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Everything posted by The Illuminator
<{POST_SNAPBACK}> tnxz for making it bigger.
what is your reason for your ban?have i called u gay?have i flamed u personally?i think the ones deserving the ban r the ones flaming me like a teen does.even the mod flamed illogically.is my ban cuz im muslim or turk or something?do u call trolls who thinks teh opposite of u?r u bush?as he says ''those who dont support us r the ones who r against us''.in fact ''those who dont s*** our balls r teh ones who we shall slay''.u make no sense to me kid.
can u tell me why have u locked the eu thread?
well well well.i thought mods of a site supposed to be objective'n sideless.noone answered my questions.more over even mod took their sides.i have to say that this is the first side ever a mod made such a statement.after seeing a 'brutal' mod(im not sure if he was living in canada or us) who was 17 yrs old and killed the membs of teh site he 'modded' cuz of their use of 'poor grammar'.to the mod i want to ask that:shall u kill me cuz of ^^y p00r gr4a^^mar?do u 'really' think that spy satellite r to examine the balls of terrorists?if u say yes, i shall understand why babies r being raped in iraq. hahhahaha kids these days
do u claim that canada doesnt use spy satellites? i have to say that discussing nirvana is completely off-topic, however i shall talk alittle'bout the popularly admitted identity of nirvana: ...When Cobain was eleven he heard and was captivated by the Britain's Sex Pistols and after their self-destruction Cobain and friend Krist Novoselic continued to listen to the wave of British bands including Joy Division the nihilistic post-punk band that some say Nirvana are directly descended from in form of mood, melody and lyrical quality... ...In Britain Nirvana received a lot of recognition and in 1991 their contract was bought out by Geffen, they signed to the mega-label, the first non-mainstream band to do so. Two and a half years after Nirvana's first C.D. Bleach was released they released Nevermind, a series of different, crunching, screaming songs that along with it's first single Smells Like Teen Spirit would propel Nirvana to mainstream stardom... the source is www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/ Nirvana-Biography/28A0B3BA78E3DB7B4825682D0002E484 Kurt Cobain's being born in seattle does not make nirvana an american band as they were under the 'heavy effect' of british metal.moreover their being worldwide popular was cuz of their being popular in england.so calling nirvana as an 'american' band does not make sense as they did not earn their 'real' popularity at usa.usa was one of teh last countries realizing that there was a band called nirvana within their borders. why do u think that i am racist?what do u think can i use as an abreviation if i am to talk about british or american politics?do u want me to say BP or AP?there is a company called 'British Patrol' and another one called 'Associated Press' dont u think this is a sign of low IQ?have a mention i hate 'british ppl' or 'american ppl' my overall talk was 'bout poltics'n was clear however uve lacked the intellectual capacity of understandin it even if u saw my 'antiracist' comments'bout british ppl.i think your IQlvl is below teenage. this statement is the proof for that your whole knowledge'bout Islam depends on the fake antiIslamic propoganda sites otherwise tell me, how could u make such a statement?have we talked before about this subject?do u think those sionits control canada?r u sionit?where is teh source of yo info'bout sinoits?were 'u' behind teh invasions in middle east?what is sionit? this statement completely is 'racist'.yo name is like a chinese man.i didnt know chines were turkhater racists.how'n why the hell do u hate turks?have turkey set a country in china?has turkey invaded china or something? moreover, u r completely off-topic as uve made racist comments about turks.let me remind u that our subject is canada'n those terrorists arrested there.were they turks?otherwise uve farted'n went completely off-topic.i see going off-topic as a sign for being lowIQed what do u mean by ''try to distance themselves ''how the bloody hell shall the muslims distance themselves?do u know teh 'distance' of middle east to usa or britain.do u mean by 'distance' '@11 mVsl!ms sh0V!d gO tO ^^@rs'.im sure that even if they go to 'andromeda', those american'n british antiIslamic Muslim haters(i dont know if this includes fenqhuanq as he claimed im a racist wo any scientific proofs) goes to there after 2000 yrs w their spaceships'n try to kill'em there after a bloody invasion like the one took place in iraq.it is obvious to see it.moreover im sure they'd set a second israelian country on that star sytem where Muslims live as there r scientific proofs for that they did in the past such things. ud better ontinue watching cartoons like ransformers as your age group is way below to talk about politics.u make no sense w such kiddish comments.
i think that usa, england, canada and technologically developed countries like them all know the places terrorists hide'n performing theatral actions to raise the antiphaty over Islam.i cannot think of a country which has spy satellites makin'em able to see even the number of hair follicles on a suspects or terrorist's balls r so weak'n defenceless.im sure in areas like 51st area of usa, they develop much more 'effective'' technologies to watch'n learn everything on earth.as a conclusion, this news is a part of an antiIslamic theatral propoganda.as it is on a british-american channel, i dont have a doubt.your IQ lvl is not able to think even that why BBC or CNN r ''always'' the 1st ones to announce such bullcrap?r all of the other communicators s0xx0rers?after seeing the IQ lvl of the presidents of those companies' countries, i dont think so and a company of such a low IQed country can never be so clever to pick those news first.conscious propoganda at all.thats a pity for those terrorists to be used like puppets by low IQed ppl. EDIT:im surprised that the bush thread has been locked after seeing the dutch thread being allowed for days w the nasty stuff in it.also being flamed by numerous ppl last year w words 'homo' and pics added to those insults didnt cause the thread ive involved to be locked.i cant deny that it came to me a little 'double standarded' EDIT2:im aware that this post made me anticipated like a british hater, however it is not so as im not a racist.i like nirvana, iron maiden'n other british bands as i also like some american bands like metallica. i even like the armenian-american band system of a down.i met cool british ppl on internet, however politics r completely different.
my aim of postin on teh net's certainly not to increase teh IQ lvl of teh low IQed ppl votin for bush, blair or fascist dictator terrorists like'em.my aim is much more different'n complex that even yo low IQed imagination derived from producing nasthy words instead of makin sense cant solve.let me symplysize(i know theres not such a word im just typing this to increase the IQ lvl of him as s/he asked for.he can guess teh meaning of this word via guessing it from the words s/he know in teh rest of the text[i sti[color=red]ll[/color] doubt s/he only knovs half of'em though as s/he foted for bush]) it:im a mentally sado-mazochist narsist egoist surfs on teh net(like in his real life) to have fun w low IQed ppl via abusin dheir being low IQed to feed his narsist ego.more simply, im using internet to have fun w lowIQed ppl.until now i coudn't abuse anyone as ive desired so thanx for yo being lowIQed as ive started to doubt if there r some on this site.i also sawe teh dialogues i consider as being fanny like teh ones btw u'n me into my cpu to check'em again in the future when im sad to cheer myself up'n increase my moral. i usually dont like to increase the IQ lvls of my opposites as if it increases theres noone left for me to abuse for my narsist egoist fun hunger, however sometimes those have teh brain ability to increase'eir IQ, increases it w my unintentional help.despite this fact, i dont think u r one of those. u claimed that im tryin to appear pretty to others via behavin pretty.in fact thats not true as behave like how i am.ur not being able to solve this even from nonbritish, uncivillized, barbarian style of typing is a proof for that uve got a low IQ.kongratuations.u r teh 1st low IQed human being bein abused by a creature like me on this site up to now. if u wanna make personal statements'bout me, ud better find a thread'bout me.otherwise i dont prefer to be off-topic like u as i admit it as a sign of being a low IQed. cheerz
Some things are better left unknown. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> before replying falsely documented replies, see teh original thread plz.certainly it is not this one.its teh bloody one'n so u can easily guess that its'bout bush
ud better try to be at least european as u can never be a turk to be more polite'n better IQed.thanx to Allah that turks have never produced lowIQed leaders like bush or blair maybe cuz there r no turks at yo IQ lvl voting for such low IQed leaders
be aware of that farting much may cause u to have prostitude, n that may make it difficult u to belch when there r 'things' making u belch. u may suffer cuz of yo prostitude
i didnt know florida was in eu.r u on holiday in eu or trying to fart?
i dont waste time to type proper british english especially when im to reply the posts of lowIQed ppl like u.have u voted for bush?
im against being a part of eu
make yo quetion 'clearer' plz
u r free, but i usually dont lie like the antiIslamic propoganda sites judging Islam assuming that an el kaide militan is an Islamic authority.
on some other sites ppl seeing similar things claim that they r fake films as if those eastern terrorists have the high cyber technology the western has, so i gave up making links to those realities and as ive stated before, i 'saw' it on turkish TV and couldn save on my cpu.i think googling may help u on such issues <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And if he was masturbating than how could he aim? Anywho I don't believe it unless you give me the video. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think u dont read my quotes 'carefully' or your mother lang's not english.if u read it again, u can see that term, adverb, whatever that is ''as if'', moreover uve posted this in the wrong thread.this is eu thread.'not' bush thread <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just said one of your earlier posts, I never said it was from this thread (right now I'm feeling like a real smart ass). Anyway can you be a dear and fetch me that video. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> im copyin andpasting one of my former quotes on some other sites ppl seeing similar things claim that they r fake films as if those eastern terrorists have the high cyber technology the western has, so i gave up making links to those realities and as ive stated before, i 'saw' it on turkish TV and couldn save on my cpu.i think googling may help u on such issues
i ususally test the IQ of ppl on the net or in real life according to their actions being logical according to 'me', so my giving a person low IQ does not mean s/he cant take 140 from a test, however if i consider a person as lowIQed one i dont care his/her IQ points.from xperience i can say that my calling someone low IQed is 'not' an insult, is a critic as s/he can improve in future'n behave in a way i consider high IQed, however those r 'my' considerations, and r valid only when u 'care' about my opinions.i advice the ones thinking opposite of me not to care about my thoughts as i dont care someone calls me 'homo' on this site.cuz im not homo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No one called you a homo...just egotistical... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> last year almost everyone did and my fault was trying to make a 'ruckus thread' that i think noone on this site been to.however i gave up such habits since that as ive understood comunities on different sites whos mom lang is english r not the same as bioware site
on some other sites ppl seeing similar things claim that they r fake films as if those eastern terrorists have the high cyber technology the western has, so i gave up making links to those realities and as ive stated before, i 'saw' it on turkish TV and couldn save on my cpu.i think googling may help u on such issues <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And if he was masturbating than how could he aim? Anywho I don't believe it unless you give me the video. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think u dont read my quotes 'carefully' or your mother lang's not english.if u read it again, u can see that term, adverb, whatever that is ''as if'', moreover uve posted this in the wrong thread.this is eu thread.'not' bush thread
i ususally test the IQ of ppl on the net or in real life according to their actions being logical according to 'me', so my giving a person low IQ does not mean s/he cant take 140 from a test, however if i consider a person as lowIQed one i dont care his/her IQ points.from xperience i can say that my calling someone low IQed is 'not' an insult, is a critic as s/he can improve in future'n behave in a way i consider high IQed, however those r 'my' considerations, and r valid only when u 'care' about my opinions.i advice the ones thinking opposite of me not to care about my thoughts as i dont care someone calls me 'homo' on this site.cuz im not homo.
that means if someone says ive got 140 IQ s/he maybe lying to me
on some other sites ppl seeing similar things claim that they r fake films as if those eastern terrorists have the high cyber technology the western has, so i gave up making links to those realities and as ive stated before, i 'saw' it on turkish TV and couldn save on my cpu.i think googling may help u on such issues
Can I see that clip? Because you know on the internet you shouldn't believe everything you hear, I just want some proof. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> u dont believe it?
Ok, I forgot that part of it...the first part anyway. It does have to reach it's peak...but...
well i didnt think that my action w my left hand would be a problem on this site after seeing the dutch thread.
Actually, I'm a muslim too... and I am well aware of what the Qu'ran does and does not say about such things... however, what you clearly fail to overlook is that only Allah and the individual person is aware of the true intention of said person... and thus, only Allah can truly judge whether said person "sinned" or not... if you're a muslim, then you should know that one's intention is extremely important and makes a difference to what happens after one passes away... so saying, "so and so is going to Hell!" isn't for you or anyone else to judge Funny, my intention was only to back you up and try to clarify things so there's little room for misinterpretation... but your comment has annoyed the agitated, sleep-deprived me, so I'll leave you to it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think there is a little point u missed.i didnt say that they shall go to hell 'eternally' Allah decides this