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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm eagerly looking forward to everything going back on bloody paper. They said I was mad to buy filing cabinets! Mad! MAAAAAAD!
  2. I've decided that when I retire and open my bar I'm going to have people searched for croquet mallets.
  3. Not exactly safe for work, but hilarious.
  4. hah. I shall consider a medley.
  5. That's just bloody silly. You could stab someone far easier in a club, and possibly even get away. Not going to happen if you start balsting. But maybe it's a question of deterring gun-holders.
  6. When you stumble onto him storing his porn on it? Indeed. For that would be a terrible duplication, since I am certain to already possess anything a right thinking individual would enjoy. EDIT: In today's work I keep coming across pictures of Hindu swastikas. I don't care how ancient the original purpose is, swastikas of any kind give me the willies. People insisting a swastika is nice drive me beyond willies and into creeping abdabs. Giant fething bronze wall hanging swastikas go beyond that and into new ground I'm going to call gonkwobbles.
  7. Mmmmm... nice non-slip handle.
  8. Starting to regret introducing my housemate to Fallout New Vegas. I keep finding him glommed onto my machine like some kind of cyber-mollusc. I mean i know how addictive it is myself, but at what stage am I entitled to tell him to gakking well buy his own computer?
  9. Gorth, that's a neat way of putting it. If I piss in a lift am I doing anyone a favour by highlighting how easy it is to piss in a lift?
  10. What if they're Russian, Chinese or North Korean, though? Russia and China have authorities, and they certainly won't be protecting this type of behavior. China has been the source of numerous hacking attempts. Attempts subsequently linked to the apprehension of dissidents. Further, you have multiple statements by senior PLA staff in the past ten years indicating a drive towards multi-dimensional 'capability' - i.e. cyber space. After all, if you have an opponent who relies on info technology, where do you hit him? I think you may be being naive, Hurlshot. Of course, it doesn't prove anything. I'm just saying you might be. I think the more sensible approach by China would be a 'fostering' approach. they don't crack down on hacking as much as they might, then purchase looted information on the open market. Far more simple and deniable than running a branch of government that can't be held at arm's length. Rather akin to Pakistan 'using' militant groups for so long. ~~ At some levels it's probably good to have some big breaches, because I don't believe these organisations had been taking hacking seriously. On the other hand I think there's a ludicrous notion that all hacking is good. SOCA handle hugely important data concerning ongoing investigations into very nasty chaps. Is it really sticking it to the man to break open an investigation into heroin smuggling? Or is it destructive narcissistic bull****?
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13848510 Lulzsec apparently delivered a DDoS attack on the UK Serious Organised Crime Agency today. Thoughts?
  12. In my mind London covers a cone shape, emanating from somewhere around Slough, and going at least as far south as Brighton. In meeting which I now propose we erect an Israeli style separation barrier. Any residents passing checkpoints out of London should be checked for tweeting equipment, and lattes. Then punched square in the nuts.
  13. You've obviously never heard the term "Estonian sandal" I haven't had the pleasure of visiting the blessed plot recently, I did however have the pleasure of seeing a cross section of the British society in a McDonald's near Piccadilly Circus at night. I'd say it was a rather enlightening experience. Could you help me broaden my horizons further by explaining this "Estonian sandal"? I don't regard Londoners as English, anyway. An Estonian sandal is somewhere beetween a Jellicoe hangbutte, and a Minsk albtaross.
  14. You've obviously never heard the term "Estonian sandal"
  15. This is a blatant attempt to curry favour for your drug legalisation program. Because I now want some of whatever you're smoking.
  16. You can't still be dreaming. You're late for your exams. But I didn't study! You'll be fine. Here, have a dachshund.
  17. You can't still be dreaming. You're late for your exams.
  18. I enjoyed the trash on the beach bit. Seriously.
  19. Yeah, well that's why I'm asking. there ain't much left of June, and I figurred there'd be some adverts out by now.
  20. My two favourites have always been Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (c1980s version), and Cyberpunk 2020 . In both bcases because the mathematics of the rolls are straightforward, and easy to understand. In particular the former makes munchkinning very VERY difficult.
  21. Ok, so we're all getting neck problems, and many of us solve those problems with professional massage. I blame sunspots.
  22. For some reason my shoulders feel like I've got a block of teak at the base of my skull. I should probably knuckle under and pay someone to give me a massage, but I can't bring myself to do that. Smacks too much of giving up on a girlfriend doing it. Heh. Still have some pride, after all.
  23. I recognised the start of the segment, but must have been from a different gig to the one I know.
  24. I was about to leap to America's defence and point out that this example sounds like poor education...
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