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Everything posted by Parsalian

  1. What can we expect in terms of raising the difficulty of the game? And will those changes affect current games? Im in 20h already, playing on veteran with no level scalling, and combat is so easy I dont even use my main character skills, just let the AI do the job. But Im sure I will not start another game just for the difficulty...
  2. I attacked more merchant ships (without affiliation) and I still dont see any penalties. My conclusion is that Merchat ships are a good way to make money if you are not role playing a good character.
  3. There's some kind of reputation penalty for attacking merchant ships? Or maybe some negative effect with my companions? I just did an attack and didnt notice any penalties, but before I start doing it more frequently, I want know if there's some kind of problem in being an "evil pirate".
  4. Maybe Im unlucky, but I always hear the same companions. Kana and Eder are the most vocal, Grieving, hiravias and Aloth never talk. What is kind of weird, specially for Aloth who looks like a very flamboyant character.
  5. I think that Obsidian did an awosome job writing the companions. But I would love to hear more random phrases from them. Kana's "I shall be calm as a quiet sea" has already become unbeareble to me.
  6. I only agree with the view problem. Sometimes the fight is happening beneath doors or trees and its very hard to see. Also, I think that even kwoning that fighters and other classes can engage more than one enemy, some kind of aggro skill would be welcome. Enemies usually keep attacking the char they attacked first until one of them died, we should have a way to change this.
  7. This is probably a silly question, but how to equip my fist? When I place an offhand wepon my fist disappear and, in combat, my character only attacks with the offhand weapon never punching. I want to use an offhand weapon with draining life.
  8. Thats pretty confusing...theres an explanation somewhere of why they decide to implement such weird system?
  9. I dont get the time displayed showing the time my companion will be away...1 round = 1 day? I dont think so, because I already slept twice and the 8 rounds need for my first Major Adventure didnt go down. can someone please clarify this for me?
  10. Well, first off, if you want to be tankish, you have to take tankish stats - preception and resolve. And yes, inteligence is least usefull talent on monk But, from what I understood high Per and Res increases deflection, and you, as a monk, want to get hit. So, its not better have high Con and be a meat shield?
  11. Im playing on hard as a Cypher right now, but Im already planing play a Monk in PoTD. So, probably I want a tank'sh build, can someone help me? Im trying to figure out if I dump Int or not. Also, Im trying to convince myself of just forget the "dialogue attributes" and max Mig, Con and dex. Something like Might 18, Con 18, Dex 18, Per 10 Int 6, Resolve 8. Will this work?
  12. I dont think this is true. The way I see it, if your Int is 10 and a skill does 10 damage over 10s, with lower Int, your time will be shorter and the damage smaller, lets say 5 damage in 5s.
  13. The Ogre Druids on the lvl 3 of the Endless Paths can cast a spell called Insect Infestation (or something like that) that creates a cloud of insects around the party that does damage over time. This cloud never dissipates! Even after killing the druid, resting or changing the map...
  14. We have 8 companions: Aloth (Wizard), Eder (Fighter), Durance (Priest), Kana (Chanter), Hiravias (Druid), Sagani (Ranger), Grieving Mother (Cipher) and Pallegina (Paladin). I know that is perfectly possible to finish the game with any composition party. Also, I imagine that most people will change NPCs often to adavance their quests. But, for the sake of discussion and power play: - Best party composition? (considering your class) - Best tank? - Best DPS? - Best NPC overall? - Worst? As a Cipher, my prefereble party is Eder (tank), Durance (offtank/support), Hiravais, Grieving Mother and Kana - all cloth dps. Right now Im leaving Grieving out, because two ciphers are really op. I can puppet two enemies and spam mind blades to quick kill everyone else. So, Im using Pallegin as off tank in her place and releasing Durance as pure support. The best tank imo is Eder, best dps is Greaving, she is also the best npc overall. I really think that the ranger is the worst companion, although I like her personality.
  15. Now that more people played for dozen of hours, I would like to ask how are the interactions with companions. Do they really intervene in the story? Contribute? Theres quest lines exclusive for them? As posted before in the forum, companions stats and skills are not that good, alsoI like to play more with characters I created and with a party composition of my choice. So, if companions are only for small flavour stuff, I will dismiss them.
  16. Slowmode just make animations take longer, so I will still suffer with the same small number of "turns" to finish the combat. What I want is have to cast 3 or 4 skills from every member of the party before killing everything, at least on medium fights. Right now, as I said before, you start the combat, choose one initial skill and probably thats it, you or the creatures will be dead before another "round".
  17. About 12h, just finished the Lord of Baren quest. The boss fight was sweet, I just wanted to face more battles like that. I hope you are right.
  18. Yeah, this is my problem too...chanters dont have time to execute their spells. Also, fights are so short that most of the time I repeat the same sequence of skills at the begining of the combat and do nothing else because everything is dead. For those who disagree, fine. Im just asking for an option. We already have many options to configure the game for our own liking, maybe add another one called "epic combat", 50% more endurance/health for all.
  19. I find difficult to play strategically because the combat is over in 30s. I dont actually need that the game become harder - Im playing on Hard and its ok - I just wish that enemies and my party had more "hit points". Maybe a menu option to double endurance/heatlh could be added and we opt for it in the beggining of the game.
  20. I took all from this site: http://imgur.com/a/Gok09 Should I rename them?
  21. The portraits I took for this thread (ty guys) are not appearing ingame...I placed them in the art/gui/portraits/player/female or male folder. Theres something else I need to do?
  22. All games I bought on Steam were released at 9am PST...
  23. I have exactly 56 games on Steam (yeah, I know, I should get a life), at least half of them I pre-order and Im sure that the release time is always 9am PDT (1pm here in Brazil).
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