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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. Well, his presidency was an utter failure, he has to make his mark on history somehow.


    Considering the huge mess that Bush moron and his Republican cronies left Obama with, it's not terribly surprising.


    Still, he certainly hasn't been anything more than mediocre even in light of the Republican party imploding in a mess of infighting, fanatic religious extremism and corruption.


    blah blah blah let's keep blaming bush, no reason for accountability. Obama had a Democratic congress for 2 years and didn't do anything with it. If Obama had half a backbone the country would be in much better shape. The last two presidencies have been absolute jokes, and with Romney up for election and Obama as the incumbent I don't see the next term being much better regardless of who wins.


    The only saving grace is that it is possible that Obama was just governing for re-election this term. He pissed off a lot of people with Obamacare but not to a point where he can't win the 2012 election - maybe he'll be the president we thought he was going to be during his 2nd term.

  2. I watched all three Lord of the Rings this weekend. I think it's still my favorite film series, even if it isn't the best book-to-movie adaption (although it's good enough). I'm anxious to see how The Hobbit turns out, how they are spreading a single book over 3 movies I have no idea but I guess there is money to be made.

  3. I dont think Nash is all that and a bag of chips. He'll probably get more assists playing for the Rangers, but his production has been slipping the past few years. I don't feel that Nash is the kind of superstar who makes everyone else around him better, despite that he's paid like one.


    And Columbus' GM should have kept his mouth shut when Nash asked for a trade. I think going public with it hurt his cause of making the Jackets better.


    edit: and the Preds match the offer sheet for Weber. Let's hope he doesn't sink under 14 million dollars of pressure.


    Nash's game in Columbus was a lot like Kovalchuk's in Atlanta. When you're literally the only guy on the team who can score goals consistently your numbers are going to be inflated.

  4. Devils are apparently still talking about bringing Sykora back. I really have absolutely no idea why our management wouldn't bring back a 20 goal scorer with more playoff experience than most of the league. Sykora has said he'd even "drive the bus" for the team if that's what they wanted him to do. Makes me think we're still in on Semin.

  5. The NHL saw record revenues last year, yet the NHL owners propose the players take a cut from 57% to 46% of all revenues (if I remember the numbers correctly)? I would love to hear the reasoning behind that.


    The players ARE the NHL.


    And if the Wild's GM says anything about needing more money I hope someone shoves the Parise and Suter contracts down his throat

  6. Well, Bettman's first proposal was absolute trash. I don't want to see a lockout :C


    Also, if your team just lost a 31 goal scorer to free agency, would you pounce on the opportunity to resign a guy who scored 21 goals for $650k last season? because the Devils STILL haven't offered Sykora a contract yet...We need the goalscoring.

  7. That's scary for Minnesota. When they cut his ice time in Ottawa he demanded a trade.


    He is still likely the top line combination with Parise and Koivu.



    Won't that leave them a little frontloaded though? I know they have Setogucci and few other 30-40 point getters, but is that enough for a solid 2nd and 3rd line? Seems like Parise is gonna have to score a lot of goals.

  8. If Heatley finds the motivation to play meaningful hockey again I could see the Wild challenging Vancouver for the division.


    Was he bad in Minnesota? He was good in San Jose, he honestly just lacks the speed needed to score 50 goals, and it hurts him defensively too. He had 24 last season and I think that is about what you can expect from him.


    I don't think 30+ goals is an unreasonable expectation for Heatley.


    He was never a fast skater, and now that he is a little older, it's even harder for him to get space. So 30 is reasonable, but I'd still expect more like 25 from him.


    Wouldn't be surprised if his production dropped with Parise in the mix now too, he'll probably be getting less minutes now.

  9. Minnesota for Parise and Suter?!?!?!




    I heard Suter was going to the Wild around 4AM last night, figured that meant Parise was going too so it wasn't too much of surprise. Parise is getting 98 million dollars...He isn't worth that much. Had there been one or two other top players in this free agency I don't think he gets over 70.

  10. 4.5MIL for someone like JJ is worth it. Any team not willing to pay that for him are undervaluing him. Just look at the yoyos getting paid that much or more. parise is gonna get 7.5-8mil and he had what? 65-70 points?


    Parise's value goes far beyond points, but I agree that Jagr is worth that kind of money if a team has money to burn. I'm surprised he left the Atlantic actually, I was hoping he'd complete the cycle and come play for NJ (discounting the f**king Islanders because...well, they're the Islanders).


    Really a shame he didn't get to Edmonton (which is apparently where he wanted to go) because it would have been great for all those kids up there to play with such a seasoned legend.

  11. Jagr in Dallas? That could be interesting.

    I think Derek Roy will be a good fit for the Stars, too. Sure he's undersized and had an off year, but the kids got game.


    I guess Jagr really just wanted (needed?) the money at this point. Apparently he wasn't listening to anything under 4.5 million, which is a shame because I think the Devils were in on him.

  12. Don't know what Brodeur was trying to pull by going to free agency and hiring an agent. Maybe just was curious as to what the rest of the league thought of him? Apparently he's gonna sign a 2 year contract with NJ tomorrow. I don't see this as a bad thing, he's got one more season as a starter and then he'll split the last season as a mentor with a young goalie. Parise sweepstakes should be over by the time I wake up tomorrow, feeling pretty sick about that whole situation. If he goes somewhere in the Atlantic I'll be depressed.


    I understand that Parise is a disgustingly good player to have on your team (no one works harder, and he has so much skill), but the contracts I've heard him being offered are ridiculous. 12 years at 80million+? He's just not worth that much. He's coming off a 64 point season. Regardless, I hope the Devils resign him and still think they have a shot. Also, did the Penguins just send a signal to Malkin that they're done if Parise signs? There were rumors that Parise was offered a contract similar to Crosby's and there is just no way they could finance 3 people with 90+ million dollar contracts, which Malkin has obviously more than earned.

  13. As much as I love The Dark Knight series, it sure has made people super critical of superhero movies. These are comicbook characters that are read by 8 year olds. I still love them as much as I did then, and I'm still going to see Ironman 2 to see Ironman kick the crap out of some bad guys with some awesome weapons. As long as the acting is good (and Downey is aweome) and they don't completely destroy the storyline, I'll pay 10 bucks to see Ironman 1-8.


    They were read by 8 year olds. The comic book market as a whole is getting aimed more at the late teens, and twenty-somethings in general.. At least Marvel and DC tend to push that slightly more emphasis rather then the pure kiddies.


    Fair enough, I was just trying to make the point that the age group of these kind of things is so huge that not every superhero movie is going to be as mature and dark as The Dark Knight.

  14. As much as I love The Dark Knight series, it sure has made people super critical of superhero movies. These are comicbook characters that are read by 8 year olds. I still love them as much as I did then, and I'm still going to see Ironman 2 to see Ironman kick the crap out of some bad guys with some awesome weapons. As long as the acting is good (and Downey is aweome) and they don't completely destroy the storyline, I'll pay 10 bucks to see Ironman 1-8.

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