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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'd forgotten about this. The basic idea is that one GM tracks the story, arranges clues, gives rewards, designs fights etc. The other GM paints the picture, he acts the characters, and describes the explosions. I always felt doing both at once was exhausting. A further benefit is that the two refs act to keep any munchkin behaviour out. Has anyone tried two at once?
  2. Did that work, then?
  3. With all due respect to Mkreku, unless I hear a reason not to, I'm going to run with the higher candlepower BenQ unless someone stops me by 1800 hrs GMT.
  4. Wals = tubby b***h, although I do have an excuse. I freaking BURPED this morning and my rib dislocated. It's like my body hates exercise. Another early night last night and only a tiny nightcap. Long crazy dreams. Woke feeling rested, though. Sluggo, I lived with my brother twice over the years, and it was OK. But as you say, you have to agree what kind of house environment it's going to be. If there's no hope of him changing in the next couple of years DON'T DO IT. If you want out with a clean conscience, then lend him some moeny towards it. A couple of grand, say. Enough to be significant, but nothing crippling for you. Or buy him a huge gift. That way there's no question of repayment hanging over you.
  5. Another way to look at it is to treat it like you're the British and the women are the Natives. Neither of you understand the other. To begin with they will be overawed, but as soon as they stop thinking you're a god you're in trouble. You must pursue two strategies. Your essential areas, like gaming, beer, and your friends must be defended in the usual way you are good at, with forthrightness and honesty. And gatling guns... But if you really want to win you're going to have to take the fight to the enemy, and we're talking sending people up river Colonel Kurtz style. These moves have to be just as veiled in confusion, indecision, and rage as the enemy's. A zen-like chaotic whirlwind of mood swings, tangential parries, and destablising strikes. Burst into tears, buy a hamster, burn a cheese sandwich and then throw a plate across the room. Then let me know if it works.
  6. You must have missed the recent thread on this. However, on reflection I think I can offer a more advanced analysis. Most people, women included, lack wisdom. They don't know what they want, and even when they do it only lasts a short while. I could go further and speculate about women having strategic goal states rather than operational objectives like men. It makes us mesh very poorly when we try to collaborate. Men don't worry about where to be tomorrow, but do know what they want to do this afternoon. Women don't know what to do this afternoon, but know where they want to be tomorrow.* One might form the opinion from this that all is well. The two sexes compliment each other. The woman can plan the strategy and the man can execute the plan. This can work well, and does on occasions. The most obvious reason it does not is when the strategic goals of the two sides are dissonant, as they almost invariably are. Man does not like society's basic strategic goals based on women (Theslug, 2009), and since he has no real strategic goals beyond quickly and successfully vanquishing short term problems, compromise is almost impossible. For emphasis, compromise at the strategic level is impossible, and since operations stem from strategy you can't really expect anything to happen lower down. Why, then, do people get along in relationships at all if they are not enlightened superbeings? 1. They don't realise they will never agree, and are too stupid and persistent to quit 2. They realise they won't ever agree and cave in 3. They realise they won't ever agree and begin consciously or subconsciously machiavellian manipulating their partner Option 1 is obvious, and I think we've all been there. I quite enjoy those relationships, but can't any more because I know what to look for. Option 2 is your classic supine bargaining 'nice guy' position. In all bargaining scenarios it leads to the tough guy getting precisely what they ask for. Unfortunately, thanks to the aforementioned lack of wisdom, this is rarely what they need to be happy. The nice guy is resentful. The tough guy gets tougher. But because the tough guys isn't being forced to think by the 'nice' guy they ask for all kinds of nonsense. Option 3 is the only really tenable scenario, in my opinion. One side assumes dominance by arranging matters so there are either horrendously exciting distractions, or they send all kinds of bizarre and entertainingly mixed messages, or (the Dark Side option) they undermine the self0identity of their opponent. I mean partner. This analysis is of course wrong, because I've yet to maintain any relationship for longer than three years. The closest recipe I have for success is a flat stomach, good jokes, and a total lack of parrots. * I of course exclude all female forum members from this, since they are uniformly genius, and have great legs.
  7. I take my suggestion back. Most of the ex service ones have been bought by Iraq. Dammit. Sweet rides, though.
  8. Mkreku's recommendation certainly looks the business, judging by my scouting around that price bracket. However, I also found this 24" BenQ that has a cd/m2 of 500 compared with 300 on the Samsung. Is that 200 candle power going to make a big difference. I don't have sunlight directly on the screen. But I prefer to have the windows wide behind the screen if possible. I have a large sheet of cardboard up against them today, and it's just weird. EDIT: Sometimes advertising copy writers get carried away
  9. See if you can get hold of a copy of Time Out London (an events guide magazine). It should lend to easy colour pieces for meetings and bars.
  10. 1. I don't see how 1000 vampires can be too few. That's an enormous canvas to work with. 2. London itself speaks of a melting pot of players, mages etc. The financial sector, and Lloyds in particular scream out mages. 3. It makes perfect sense to me that the place is swarming with vampires and their thralls. It's the only bloody reaosn that makes sense of the Londoner's insistence on staying in London, despite it being manifestly soot stained and miserable.
  11. I go right back to White Dwarf 56, and I can tell you they weren't ever cool names, really.
  12. Can we get a squad going? I'd play if we could.
  13. It's that time again. Two principle reasons for a new monitor arise: Three. Three principle reasons: 1. I have enough cash spare to afford 300 pounds on a monitor 2. Spring's bright sunshine means I can't see my current monitor during the day when I'm working 3. I need something bigger than 19" to see from across the room when watching DVDs I could, obviously choose something and do reasonably well. But you chaps deserve these rare supplications.
  14. Casspir
  15. http://www.rathergood.com/rocket_dog By Seven Seconds of Love. I always want to dance when I hear it. Fortunately for all that is good and holy I do not. Much.
  16. Warlord! I don't know about the picture, though. I wouldn't follow that pervert into a pub, let alone a battle.
  17. Sometimes the logistic inefficiency kills you. Sometimes it gives you free trainers. Take the money, my son, praising Allah...
  18. um, chicken pox and small pox are two unrelated diseases. small pox, btw, has been considered eradicated since 1979. taks Officially yes. But there are very siilar diseases that have the potential to mutate. Plus there are bioweapon stocks still in existence.
  19. I think China's found a dark but manageable option. They know that peopel don't really care if everyone else is oppressed as long as they are dishing it out. The communist party/corporation system works because it offers the chance of climbing the ladder. the Chinese blend that with free enterprise. Shazam! I'm talking drivel.
  20. I heard that yes, it is mainly transmitted hand to hand, rather than airborne. taks should only hug his son using a long net on the end of a pole.
  21. Calax, I was playing yetserday vs teh AI, intending to have a short 20 min session. Me and two AI vs three AI, one expert, two Hard. I got the Ai down to 8 victory points (from a thousand) and let my attention wander. 90 MINUTES LATER I clawed my way back in. I only managed it trhough those airdrops. Freaking crazy. On open maps those little kettenkraftrad are dangerous though. If you play Brits vs them you go slowly strolilng around for.... *notices everyone else is bored* *shuts up*
  22. Now Jack he is a banker And Jane she is a clerk And they're both saving up all their money And when they come home from work Sitting by the fire Radios a-play A little classical music for you kids To the march of the wooden soldiers and you can hear Jack say
  23. I have to say, without wanting to shoot myself in the next purge, that uncontrolled capitalism is basically gangsetrism, which is what China seems to have right now. The Party are more like a huge evil corporation.
  24. So you're saying it's more like the skin on a banana?
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