Baldurs Gate 1 - played BG2 first and just couldn't really get all that into this one
Icewind Dale 2 - placed IWD1 first and found it kinda meh
Temple of Elemental Evil - installed, briefly played the tutorial, and never touched again
Arcanum - didn't come with a manual or anything, and trying to figure out basic stuff like the map and everything was just a pain in the butt
Conflict: Desert Storm - played it co-op on xbox and it was fun, but i couldn't change the controls on pc to what i like, so it was always really awkward to try and play
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer - first few pod races were ridiculously easy, then the difficulty level spiked insanely
Sacred - got bored of neverending FedEx quests and the lack of consequences for dying
Restricted Area - sounded like Fallout from the description i read, but turned out to be a Diablo clone