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Posts posted by Maedhros

  1. I read volume 2 of My Struggle by Knausgård recently (A Norwegian author who lived in Sweden and wrote about it), and he says pretty much the same. He calls Swedes "cyclops" - and that they can't handle ambiguity and that some people see things differently.


    Edit: Just to be clear, not saying I necessarily agree

  2. Not too optimistic about Warcraft IV, with Rob Pardo and so many of their best designers gone. I'd still play WC3 if they made a proper new patch with an updated battle.net though.


    If the RTS genre is gonna be popular again,I feel like they gotta incorporate some of the automated things from mobas. For example have the buildings automatically spawn units every minute, or something like that. With the focus being more on controlling the army (and the hero, if it's warcraft we're talking about), and selecting the right army type, rather than basebuilding and unit production.


    I tried playing SC2, but it just feels like work rather than fun in how effective you have to be with the macro stuff.

  3. I was actually thinking of the use of feminine pronouns when referring to a man. If you could actually turn a horse into a zebra I'd call it a zebra. But painting black and white stripes on a horse won't make it a zebra. I will admit I am annoyed by the whole touchy feely "I identify as a woman so call me she" b------t. A thing is what it is. 2+2=4 no matter how anyone feels about it.


    I feel like I'm the King of England so I want all of you to refer to me as Your Majesty from now on. But even if you did when I show up at Buckingham in a U-Haul I'll be in for a disappointment. 



    People's gender identity can differ from their assigned sex. In this case we're probably dealing with someone with mental issues, but there are lots of people who have felt like they were born in the wrong body, and haven't been able to live good lives until they "look" like they feel. To me (probably because I'm Scandinavian!) it's just plain insensitive to refer to a trans person as the sex he/she was born into rather than the one he/she identifies with.

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    Eh, I dunno. I had horrible luck with passive stuns and generally wasn't either good nor experienced. Some heroes and combos did stand out though, like Bloodrazor with his "tons of damage if you move" ult coupled with the Force Staff that moved anyone you clicked on - just enough to get killed by said ult, of course.

    well, buy Linken, problem solved, Bloodseeker is for sure not OP hero :)



    Not worth spending that much gold just to counter Bloodseeker tbh. Just carry tps, and tp home if he uses the ult on you. Bloodseeker ultimate spell is good vs new/bad players, terrible vs experienced players. A bloodseeker with forcestaff isn't gonna trouble the opponents carry players much. :)

  5. Before Icefrog Dota was fun, but also a mess riddled with bugs and imbalanced heroes. There was no metagame to speak of. He made Dota into a competetive masterpiece. Balance tweaking a game with that many unique heroes/spells/items is way harder than Bartimaeus makes it sound. It's pretty ridiculous to suggest that you could've done the same job.

  6. The only Moba I play occassionally now is HotS precisely because it's not competitive as an eSport anymore, so Blizz can just add bat**** crazy stuff like that two-headed ogre and the Firelord that becomes a raid boss. Dota and Lol haven't changed in 10 years? Why not watch Fifa instead?


    Dota hasn't changed a lot because it's a very good game. Why change something that works?


    They add new heroes, modes and items every now and then though. The update yesterday was HUGE. If you play HotS because of bat**** heroes, well Dota has its fair share of those. Meepo, Techies, Invoker, Rubick, Tinker, Timbersaw to name a few - all with very unique abilities.


    There are millions of hero/item/lane setup combinations/strategies that makes the game never feel outdated or boring. There is no skill-ceiling, and pro gamers keep getting better at it. There is so much room for personal improvement, innovation and strategy, more so than in actual RTS games (and I say this as a WC3/BW veteran).


    I know I sound like a fanboy (I guess I am), but I truly believe Icefrog is the greatest "competetive gaming" developer there is.

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  7. I think my favorite gaming moment is probably playing Morrowind for the first time. Just wandering around in the world and discovering stuff - artifacts, books, cool ruins with insanely dangerous creatures. Hadn't played anything like it at the time.


    More recently, there have been tons of great moments when playing Crusader Kings 2. Starting as a count in France, marrying into a dukedom in Italy, becoming King of Italy, later breeding a line of Genius Emperors through carefully electing the best possible candidates among my sons. Man I love that game.

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    I believe that Finland has, by reputation, an outstanding school system. I don't really know, but I think the wife played a video about it recently. She makes me watch these things regularly.


    Yeah, other countries have a lot to learn from Finland and their trust-based approach. Teachers are trusted to be innovative, and there is little to no standardized testing. You learn to learn, not to score well on tests. From what I've read, educators are running the school system - not politicians or buisness people who sadly think competition is the best way of getting better schools.



    You forgot one thing. Every time teachers from other countries visit finnish classrooms they are surprised by one thing in peculiar: The students are silent, obedient and follow the instructions of the teacher. Such manners do not come from the blue, but rather from home. It takes a village to raise a child properly and all that.



    That's a fair point, but maybe students in other countries would tend to be more silent and obedient (or even better, participating) if their teacher had more autonomy and creative freedom like they do in Finland? Haven't watched it in ages, but I think S4 of the Wire illustrates this in a good way. Teachers usually know best what their students need.

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  9. I believe that Finland has, by reputation, an outstanding school system. I don't really know, but I think the wife played a video about it recently. She makes me watch these things regularly.


    Yeah, other countries have a lot to learn from Finland and their trust-based approach. Teachers are trusted to be innovative, and there is little to no standardized testing. You learn to learn, not to score well on tests. From what I've read, educators are running the school system - not politicians or buisness people who sadly think competition is the best way of getting better schools.

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    Chomsky is a senile, biased as hell nutter at this point. The stuff that guy blames on Britian and the US is ridiculous. Sam Harris was right in dubbing him the godfather of the regressive left. A shame their debate never happened, Harris would mentally eviscerate this guy. In a calm and soothing voice. 



    Did you see their email exchange? Chomsky definitely "won" that exchange, even though they were pretty much just talking past each other.



  11. Would've been really interesting to see what would've happened if Sanders had joined Stein as their candidate, as she wanted. Do we know approximately how many of Sanders-supporters voted for Hillary/Trump?


    It's a trend in the world that young people flock to "enviromental friendly parties" so to speak. You can credit Stein with a decent performance, but I think they would've done even better with a more serious candidate, like someone who doesn't think wi-fi signals are dangerous to children.


    I can see them taking way more votes from the Democrats in the next election (unless the democrats elect a relatively progressive candidate).


    No! I wouldn't mind Norway joining a "United States of Scandinavia" though. Or wait, yes I actually would - Swedes are pretty intolerable.

    Swedes intolerable? You joking right ?


    Yeah, we have a friendly rivalry. They are not as awesome as danes though. It's kind of funny, even though the Scandinavian countries are very similar - I still see danes as laid back and fun, and swedes as extreme in their opinions, overly proud, etc. Stereotypess and all that jazz.

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