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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. If you're worried about getting sued, then frankly that's acceptable, if not for me. Hell, we got told as much on my first aid training. That if we tried to use army first aid on a civilian then we could be sued. But no-one seemed inclined to let some sod bleed to death on the offchance. But this isn't about that. These people blithely stroll up and take photos? The smallest human feeling or even fear or disgust would drive you away, surely? Meaning to me that these people had none of it.
  2. Don't people also use videos to teach things in the same way as Army? Point.
  3. 7/7 inquest People nearby approached the wreckage of the bomb blast, not to offer help as others did, but just to take photos. What the **** is wrong with some people?
  4. Devil's advocate here, but are games just speech? Games are more than just speech. They are immersive and are widely accepted in industry and the military as teaching key skills and drills. Viz America's Army. If they are not just speech, but a powerful influencer, does this lay them open to additional control? Especially if the effects of that influence are not immediately obvious to the user, as with subliminal messages in visual media?
  5. It could be all that Agent Orange I drank at the battle of Mboto Gorge, but I can't remember how we are supposed to get dates.
  6. I figured I had to be those two, plus the madly besotted Victorian war veteran. One arm missing, gets the shakesm sticks it to the Bosh etc.
  7. Walsingham


    It's a lot easier than it looks. Can you recommend a good general psych textbook? I need to catch up on all the basic stuff I've missed. There really is no such thing beyond introductory psychology textbooks because the field is so vast. But you're looking for a good general psychology textbook on the basics and the one I read was the Australian and New Zealand 2nd edition of Introduction to Psychology by Burton, Westen and Kowalski published in 2008, so it's pretty up to date. Or just go to a good library and ask, old fella, I mean you're English, you're supposed to have good libraries. Are you high? Our public libraries are just glorified internet cafe/DVD rental shops.
  8. Meh. This may sound off coming from me, but you can fight cancer. You can't fight some halfwit stabbing you for no reason. You can't shoot cancer in the face. I can bloody try.
  9. Meh. This may sound off coming from me, but you can fight cancer. You can't fight some halfwit stabbing you for no reason.
  10. That might have been your brain. Finally!
  11. Curry is an english word which we label all Indian cuisine where stuff is in a runny spiced sauce. In my book curry involves a powerful punch of chilli, married to spices like turmeric, ginger, tamarind, cardamom, and coriander. I almost always eat mine with brown rice, which is not authentic, but I think it gives a rounded flavour. I also employ a fair whack of garlic and onions if I'm basing the sauce on tomato. EDIT: In what is probably one of the most revolting episodes of a fairly icky life I went to make my coffee and about a cupful of sunny delight coloured fluid decanted from my nose in one long and very liquid stream. Never seen anything like it.
  12. Walsingham


    It's a lot easier than it looks. Can you recommend a good general psych textbook? I need to catch up on all the basic stuff I've missed.
  13. They should replace that parking sign with a strength testing machine. However high you can send the indicator, that's when you can park. RAAAAAAAAAGH SMASH!
  14. I need to reconnoitre the local environs to establish fallback positions and rally points if a date goes bad. I also need to assess potential mates, and plan phase lines about their persons. I shall do all this by limping across rooftops, then peering down through two holes cut into a newspaper.
  15. I KNEW it! You ARE a filthy hippy!
  16. Sure why not? Let's give him the peace prize for making people laugh.
  17. I think mentioned that I was talking to a guy who worked in a private security firm hereabouts. They have a contract to handle people loose in the community who are considered too violent for the cops. When I met him he had a massive gash right across the top of his head, all bandaged. He'd decided to move away because he couldn't handle the thought of his family being around such violent nutters. Back on topic, if you're posting this a lot... keep taking the meds.
  18. Just as I was serving said curry part of the shelf above collapsed and dropped into the wok, catapulting the second best curry I've ever made across the kitchen. You know how you sometimes say you can't believe something has happened? It actually was like that. I literally couldn't believe it.
  19. I have a Thai style curry on the stove right now, along with a huge chicken soup for tomorrow. The Thai style has naga chillis and bird pepper chillis in it. Hot enough to burn the skin on the back of your hand. And plenty of ginger and coconut and lime.
  20. @Illuminator It's clear you are concerned about these actions being taken as the actions of Islam. But I don't think we were saying that. I certainly wasn't thinking it. Hope that allays your fears.
  21. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you over this, Hurlshot. I didn't make myself clear, in that I see surface dissimilarities, but IMO the architecture of the problem is the same. Like the difference between a horse and a pony. Gfted1. Your answer is in my point that this is like an insurgency. Division sweeps don't work if the enemy hide among the innocent. The best you can hope for is to attrit some of them if tey are stupid enough to try and potshot you as you go through.
  22. Sausages, Raithe... lots and lots of cheap sausages... Ironically, I've been the opposite. Had a pretty good night's sleep, but have been clearing al the gunk out of my system all day. Blowing my nose til my sinuses squeak, and coughing up chunks of yellow goop. rat tired, especially after doing my physio exercises. Settled in now with some work reading and a huge mug of tea. Best find in recent days is this Rochester ginger stuff. Basically hot ginger and sugar. Looks and sips like a liqeuer. Zero alcohol. Thinking about maybe making some of my own with the addition of some salt, lemon, black pepper, and chillis. Real fire water.
  23. What's in the package? Making Of DVD, Prequel comic, chips and poker cards unless they've changed it for mkreku. My money's on it just being a box of baby radscorpions.
  24. Given the possible debasement of the Nobel Peace Prize it ocurs to me that there is a gap in the market for a really heavyweight award. The Obsidian Prize ('TOP') Obviously there should be a prize for Peace, for which I nominate Alan Partridge. Other prizes? Journalism going to Yahtzee seems logical as a nomination.
  25. That album art looks like a George Alec Effinger novel. EDIT: I'm listening to the awesomely jazz funk riffs of Petit Sekou. Actually better clip which has the random laughing worked in.
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