What if they're Russian, Chinese or North Korean, though?
Russia and China have authorities, and they certainly won't be protecting this type of behavior.
China has been the source of numerous hacking attempts. Attempts subsequently linked to the apprehension of dissidents. Further, you have multiple statements by senior PLA staff in the past ten years indicating a drive towards multi-dimensional 'capability' - i.e. cyber space. After all, if you have an opponent who relies on info technology, where do you hit him?
I think you may be being naive, Hurlshot. Of course, it doesn't prove anything. I'm just saying you might be.
I think the more sensible approach by China would be a 'fostering' approach. they don't crack down on hacking as much as they might, then purchase looted information on the open market. Far more simple and deniable than running a branch of government that can't be held at arm's length. Rather akin to Pakistan 'using' militant groups for so long.
At some levels it's probably good to have some big breaches, because I don't believe these organisations had been taking hacking seriously. On the other hand I think there's a ludicrous notion that all hacking is good. SOCA handle hugely important data concerning ongoing investigations into very nasty chaps. Is it really sticking it to the man to break open an investigation into heroin smuggling? Or is it destructive narcissistic bull****?