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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. For the record, I'd go for Angelina Jolie, but invest some cash in a capacitor DEMP to negate the evidence. Be a little creative, Drowsy, or you'll never get what you want in this life!
  2. Being not entirely flush with cash I thought I should opt for one microphone to handle both gaming in things like Left 4 Dead, and my amateur but improving singing. My present thinking is a desktop located normal singing mic, for about 20 quid. A 'certain' website has many of these which receive solid customer reviews. I guess my immediate concern is what jack sizes I'm dealing with. In the pictures they look normal guitar amp sized coming from the mic, but my PC doesn't have anything like that. What translator jacks will I need? Also, in general, thoughts on this?
  3. Correction: message should read "make her your own". Original implies some sort of Frankenstein effort.
  4. Much as I hate to say it, but I wouldn't let yourself get taped. From your point of view do you really want it getting popular and people recognising you at job interviews? From my point of view I don't want to shufti your shambala. If you like the girl just head on out there and make your own. Don't be satisfied with furniture status in someone else's relationship.
  5. Is it a cool facial scar? Like a bad Nazi would have? Then you could twitch every time you saw a veggie eating an apple-sweetened dish.
  6. What about repetitive strain injury from writing complex equations?
  7. Bad idea for the day: extract revenge on your boss by plotting an inappropriate omantic entanglement for her.
  8. Well, no because again colonialism is like life support. A temporary measure at best. LOVING the metaphors today. The problem is that many hippies don't feel any appreciation for the State. The State is evil and wrong as is corporate enterprise. But you need a basic trust and faith and investment by individuals in the State - generated by the Stae doing nice stuff - to prevent civil unrest, banditry, and ensure civic duties are performed. While corporations are a good (if far from perfect) way to organise people and perform functions. Long term aid, that isn't oriented on enabling these two qualities of civic loyalty and corporate venture, actually undermines them. Because it relegates government to simply raising taxes and pushing people around, and private industry to doing things people don't reallly need, and probably don't know how to do. And before anyone attacks me I've probably done more volunteer work than you have, so you should probably shut up. EDIT: I should have said "Attacks me as a miserly old grump." You are of course still free to attack me as a fat pompous windbag.
  9. What kind of ****ing halfwit would put you in an office with your romantic ex?
  10. And boy are you welcome to it. *bdum tish*
  11. Did 40 ascents of hill stamping today. This equates to roughly 5600 ft, and certainly more than Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the UK, which stands at 4,400 ft! Who'd have thought that just a year ago I'd have been basically chairbound? Also, while climbing tackled business problem in my head. Yeah baby, yeah!
  12. Demanding "harsher penalties" is a typical populist attitude, no matter where the bar is set. The public perception will always err on the side of thinking that the system lets people off too easy. However, I've actually served in the system, and my opinions are based on actual knowledge of what happens, and not just the newspapers and their attempts to create fear. Or, to actually make a point and not just rant, our system has slowly become the most lenient in Europe, and Green do-gooders keep shutting down prisons and creating artificial systems for cutting down the sentences given in the name of "savings". (first time in prison, non-juvenile, serve half of given, already generally rather short sentence, repeat offender 2/3s, become first-timer again after a couple of years etc.) People given life sentences, known to be dangerous, are released and then execute three people at the McDonalds drive-in within a month or two... and so on. Interesting, but my rather ham fisted intention was to illuminate dynamics in the way we approach complexity in decision making. In this instance the Germans seem to be exclusively second order complex.
  13. I'm still not convinced. Although you've kept your temper, so points for that.
  14. China might well want to see the situation resolved, as they are heavily dependant on oi limports from the Gulf. Much surplus tanker tanker traffic, and even some chartered traffic has switched between the Far East and Europe thanks to disruption in Libyan exports. But I don't see them wanting to control the country, since transporting from there would be very complex and inefficient. Much better for them to plough into somewhere like Yemen, and establish a dominant interest there. Safeguard their oil transit. Russia doesn't have to do anything in Libya besides let us **** it sideways, and they reap the reward in the form of increased oil and gas prices.
  15. And that is why in spite of our arguments I still rate Krez
  16. I must have missed a meeting. I wasn't aware that genocide which failed to annihilate the target population wasn't genocide. My sincere apologies.
  17. Maybe because we read the OP? Being a medical assistant is precisely the kind of skill which locals should be learning and could be learning. $1000 would go a long way to training someone local who could do that for life, not just a few weeks.
  18. OK. My question would be: 1. If adapting it is such a simple task, why don't fans do it? 2. If it is actually quite a complex task, then what could those assets be doing instead?
  19. I do not understand your problem... I mean why fit FO3 into an old engine. What does that let people do that's so good?
  20. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...by-exposed.html Although I'd be astonished if we haven't killed any civilians in the raids, and that's genuinely sad, these show managed affairs are rather fun.
  21. Mind you I thin an equal if not greater damage is done by all this premature testing done on kids. Sends powerful ****ed up messages that you are only what can go into a multiple choice answer sheet. I say ban both. And bring back proper curly wurlys.
  22. Ah, but they have a new version in the pipeworks. With hm, Karl Urban as Dredd if I recall my movie news correctly. Edit: Yes, indeed a late winter 2011 release. And I find it doubly amusing that Karl Urban is the actor who loathes wearing helmets. Ever since his Rider of Rohan days he continually tries to get any potential helmet off his head in movies.. Badly engineered helmet, if you ask me. You've got all sorts of space in Dredd's uniform. You could have liquid bloody cooling, and a teleprompter in Dredd's crust-protector.
  23. Monte might sound all angry and cynical, but I should point out that I heard an almost identical argument from one of the original founders of Oxfam a few years ago. To my mind, the simplest analogy is antibiotics. A short course will save your life, a long course will endanger it in all sorts of interesting new ways.
  24. Possibly as an aside, but do you deny also that there was a systematic effort to commit genoicde by the Serb 'war' appartus, or are you just arguing the toss on Srebrenica?
  25. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-13545621 Mind blowing. Can't get my head around turning on your own like this.
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