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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Actually I may owe the assembly an apology. Xian, according to my family is an older way of writing it.
  2. On December 26, 2007, Palestinian militants fired a few dozen rockets, which succeeded at killing two Palestinians and wounding a third. As a reasoned and proportionate response to this attack, Israel began a three-week long military conflict which claimed the lives of over one thousand Palestinians. If you believe that Hamas only fired a few dozen rockets then one of us has been grossly misinformed. Try hundreds if not thousands. In any event, can you imagine Britain firing a dozen rockets at France and there being zero comeback? Seriously? Good point. I wasn't being clear in phrasing. I meant Jews in Israel. Question: can you point me at an existing nation which didn't steal its land from someone else?
  3. "...And I missed the meeting where spending 30 bucks gave you an MBA."
  4. I uased to exercise before eating, but i was told this makes you more likely to get tired. I do think you're right about not enough oxygen. I think I breathe wrong when I'm running.
  5. Look closer. That may be the ideal of many of their populations, but the Israeli Armed Forces gave up on that approach years ago. If you are geneuinely interested look into their official theories on operational warfare. In any case, given that their opponents official aim is total extermination of the state what would you suggest they do? What's the half-way bargaining position? Only half the jews killed?
  6. Threw up on myself slightly, and needed two 30 second walking breaks. I guess that means I tried hard. Anyway, new time is 13:49. This is an improvement of 1:26 over my previous time, which I also think is good. Hell, if I can only remove the need for walking I should take another minute something off the total. I also noticed that I've literally worn the treads flat on my shoes. So new shoes should help.
  7. Just about to head out on teh run. As previously said I'm now doing the tests in single blocks, rather than total numebr in 2 minutes. Not sure if that's kosher, but it makes more sense. So far 33 pressups. My stomach actually gave way before my arms, suggesting I need to work on my back and core muscles. So far 53 situps. This is good, as I could probably have managed a few more for a special occasion, and the target is only 60! Now for the run
  8. Relabelling christian as 'xian', and America as 'amerika' = fail, IMO.
  9. Spam spam spam spam Spam spam spam spam *in bass tone*
  10. I was once privileged to witness a number of no doubt devout American tourists sitting in Christchurch college chapel during a service chosen to include the Song of Solomon, from the bible. It's actually bloody fruity, and even surprised me. But you coud see they were torn in twain by the urge to be reverent and the urge to set fire to the dean.
  11. Is it just me or is Harlequin in a grump lately?
  12. Bringing them back in pairs, and leaving the less robust one on the downstairs couch half way through. EDIT: and by less robust I mean 'prop in the RAF rugby team'.
  13. Hmmm... side hugs by super-models. I'm liking that image. It's kind of pimp. As for Slugland, our man-catly shenanigans will never be, sweetest. Largely because I'd rather be raped by a gnu.
  14. I remember I once had a particularly slutty housemate who was an actress. I was wading through the colllective pots and pans when I had an engagement ring thrust under my nose. My single heartfelt comment was, "Do I have to learn this one's name then?" She didn't speak to me for days.
  15. It would be hilarious if it was, tho. Worth trying for.
  16. It does sound like you may have flat feet, and possibly the wrong shaped shoes. My commisserations, slugland. But you are right to take pride. Good on you. Today is a timed 1.5 mile run, a new (hopefully) pressup max score (as many as can be done in two minutes), and a new situp max score (ditto time). I'm currently waiting for breakfast to settle before I clipclop off. At least it's stopped raining. I'm really not looking forward to the run as I know I should push as hard as possible, and in my case that generally means throwing up.
  17. I think I mentioned last week that I tend to treat dating the way some Englishmen treat mountain climbing. It's a cool growth experience. But even mountain climbers don't live on mountains.
  18. All this obsession with sex strikes me as a little wrongfooted. I mean as if nookie is the greatest evil on Earth. Get some priorities, people.
  19. Yep, I mean that's how I always win Civilization and Masters of Orion, so it must be the right strategy in the real world. *Tiny screams of slaughter in the background*
  20. Uriel, I'm genuinely interested in hearing what you have tos ay, but can you please do as my colleagues suggest and use paragraphs or something?
  21. Hmm. If I may, let me impart a little of my experience to you here. I don't know how old you are, or where you live. But if you are in Europe, Austrailia, New Zealand, South America, or USA/Canada/Mexico and you are your girlfriend are over 18 and have been dating for three years, there is about a 95% chance she is going to have a conversation with you real soon. It's the "Where is the Relationship Going" conversation (translated into guy speak it's the "Why Haven't You Asked Me to Marry You Yet?" conversation). Now this conversation is usually unpleasant for the guy. This is of course by design, the girl is trying to jolt you into action and this is seldom accomplished without a little pain. It can be postponed if you are both in college, or if not it can be postponed for a short time by frequent and increasingly expensive gifts. But you are just treading water with that. Sooner or later you will have to either buy the ring and just do it, break up with her, or postpone and eventually endure the dreaded "Where is the Relationship Going". One additional thought, any proposal after the "Where is the Relationship Going" gains you far less credit than one made before the "Where is the Relationship Going". So as you are considering what to get her, if you are going to marry her anyway, suprise her with a diamond ring. After all there is nothing wrong with a long engagement. Just my $.02 I have always managed to argue that a piece of paper doesn't change a relationship. It can't make one happen, and it can't hold one together. But then: a) I'm single b) I don't tend to date conventional women.
  23. We repaid them through the stealing of their lands and the near genocide of their people. Thanks for the cheery rendition. I strive to maintain a certain continuity. Continuity you DO got.
  24. I am still thinking of what to get my girlfriend for our third year being-a-couple anniversary. It is hard! *snort* *giggle*
  25. Since you're already pre-insulted I can take the first part of my response as read. As if no other country breaks international law! A tiny minority of countries obey it at all. Reason? Laws have to be enforced by unilateral force or by consensus action. Unilateral force is apparently out of fashion, and worldwide consensus is impossible.
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