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Posts posted by Maedhros

  1. Odds are pretty slim that the movie actually sucks though. It might be tired and unoriginal or whatever, but these things follow a pretty standard formula. They've got great effects, good acting and directing, solid writing. There aren't going to be a lot of obvious problems with the film. They get focus groups and a bunch of oversight making sure that it is a quality product. So yeah, anyone that says the movie is terrible is exaggerating or trying to make themselves seems edgy.


    I mean, I have no interest in seeing the movie myself, but I realize that is a reflection on my lack of interest in the character and general apathy towards super heroes at this point. That doesn't make it a bad movie.


    Quality product for who? Suicide Squad had focus groups too.

  2. Haven't watched yet, but I'm guessing Subutai is in it? Can't really think of anyone who did more than him in terms of conquest. To be fair you could include other mongol generals as well like Jebe and Muquali.


    Edit: Guess not. Pretty strange considering he conquered 32 nations, and won 65 battles.

  3. We're definitely different from our neighbours in that we've made ourself pretty dependant on oil export yeah. Through our oil fond I believe we own 1,4% of all the worlds stocks, so we're heavily invested in all sorts of ventures. We adapt to the volatile currency pretty easily, but that's another discussion.


    Doesn't make the image any less relevant. Just goes to show that countries with different economies can make the same policies work. Not denying that the US has unique challenges that we don't have in Scandinavia though.

  4. The cost is one of the reasons me and my girlfriend agreed to never have a wedding. We'll probably marry at a point, but the celebration will probably consist of me and her going to a nice restaurant at the most.


    Today I had to cancel my plans for the third weekend in a row. Turns out being a parent can be pretty time consuming.


    Man, DC is so desperate to be MCU at this point.


    In movies, sure. On TV, nah. The 'universe' part of MCU has been great for the movies but pretty close to actively terrible for TV since TV is seen so much as a secondary medium. DC's approach of letting the shows do their own thing and link as much or as little as they like is far better for TV. The only really bad thing about DC's approach to TV is being arbitrary about who and what can be used due to whatever movies they're planning as if people couldn't tell TV Deathstroke or Deadshot plus multiple others apart from the movie versions.


    Movie wise DC is a mess, that they have two Joker movies with different actors in production at the same time just about sums things up there perfectly.


    But in terms of successful adult orientated TV shows Marvel is miles behind, albeit in part due to the, heh, meta issue of the Disney vs Netflix stoush.


    That looks awful, hopefully it transfers wealth from ****ty producers down to starving production crews.


    Titans' (DC made/ US/ original) trailer was not great either. The international Netflix trailer and the actual series though were good. Personally I think Doom Patrol is inherently a bit of an odd choice, but I'll give it a chance. Plus, it has Tim Dalton.



    What DC shows qualify as "succesful adult oriented tv"? Genuinly curious, because I haven't liked any of the ones I've tried the last 10 years or so (Arrow, Gotham City, Legends of Tomorrow, and Flash). Not too up to date on what they've been doing lately, but I generally just have an impression of newer DC tv as very unmodern, with Smallville still reigning as their best effort in the 21st century.


    I've been far more impressed with Marvel shows like Daredevil, Jessica Jones (s1), The Punisher (s1) and Legion.

    • Like 1
  6. I spent far too much money on wine today. It's the official "Burgundy release" in Norway today (2016 vintage). So now I have to wait 10-20-30 years to figure out whether it was worth it!


    There are no 5-10 bucks wine in Norway. However, fine wine is relatively cheap here. The most famous wine in the world, Romanee-Conti, cost under $6000 here, and above $20.000 in the global market. It's in extremely limited supply though. The guy who got one of the three bottles of that wine slept outside the store for 16 days. He could've sold it for a really nice profit, but he said he'd keep it. I find it a bit strange that more people don't buy a lot of these wines and sell them abroad, can't think of an easier way to make a lot of cash quick.


    Fun fact - there are no privately owned wine shops here. Only the Wine monopoly (owned by the state) are allowed to sell liquor with above 4,75% alcohol. It sounds terrible, but far from it. They have a range of 17k products that you can order from their website directly to your local shop free of charge, and the people who work there are extremely competent and concerned with quality. I'd argue it's probably among the best wine shops in the world.


    (So, nazis as Volo would call them - but competent nazis).


    ((Sweden has a similar system - but not quite as good in terms of fine wine).

    • Like 2
  7. I'm a kindergarten teacher, or whatever the correct term in English is. My kindergarten section has children from 4-5 years old, and I spend my days playing cards, soccer, and going on long hikes with the kids. Basically I just try to spend as much time as possible outdoors - so I can spend the rest of my day in front of the computer/tv with a clean conscience!


    I have a bachelor's degree + 2 years of pedagogy.

    • Like 2
  8. Still haven't watched Solo. Star Wars is the perfect introduction to his character, he doesn't need a prequel. Terrible idea by Disney.


    Pretty excited about the casting for Dune so far. Timothy Chamalet as Paul Atreides is a good match I think. Stellan Skarsgård as Baron Harkonnen could be good too. Of course the most important thing is that Villeneuve is directing.

    • Like 2
  9. "Not wearing a seatbelt you are a danger to others, if the car crashes."


    talk about stretching nonsense. Next youa re gonna claim helmet laws exist because if you don't wear a helmet it is dangerous for other people. LMAO


    Only Nazis are pro nanny laws.


    Not wearing seatbelt means you turn into a human projectile if the car crashes. Law of physics. If the guy in front wears seatbelt, and the guy behind does not - he slams into the neck of the guy in front of him in the same speed the car was driving before the crash.


    There's also the fact that if you wear a seatbelt in a "mild crash", you're far more likely to be able to manouvre the car afterwards and avoid potential other cars. The seatbelt also forces you to be in the best possible posture while driving.



    • Like 1
  10. Not wearing a seatbelt you are a danger to others, if the car crashes. It's as reasonable as smoking bans in public places.


    I'm ok with some nanny laws, others not. Playing Poker tournaments for cash was illegal in Norway up until recently. Completely ridiculous. Of course most people didn't care about the law and did it anyway, but still dumb.

  11. I recently read Sailing to Sarantium, and its followup Lord of Emperors by Guy Gavriel Kay.


    Like Kay's other works (except Fionavar), it's part historical fiction, part fantasy. This time he has a mosaicist as the main character, set in the world of the Byzantine Empire during the time of Justinian. Thourougly enjoyed these two books. Gonna read A Song for Arbonne next.



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