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About bsofdeath

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. well when they do kotor 3 i absolutely want them to fully develop romances. i mean i so wanted one with handmaiden
  2. haha priceless rite there id like for an ending
  3. i know man, who ever makes kotor 3 NEEDS to like expand romance. I mean there was so much potential in kotor 2 but yet tehy didnt. I mean if obsidian or bioware or what company makes kotor 2 does this for us people that want romances man they will be GODS!!!! "
  4. lol heck id like to have all three say it together in the same pose (w00t) "
  5. again not being able to develop a deep romance with handmaiden *sigh* hopefully theyll improve for kotor 3
  6. -bump- ne one knows the answer to weaponmaster's question?
  7. man please do telll...as yall can tell from my posts i prefer handmaiden and i want the freakin old hag to admit her not visas is my true love
  8. wait...i did get htat scene, shes like theres no need for a sith to be on aboard the ship rite?
  9. it was an awesome cutscene. my fav though is still is the one after as handmaiden u fight atris and then it goes that handmaiden is on all fours while being force lightened and atris like commenting "did he ever touch you look upon you, did you love him" and such.
  10. ya thats what i want. I mean visas seems to be a nice girl and all, but i want handmaiden and kreia to tell me that i cant have her...im in the same situation as you
  11. has ne one gotten kreia to mention that romance between your charater and handmaiden cannot go on as you have to go after revan? its just even i unlocked the seen after i fought atris about how she expressed more or less her feelings for me (brianna im talking about)
  12. thing is i only had visas out with me once and got influence with her only when she was on ebon hawk and once when i used her in the crsytal caves......thing is i just want the romance with brianna.
  13. yea i did. thanks for the help. also i have antoher question. if i got that scene after beating atris with the newly named briana, do i still have that force sex scene and where visas proclaims her love for you? ive always had more inf. with handmaiden than visas. And then kreia at the end when i ask her about the future sez that briana will be a historian while the one i love, which i thought was brianna, would return to katarr
  14. hey all, i just finished the game and after i fought atris, i had that scene when handmaiden is all i thought u were dead and all romantic and then tells u her nam and sez she is the disciple of the last of the jedi. Now heres my question.....i have her at telos station as well as atton when the sith are attacking. I talk to her and a new convo option comes up where u mention she seems calmer and stuff. Thing is she wont tell me and sez that she'll tell me later. Thing is i cant have her in my party later as i have to have visas and mandalore. i totally prefer handmaiden over visas
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