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Everything posted by BG4eva

  1. True, its easy to get a bit spoilerblind once you have already experienced them yourself..
  2. I would like as little spoilers as possible in this answer, if you can answer it. I am too worried to look up a guide since I just want a general guideline . I saw Durance in my dreams and then I had a chat with him (about the Godhammer, half soul etc) but that has been ages ago and nothing has progressed. I am currently doing the first batch of Leaden Key quests (the tower in Heritage Hill atm). Is there a narutal quest progression that I havent reached yet or should I do something elsre to trigger this? I am mostly asking cause I had him out of my party for awhile and got nervous that it messed up the quest.... Thanks in advance
  3. I just feel the need to double check this: Does your Sagani have 13 might or higher? My friend says his has 15, which the gamepedia wiki supports, but mine has 13... Is this something lasting from me suffering the double-click bug?
  4. Okey, now we are talking about killing homosexuals. Thats great. You can hijax this thread to sausage if you wish.
  5. Well, you are trolling, what did you expect? I am not trolling though. And I didnt particularly mean just this thread, there has been an outrage all over the forums since the little poem was minorly altered.
  6. Did you not read my whole post? But fine. Intimidation is this current environment where you'll be character assassinated by 'social justice' cliques in media and the web if you break any of the egg shells you walk upon. Show me where I'm ridiculing transsexual people? Says the guy (girl?) who would assign right to opinion based on genitals and skin color. I read the whole post, I just didnt know if I had to drag in the "general" part. Of course this is a general problem, but it is not applicable to free speech and it is not with the intent of hurting a particular person or career, it is not in a quest to censor a genuine truth, this started with people playing a game and being reminded of their current standing in society. I asked what the joke meant to you because that is what this is in general: What is it worth to make one-dimensional jokes about oppressed groups of people? Should there be no consideration in doing so? That is what this conversation is about, in general. It is not about free speech, it is not about people going juggular in order to bring a private person down. No one has threatened the backer (who was also fine with changing his content apperently) nor has he been excluded from the gravestone.
  7. Why do you feel the need to insult my intelligence? Disregarding that you know far too little about me to judge this, its rude and most importantly it derails the conversation. I am not spewing hate-speech, I have been the one name-called and threatened in the thread to this point. I will not go in to you with how no transgendered person was involved or accentuating that it was the man who got hurt (And you do not know if he was white or not), becuase that is also derailing and I think you know whats up. I find it strange how so much anger can stem from a group of people, who are evidently already suppressed, expressing feelings of hurt.
  8. Free speech isnt just a loose term though, it is a civil and political right. And I addressed it to a person who used it in a matter that is not correct. I assume that he would want to be told if he was factually wrong when he obviously felt educated enough to comment. It is not that I am trying to be a besser weisser, I am merely setting a foundation for the conversation. But to get back to your post; What intimidation was used? Saying that one was offended and didnt want to play the game anymore? It is not as if the backlash has been more lenient on the other side of the fence, this is not something I would call intimidation. But perhaps you know of something that I do not in that matter? Which career was ruined? What does it mean to you to be able to ridicule transexual people? What is it that you value so in protecting your right to push down people who are already very far down the social hierarchy? (And to answer an earlier post you made, which itself wasn't either on topic but you seem to be more into debunking me than actually ransacking the behaviour, I am not a white heterosexual male).
  9. So I guess that even anti-democratic guys like you should be allowed to raise their voices... Once again, this bears no meaning on free speech. Free speech is when a governmental power or authority limits your voice. Free speech does not concern what Obsidian, a private company, choose to put in their game or not.
  10. There has been a gravepost-entry removed from the game in 1.03, you can google it and I mentioned it in an earlier comment. Really, this is not even a controversial topic. People throwing their hands up and saying "Oh my god, I can't even make fun of a heavily ridiculed minority in the LGBT-community that is in large parts of the world being killed/harrassed/put in jail???!!! What are they going to take away from me next???" need to reevaluate what sort of a presence they want to be in the world. It is not controversial nor threatening to anyone that you can not always reign supreme and hold full expertise in all areas in the world. Sometimes you need to listen to other people to reach some sort of understanding for what is outside of your own bubble. This is not a sacrifice, this is a chance for learning and becoming a fuller person. So instead of being close-minded and prepared to tout "free speech" (Which actually is not appliable in this scenario) you should reflect on how you view other people and their struggles.
  11. So basically alot of white heterosexual males claim to have the right to trash transexual because it is "funny". Nothing new under the sun. Most of the posts here are basically dismissive because you go juggular instead of actually thinking about the issue at hand. One is certainly always allowed to think or have an opinion, it does not always mean one should raise their voice, especailly when so badly educated on the issue. Like white heterosexual males trying to deflect how a transexual person could feel from reading that post. Or what kind of an impact a cultural norm has on an individual person who does not fit into "white heterosexual male". I assume that this is a joke-post, but it is never the less one with true substance. This is bascially what all of you are displaying if you choose to support a transmisogynistic joke. (And in case anyone didnt know, this is concerning the removal of a transmisogonystic joke in one of the games graveyards).
  12. Some conversations seems to be never-ending and bleed into other topics regardless of context, so I thought I should address the matter in a very simple way: If you are a white heterosexual male, you don't have a right to comment on what is offensive to minorities or not. This might be hard to understand for the average white heterosexual man since he is used to always be in positions of power, if not taken by his own body atleast by others with a similar body. You dont have a say in everything, especially things that you have no idea whatsoever about. Furthermore, issue of free speech: A private person/company censoring something is not an issue of censoring free speech. As I am sure most of you who seem to think so are american, seeing as how you constantly mix up corporatisms in this issue, this is an easy example: When someone bleeps curse words on the television that is not censoring free speech. You, white heterosexual male, not being allowed to constantly make fun of and degrade minorities like blacks, transexuals, homosexuals, women and other people viewed of minorities is not a threat to your free speech. It is however a threat to your patriarchy and ur superiority complex and that is why you get so bothered. Transexuals all over the world have an extremely high suicide-rate, if not even killed in large parts of the world, they do not need you or a video game to make light of how perceived "disgusting" they are. If you are not a white heterosexual male and still rant about you feeling limited in your opinions, check your privileges and reconsider. Oktnxbai.
  13. Even if they are "fine" (which i guess I agree on, they are all workable), they bring boring stat lines that often dont match with their persona or perceived power through lore. It is like if Minsc had 11 strength and 16 intellect, it would not go with his theme.
  14. I guess that this isn't really what I agree with you on... You did make me think abit differently about Saganis spread though. You do have some point in it I suppose, but I still feel like she should have more might since she is supposedly the best archer in her tribe (And she is a dwarf, they really arent weak.) As her strength is now, she is barely above average (10+ 2 for dwarf). I dont mind the chars being "gimped" in some areas as long as it makes sense... I still really feel that the Grieving mother by far is the biggest offender to this. She is a hot mess in the stat-spread.
  15. One of the best things with the BG NPCs, according to me, was their uniqueness compared to the PC. For example, Edwin had his amulet and Coran his illegal DEX score. They made sense in the given universe, Coran was an elf and skilled with a bow, Kagain was a sturdy dwarf and deserved his high hp. Basically, they werent min-maxed and it gave them flavour. In Pillars of Eternity the companions *certainly* are not min-maxed, but to what avail? Grieving Mother, who in story is supposed to be a very strong and skilled cipher, has no real stats to prove it? Her intellect is crap and her Might is only saved form the average 10 by being a human. Whats the deal? She has high perception, but that is not really indicative of her person or skills? I would imagine her to maybe have fewer points in resolve / constitution for more intellect or might... This can more or less be applied for all the NPCs in this game, their attributes tables are washed out and with no real differentiates or stand-outs. (Except for Eder who actually has a decent spread, both game and lore-wise). Has anyone else thought about this? Do you even care about characters being represented in their stat-line? (I even punish my PC in ways that I feel would fit his character).
  16. Hello, I really like the graphic toggling feature in 1.03. Is there any plans to expand on this in some way? I am using an old laptop and my game is seriously stuttering at times... Would be nice if I could customise it even further.
  17. Oh wow, nice job! I like that Obsidian tried to make the forms more omnious and other-wordly but I feel like they should have all been more like the stag.. Also, the puff at the end of the cats tail looks off to me. I really like the panther, i will download and use this! Have you thought of doing a winter wolf?
  18. rusty bronze isnt super duper master-sounding...
  19. I have a pretty special hireling. I think there are some creatures in the world that you can recruit..
  20. Hey, I really loved this questline!!! (Blood legacy). I am just wondering if it is possible to make Aelys join the clergy if you tell her to go to the church? I regret telling her to go to some random town.... It would be nice if one could go and see her but the battle was so hard.. So I dunno if its worth to do over.
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  21. ***some early act 2 spoilers are in this post*** It seems like the "Rusty bronze key" fits into several different locks and can be found in various places. This is an issue because it kinda ruins some of the quests... I stumbled upon a key from a gang of bandits and when I went to check Lumdalas house it weirdly fit into her lock. This kinda ruins her quest since you dont haft to do the "prequel"...
  22. Okey that is a shame :/. It seems like the ranger is being scouted for buffs abit though? My rangers fox is doing okey damage now though.. Perhaps that will change :c. Why are we limited to one chant-summon? It kinda feels like a waste to put a point in skeletons if a higher level summon will just own it..
  23. Hey, Are the summoned creatures stats viewable anywhere? I realise one could highlight them during battle to see it's defences, but is there any way to view it's might etc? Or the "weapon" it uses? This wouldn't be super important for the chanter summons I guess, but more so for the ranger. Also, do the summons scale? Like, will a chanter with 18 might deal more skeleton-dmg than one with 9? Do the summon scales with level?
  24. If you make an enemy pass by your tank, who engages them, wont the enemy then engage him? I understand the enemy could still break free after ur tank forces an engage, but that would still hinder its movement and make it suffer a disengagement attack? I like the engagement-system but it is abit tricky.
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