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Darth T

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About Darth T

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    saturday detention
  1. Idea the protaganist is a young force sensitive and he meets the spirit of the exile just a small idea
  2. master yuthera from kotor I
  3. um NPC stands for non playable character you are refering to PC which stands for Playable Character my mom was mad when she read my star wars RPG book when it said your PC becuase i was grounded from the computer yea acronyms are confusing but AKRONYM is a great band becuase im the guitarist wow i drifted far froom the subject any way...
  4. i dont have the money to get star wars galaxsies infact im JUST getting an x-box
  5. i say a more elder scrolls kind of game where you dont have to follow a certain story line when you can just move around where ever you like and unlimeted things to fight not just you kill it its gone. have more things made after time and such. and a costumizable charecter and more than one race.
  6. GO HEAR
  7. yo post you art :D NOW :angry:
  8. thanks, Datrh T, i love it especially the hk line about his vibrator function, pure genius (w00t) :D . <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hey do you think i have a chance to get drew carrey to reserect the drew carry show?
  9. On eben hawk Exile: mira Mira: what Exile i hate green Mira:... Exile: so Mira: you want my to wear some red Exile:... Mira: what Exile: lose it Mira: what Exile: damn Mira: what Exile: i got DS points Mira: yessss. Exile: wait Mira:... Exile: i already got you Mira: grr Exile: noooo Mira: what Exile: oh. your not changing to Hannhar Mira: wanna make a bet Duxn Exile: i hate making bets Aton: why Hk 47:(question) why does she have hers on her chest handmadien: those are difrent Visas: yeah shes a girl Hk 47:(fritened question) was her meat bags cut off? Exile: no shes a girl and that is her- T3 m4:beep bo bep weep Exile: Yeah girls don't have them Kriea: Hk 47 go back to the ship Hk 47: (random question) are you a girl Kriea: die *pulls light saber* Hk 47: (threat) you are obsolite you must go into eternal slumber Aton: go Hk Hk 47: (statment Threat) you will go with alive and must suffer to die Aton: kill me please Hk 47: agrement GoTo:buzzz beep Exile what! Aton what did it say GoTo: (translator on line) cough cough droid language is tough Mira: ok i worked my shift at the deli Mandalore: ... Exile: i think he is Aton: dead.......... yesssssss Exile: he was my anti-drug Mira: really Exile: please sex is way beter Hk 47: (confused qustion) who is this sex Exile: wanna see Hk 47: (gleefull response) ok! Later on the ebon hawk Mira: that was fun Exile: totaly Mira: it's better when you don't smoke Exile: your my anti drug Hk 47: (confsed) i thaught she was mira... what about sex? Exile: never watch us have sex again Mira: yeah Exile: with all the "may i try" and the "would my vibrator function help me?" Hk 47: (statment) at least you are no aton on iziz Aton: I thaught naked with kriea is the worst threat but when she uses mind conrtrol to have sex...KILL ME
  10. at peragus Exile taking the stuff from the dead body Kriea: find your stuff amoung the dead Exile: it's cheaper @ss ho** Kriea: don't mess with a sith lord! Exile: so Kriea: what do you mean "so" Exile: i bought the stratagy guide with the game kriea: **** Exile: thats right later at malachor 5 for the last time Exile: wanna fight Kriea: me? Exile: nah the stupid droid Kriea: ok lets fight Exile: lets make a bet Kriea: huh? Exile: if i win you have to use the force to get handmadien and visas to run around naked Kriea: and if i win? Exile: ... Kriea: what? Exile: if you win ... i'll just load the game up and fight you again Kriea: lets just fight Later at duxn Exile: see aton i knew id get them to do it Aton: pass me a beer Exile:... Aton: bastered! GET ME A BEER! Exile: wanna fight Aton:... Exile: if i win you have to get naked with kriea Aton: and if i win Exile: come on. Aton: what Exile: i bet remote could beat you. Aton: wanna make a bet Later at iziz Exile running throught iziz naked Aton: hahaha Visas: i bet your to wuss to go and streak too Aton: wanna bet Visas: if you don't you spend a night streaking with kriea streaking Aton: uhh That night at the ebon hawk Exile: can't look to ugly Visas: yeah lets just go have sex Exile: we can take a room sudenly the game crashes down owner of the X-BOX MOTHER ******
  11. im usualy a phicic gageter to make things like my own cars and get into peoples heads. my race is usualy the oddest alien and i try to get advantiges by making robotroid objects or even having part merchant part gagitier to make anything i want......... peace out.
  12. i just got through some drawings a good costomizeation would be to make your own light saber parts. name them and all and change the length and power like a real light saber and make what the parts look like such as a double sided light saber soda can. or a single bladed bear bottle. and wright stuff on them like drug co. some stuff from drew carry (w00t)
  13. guys my scaner broke but my dad is using his so im getting my darth drew up soon
  14. instead of a two way DS LS bar there should be more than two ways... mabye four. with 2 DS and 2 LS with jedi, republic LS and empire, sith DS (or any type of DS you want)
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