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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. It's horeeblay! The Wookies look like walking carpets.
  2. If you read the entire thread and didn't just scroll down to the last couple posts, you would see that I was actually sticking up for Metal Billy, after Sturm decided to make fun of his thread, which was uncalled for because it's not like anyone's making him read it. Then Purgatorio, being the great guy that he is, had to step in and make sure Sturm could handle himself in an argument. So really, Purgatorio is the tough guy.
  3. Adam Sessler suprised me, actually. He's usually the-stupid-funny-kind of guy.
  4. I thought it was fake at first.
  5. I'm still kind of confused... This is a reality TV series that has fake superheroes pretending to be real? So it can't really be a reality TV show can it?...Maybe this should go in the Philosophy thread... Anyways: Is it worth watching if I haven't seen the first few (or however many) episodes?
  6. First off: Welcome to the forum. K3 hasn't been put in production yet. A few months (maybe a year now?) the team that was working on K3 was fired. Since then nothing about K3 has been annouced, other then a few Obsidian employees stating that they "would love to do a KotOR 3" if LucasArts allows it. Currently, Obsidian is working on Project New Jersey, which they have comfirmed NOT to be KotOR 3. Now welcome to the forum, and I hope you have a nice stay. By the way: If you would like to contribute to out K3 discussion (wishlists and stuff) you can do so here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=42877 Trust me, with the amount of KotOR fanatics on this forum, if anything is announced you'll know. So stick around.
  7. What is it with the newbies today? All of them want to butt into everyone else's convorsations. Why don't you find something better to do then referee internet arguments?
  8. are they fun though? I mean is the AI good enough not to try and mingle with the flesh-eating zombies?
  9. Him getting killed by a television would be sort of ironic, wouldn't it?
  10. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=43001&hl= http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=42999&hl= http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=43001&hl= Those are pretty bad too.
  11. you say this stuff like you've thought about it before.
  12. so wait...harry potter could beat superman?
  13. so like...superman can survive a nuclear blast?
  14. this game seems more and more fun everytime I read one of Bok's posts. Just how many zombies can be on screen without considerable slow down?
  15. Oh, not yet. But when zombies take over, you'll be thinking: "Dayum, why did I refuse to by an Xbox 360?"
  16. Well then you aren't worthy? Are you? Jeese, why can't you answer these kind of questions yourself? On topic: I think I'm gonna get DR tommorow. I've had enough of first person shooters for a while, or atleast until CoD3 comes out, so Prey is out of the question.
  17. You say that like it's a bad thing. BUT IT'S NOT.
  18. I was thinking of breaking out the X-Box again to play that. But then I rememered it has bad graf-x.
  19. Meet Calax's lady-friends
  20. He probably got fed up with Jack interupting him everytime he said something.
  21. Which is partly the reason JT's (Ha! JT!) statement was funny.
  22. If you were being serious, thanks.
  23. Their mothers held them too much.
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