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About Simaska

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I have a question. If i find a hacked update and install it (i bought on GOG) will there be any consequences? (im not saying ill do it)
  2. So i just finished 40+ hours of the game. My main char was a tank fighter and had these unique items: 1 handed sword - Last Blade of the White Forge (pimped out as much as possible) 1.2 Attack speed, +5acc and dmg +1.25 to spirits, 25percent freeze dmg, +8 acc and +1.3 dmg (11/12) Shield - Thy Chef 10percent crits contverted to hits, +8 Shield Deflections, 16deflections, -8 acc, (6/12) Armor - Coat of Ill Payment (pimped out as much as possible) Retaliation perk, +2resolve, +3 corrode dmg reduction, 4 dmg reduction, DR 14 (10/12) Head - Azalin`s Helmet (crit +10percent) Feet - Boots of Speed (move speed +3) Waist - Girdle of Eoton Constitusion (+3 con) Rings - Ring of Unshackling - (grants supress affliction) Ring of thorns (+3dex, +5reflex, +20 defense when stunned or prone) Hands - Spiderfingers (+1 perception, grants restore minor endurance) Neck - Cape of Deflection (+5 deflections) None of the buffs overlap, so all my other party members also have great stuff too. But ofc i gave the best items to my main char) What does your main char use? Did you find any better items?
  3. Ok. My composition is 1) fighter with super high deflection 2) eden also deflection is super high 3) durance 4) mother 5) aloth 6) horathias (druid) And i still cant defeat the dragon... i tried even on eazy. I crush anyone in normal without a problem but this... this is just cruel...
  4. Adra Dragon fight.... Just let him fight her.. Then inform us how did he do (Spoilers - Dragon is in 15th level of stronghold)
  5. So did anyone beat that adra dragon? plz share..
  6. So did anyone beat the adra dragon in normal or higher difficulties? I am seriously at a loss.. One breath takes 2 or more people out with corrode dmg.. How can you defeat her (or from the voice a little bit both of male and female)?
  7. dude... One breath.. 200+ corrode dmg and theres only one left stanfing... wtf?
  8. When you assign one of your companions to a quest how long does it take for him to complete it?
  9. Imo you could swap rogue or druid with another tank like paladin. because with two tanks its eazyer to play smthng like hard difficulty
  10. My 2 cents in this matter: Positioning is key in a lot of great games. I can make two examples too: 1) When fighting on hard against the dude that brainwashed the pregnant girl (Im really bad with names and english is certainly not my native language so sorry in advance). The party cannot be positioned before the fight. So the fight is really challenging and fun (and yes, i am making an assumption that we all played the PoE beta). 2) In a game like Dota2 which is played for millions of dollars, positioning your heroe is key! So why in this game it should be different? I played 6 different partys and got all the stuff done in BB in various difficulties (i know for some of you thats a drop in the ocean) and i loved the combat. Yes it has to be polished. Yes there are a lot of bugs (Sensuki taverN refference). Yes balancing is needed. But positinioning still holds up (again - only my opinion). P.S. one more thing. In my opinion a lvl 12 mages with all the buffs he can cast on himself should still be less effective then the same lvl fighter with all his class buffs on. Why??? BECAUSE MAGES HAVE VERSATILITY! Fighters are made to fight in close combat, mage can if he wants too. Sorry if ranting. Still love the game and this forum. Have a great day!
  11. So I have a question about new beta release. If we will not get an update today, its only reasonable to expect it next week? ty for the answers up front.
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