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Everything posted by SeraphimJMF

  1. Death to the fat one!!! Despite the good voice acting, I just wasn't a fan of the character. I think you should be allowed to discipline the NPC's as DS. Force choke and lightning should be in dialogue options. You should also at least be able to smack some of your crew members. Examples- 1. Old? You think you could kill me? *force grip* Tell me who is stronger! "yo..you are" That's right. Now tell me how much you want me to jab you with my bothan stunner while you put on your stun cuffs and that dancer's outfit I bought for you! "vvv.. vv. very much!" That's right! *releases* 2. *forcepersuadescarth* you... will stop whining... you are no longer neurotic and paranoid... whenever you whine about me being revan you will smack yourself upside the head... 3. What do you mean "it doesn't seem to bother me?" This is MY ship and I won't have skanks running around with no clothes on! *forcelightning* 4. So, you were going to annihlate my ship if I dismantled you, huh? Well GUESS WHAT! WE'RE ON DXUN NOW, TIN CAN!!! *destroydroid*
  2. I voted push/pull, but then 5 minutes later I thought about what you could do with sense/sight! Think of all the money you would win at casinos and sporting events! Noone would even learn of you power. And you would never get in a car accident, ever. Sense/sight also provides a limited degree of precognition.
  3. I think that if they do go the padawan-master route, it would be cool to have a plot like this- After the "training planet" and the first real planet, you get a master to train you. If you are LS, your master will be ls and you will save the galaxy together. (Or he will die and you will go on to save the galaxy alone and face his killer) If you are DS, you will eventually become stronger than your ds master and in the end you will destroy him, take on an apprentice of your own (one of your crew members who is force sensitive. You will train them and then confront your master together.) This should mirror the LS "master death" late in the game- on LS you could take on a padawan. Your master's dieing words telling you that you are ready to train another (once again, a FS crew member) They might also have some sort of neutral master if they want to add a third dimension to play, you're goal will be to bring stability to the core worlds. You could keep the same planets and cities (with maybe a few alignment specific areas) but have different side quests, different crew members, and several different endings And with all scenarios, they need a better romance tie-in! Maybe as DS, the force sensitive crew member could be the one you use to challenge your master with and train as an apprentice. Either way, you should have a lot of options. As DS, since you have a master, it will allow for a more cool and calculating form of DS, like the kind we see in the movies. Less taking candy from small children, more manipulation and power-hungryness. As LS, having a master will give it a very movie-like feel as well, and will add a little direction without making the game linear.
  4. I'd rather be a master with a padawan.
  5. Darth Nihilus: Have at you. The Exile: You are indeed brave, lord of the sith, but the fight is mine. Darth Nihilus: Oh, had enough eh? The Exile: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left. Darth Nihilus: Yes I have. The Exile: Look. Darth Nihilus: Just a flesh wound. Sorry I couldn't resist
  6. I tested this with T3-M4 on the ebon hawk. I spoke to him and looked at the dialogue options. Then, I cast master valor and spoke with him again, and another int option showed up.
  7. You helped me a lot, thanks very much
  8. lol! :"> bad first impression. I don't know why I thought that thrawn = prawn = fish guy?
  9. I've played kotor 1 and I'm familiar with all the d20 system mechanics, but I was wondering if some of you more experienced and knowledgable players could answer a few of the questions I have. To what extent do things like awareness, a higher wisdom, and a higher intelligence effect conversation options? 1. Is it based on the modifier 2. Does having 10 intelligence, let's say versus 8 intelligence, is there a difference? Do different options appear at 14 vs 18? What have you noticed during your many play-throughs of the game? 3. Is the awareness to sense motive scalable or constant like security would be (as you level up do you need to keep increasing awareness to have the same ability to sense a motive during a conversation?) What is your favorite set-up for the starting attributes of a guardian weapon master? Later in the game, is it better to use master flurry, master power attack, or master critical strike? I know that in the first game you can only use the main character at the workbench. For the purpose of making lightsaber components and other items in KotOR II, can you use other party members? I also have a question about lightside enlightenment. I see it under Jedi Master. Is that something that only they get, or is it a different ability than the force power (Can all LS characters use this power?) Thank you in advance for any help you can give me, I really appreciate anyone taking the time to answer one or more of the many questions I have. (Especially the one about the intelligence, wisdom, and awareness effects on conversation). Btw if any of you want to chat about the game, star wars in general, or anything feel free to IM me on aim, my screenname is SeraphimJMF and I'm usually on.
  10. Even if it was instantaneous (and I do beleive some lightsabers extend faster than others) They would just fight as if it was extended. What would be cool (but still not all-powerfull) would be to have a blaster attachment on the bottom of the lightsaber. It wouldn't necesarily be any better but it would make for some interesting saber duels.
  11. The only time in the movies we see Thrawn's "brilliant tactics" is when he cunningly runs into a trap set by the empire. If it wasn't for Lando noticing that something was wrong and ordering the ships to pull up, they would have lost at LEAST half of their CAPITAL SHIPS and all of their advance fighters to a STATIONARY ENERGY SHIELD. The republic had a battle-hardened fleet as well. Revan, on the other hand, single-handedly destroyed the mighty, warrior-like mandalorian army and culture that had been preparing for years to attack the republic with a republic army that was not used to or trained for large-scale combat. In my opinion, there is no contest. (Not to belittle Admiral Thrawn, I have heard from some people that he was an excellent tactician in some of the EU material) Btw this is my first post here hi everyone
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