpectedly wake up and damage the party when they are clearly under effects of crowd control.
  11. Circles and health bars often vanish when enemies are "Confused" in combat, making them very hard to see, especially with semi-transparent enemies, such as shades. Pressing Tab lights up the enemies properly, but this is awkward.
  12. When crowd control effects are reapplied when an existing effect still has time remaining, duration is refreshed on the tool tips. However, enemies start moving/attacking as if the effect has been removed. This issue has been observed with "Prone" and "Paralysis" status effects.
  13. Damage-wise, Penetrating Shot is tailor-made for blunderbusses. Unfortunately, most characters besides Ciphers get much better results with arbalests in almost all situations, and Ciphers mainly use it for focus gain. Lower attack rate means less focus, so there is a trade-off for Ciphers.
  14. Thank you, that's a great example. Are there any situations where companions' skills (other than Athletics) are used instead of attributes?
  15. I tested a fairly typical case for Penetrating Shot via Fraps/MPH-HC, 30 frames/sec: Cipher, 20 dex, Gunner, and reload chant. I used a blunderbuss. In this scenario, there's a 9.7% overall rate of fire gain for avoiding Penetrating Shot. If weapon damage > 50 (typical with accuracy bonus > 10, arbalest, damage mod > 1.5, and DR debuff > 5), penetrating shot leads to a DPS loss for most combat scenarios, not to mention focus loss for Ciphers due to reduced rate of fire. For arbalests fired against DR = 20 targets, there is about a 2.5% DPS increase with Penetrating Shot. A combination of poor buffs/debuffs, low damage weapons, and high DR targets can make penetrating shot viable as a situational DPS booster, but it seems that such cases are uncommon, so our talent points are likely better spent elsewhere. Ironically, blunderbuss-wielding Ciphers, who tend to have the most to gain from Penetrating Shot in terms of weapon damage, also have the most to lose because of focus issues. Things got more interesting when I tested casting spells - there is no casting speed loss with Penetrating Shot. However, since only a few spells benefit from DR, the talent remains of dubious value. Ciphers still have the issue of focus loss, while other casters are almost always better off casting CC, buffs, and debuffs to flip attack resolution tables in your party's favor and render enemies useless. Of course, your mileage may vary depending on the situation/strategy.
  16. Thanks, seems that most, if not all, events that involve companions are physical tasks (hence, athletics) based on the wiki and community feedback. Please post any exceptions to this pattern here.
  17. Sorry, I forgot to mention the minimum damage fix that I added. Also, thanks for correcting the accuracy table.
  18. Was this on PotD difficulty? I wonder if game difficulty has a dramatic impact on the range of DR.
  19. Actually it's additive and then multiplicative. So if you have 1.5 damage mod on your character and you graze then you multiply your damage by (0.5+0.5) so it's 100% base damage, in case of crits it's (1.5 + 0.5) which is 200% damage. I'll change it so damage mod is expressed as 1.x instead of 0.x to make it more natural. Sorry, I see what happened - I noticed the Total damage mod issue when I first opened the spreadsheet and took Avg Accuracy Mod to be the weighted probability to hit, so I used it as a multiplier to total damage. This is indeed incorrect. However, the formula I replaced still seems a bit off. Consider the following example: Miss - 5 Graze - 35 Hit - 50 Crit - 10 Avg Acc Modifier = (35 * 0.5 + 50 * 1 + 10 * 1.5)/100 = 0.825 Now let's add a damage mod of 0.5: Avg Acc Modifier = (35 * 1 + 50 * 1.5 + 10 * 2)/100 = 1.3 My new formula produces 1.24, while the one that was in place before my changes resulted in 1.33, so it appears that both formulas are incorrect. I'm out of time tonight, but I'll check the thread/doc tomorrow and might have time to fix this if it's not taken care of by then.
  20. We have ways to add abilities via cheats and even change the character's class. However, is there a way to remove unwanted abilities or change race? My ultimate goal is to respec existing companions to be in line with ones you can hire - not better or worse. I can easily adjust their attributes and subtract the gold I would've spent on hiring to have party banter/interaction without negatively impacting combat performance. I can even add racial abilities from any race to compensate for companions' subpar race choices. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to remove existing racial abilities or change the race, along with its bonuses and would appreciate if anyone has figured out a way to fully "clean up" companions.
  21. Great work, guys. I was about to spend hours on collecting data via Fraps and you saved me a lot of trouble . I updated the spreadsheet at the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vDm5MOrCK6S95h5u0EzZbGTv_u_rYqjuO0-zupqk0_A/edit#gid=292500223 My changes include the following: 1. Fix issue with "Total damage mod" column (M). Average accuracy mod is a multiplicative modifier for total damage. 2. Added support for "To Hit Mod," "Damage Reduction Debuff," and Quick Switch weapon cycling - first cycle, as well as subsequent iterations through weapon slots. 3. See top-left corner for documentation of new features. Note that the Quick Switch calculations still need verification through Fraps. My conjectures based on rough stopwatch timings seem to be consistent with the derived formulas, but I would be grateful to anyone who gets around to testing with Fraps before me. Keep in mind that the timing of your weapon switching will introduce variation in this trick's effectiveness. Kudos for Myrten for adding support for DR normal distribution. For those who played the entire game, does the default setting of average DR of 10 and standard deviation of 5 seem reasonable for PotD difficulty? Please keep the enhancements and fixes rolling.
  22. Link to manual: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/291650/manuals/pe-game-manual.pdf?t=1427387469.
  23. There is a lot of conflicting information regarding whether skill checks for conversations and scripted interactions apply only to the player character's stats, or that of all members of the party. The wiki (http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Skill) claims that "during any situation where a skill is checked against a challenge’s level of difficulty, the party member with the highest relevant skill is represented as the starting benchmark. If their skill outweighs the difficulty score, the player’s efforts succeed." This is a direct quote from the official manual. However, many players who have completed the game swear up and down that only the player character's skill is checked. Could the manual/wiki contain outdated information? Does anyone have the definitive answer for this issue?
  24. The friendly AOE buff for Devotions of the Faithful doesn't benefit from Intellect's AOE range bonus, which is contrary to the behavior of other buff spells. This is likely due to the fact that the spell has both friendly and foe components, and the code mistakenly fails to apply the buff to the outer circle of the AOE range.
  25. Thank you, it's nice to know that free rest is always an option. Hopefully, this remains true on PotD difficulty throughout the game. If anyone comes across dungeons that lock on entry, please mention them in this thread.
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