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Everything posted by EnderAndrew

  1. I'll have to shoot for #6.
  2. That is so wrong!
  3. There are doctors who have gone on record saying tobacco presents no known health risks as well. Given the obscene number of doctors who insist that marijuana has more carcinogens, and is more dangerous than tobacco, I think I am skeptical when a lone report says otherwise. And pot is most definately addictive.
  4. Snack time!
  5. Did someone say the B word?
  6. Colin Powell quoted the resolution word-for-word.
  7. Potentially a thread winner. If the mice are gay, do I win the triple crown?
  8. The cease-fire said that if they didn't comply we could resume military actions. We didn't need anything other than that.
  9. Like Canada! Alberta has tons of oil these days!
  10. Eagle power... speaking on which...
  11. The once that gave us the right to move in 1991. The cease-fire said that we would cease military operations based solely on their complete complicity. Then the UN passed over 75 resolutions saying they weren't complying. Then they passed another right after 9/11 saying comply immediately or else. Add those up and tell me what you've got.
  12. There is no clinical evidence it is harmful or addictive? What are you smoking?
  13. Straight Pimpin'.
  14. I'd be quite happy with a Skipray Blastboat.
  15. That flame movie is pretty good. I should hop on topic and post about games.
  16. We never failed the vote on the invasion since it wasn't put to a vote. France and China said they'd veto it if it went to a vote, so we didn't put it to one. We haven't taken one drop of Iraq's oil. However, this war is costing us near 200 billion dollars. Saying that we did this for money or oil is pure stupidity. I expect better from you. The point was to give Iraq a democracy. If the majority in Iraq decides to go fundamentalist, so be it. But a democracy is better than tyranny.
  17. I love optical illusions. I may have to post some later. I should post this in KOTOR:2 Tech Support. I think the game locked up my mouse and printer at the same time.
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