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About Vorkon

  • Rank
    Compulsive Hoarder of the Obsidian Order
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! KOTOR2's ending being cut was an inside job!!!
  2. Okay, cool, I'm glad to hear that I can safely dump con without making a monk too easy to kill. That seems a little counterintuitive on a class that's all about taking damage, but as long as he can survive long enough to use those wounds, I'm fine with that! Now I just need to decide whether I want to dump dex and go sword and board, or keep it and go with fists and/or two weapons. Fists/two weapons seems more thematically appropriate, but the rest of my stats will be a bit lower. Do you think m16 c8 d16 p14 i12 r12 would be enough? I know I won't be able to max out anything that way, but honestly I care more about getting conversation options often enough to be able to feel like my character can outsmart people, rather than being able to charm the pants off a god, or anything outlandish like that. If I go for more of a tanky, sword and board build, how does m18 c8 d10 p17 i13 r12 sound? I know that resolve will be more useful for a tank than intelligence, but I tend to prefer the smarter conversation options, and I want to be able to get it to at least 14, if not higher. It's kind of sad, since the cipher sounds a little more like my cup of tea, and I really would like to pump intelligence, which seems counterproductive on a monk, but I really don't want to duplicate the work my companions can do, if at all possible. (And yeah, I thought about doing a rogue too, and I would probably enjoy it since carefully positioning myself to take advantage of my enemies' weaknesses is always quite fun, but a monk does that too, and monk feels a little more my style. It may not be a spellcaster or anything, but I generally prefer characters with an at least somewhat mystical bent. Also, no way am I making a character with a 3 in any stat, unless it's a specific part of the character's concept, like a big braindead bruiser, or a Raistlin-style sickly mage. Nobody with a 3 in con could realistically be expected to run around and perform the sort of acrobatic feats a rogue is known for, for example. For roleplaying purposes, the lowest I'm likely to be convinced to set anything other than an obvious crippling handicap is 6, and even that's kind of pushing it. Thanks for the optimization advice, though!) Edit: Oh yeah, if it helps in anybody's suggestions, I'm planning on playing on Hard. I don't want to go with Path of the Damned on my first playthrough, but I've played enough old IE games and other management-heavy RPGs and/or tactics games that I think hard would work best for me.
  3. Yeah, "respectable" is about the best I'm expecting. I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that if I build to get all the conversation options, I'm going to have to take a hit somewhere. If I build a tanky monk with the stats you're describing, should I actually USE him as the main tank, or run him in just after the main tank the way a lot of other monk threads are suggesting? And am I safe to leave con at 10, or should I be pumping a few points into that as well? And just how far in do I need to get before I start getting items I can use to buff my stats? I'm wondering if 12 in everything other than might and dexterity might be enough for me to buff my conversation stats high enough to get everything I want, and if I'll be able to get there soon enough to make it worth it. Also, is the cipher companion really badly built enough to make her not worth using? A bunch of threads I've read seem to suggest so, but the internet being what it is, I'm not sure how much of that is just hyperbole.
  4. Hi all! I've been eagerly awaiting this game since the second the Kickstarter was announced, but when it finally released it was at a time where I was just too busy to properly devote the necessary time to playing it. Now that I do have a bit of time on my hands, I'm having the hardest time figuring out what sort of main character I want to create. I always have this problem in games, but in this one it's even worse that usual. I've been wracking my brain for a few days now, and still haven't even managed to get past the character creation screen! Right now I'm leaning toward Monk or Cipher. I tend to enjoy classes with a lot of micromanagement and different things they can do in battle, and it sounds like those classes fit the bill. I know that in a game like this the pary needs to work as a team, and the main character is only a single cog in that machine, but I like him to be one part of the machine that I really enjoy using. Perhaps more importantly, though, I'm only planning on using the pre-made NPC companions. I gather that a lot of them aren't built very well, but I tend to prefer the sense of connection they bring to the story over using a bunch of random characters I create. Since none of them are Monks (and Rogues and Barbarians just aren't the sort of characters I tend to prefer playing) I'm leaning toward the Monk, but I did notice in another thread that Ciphers have the most unique lines of dialogue, plus apparently from what everyone is saying the NPC Cipher is one of the worst built companions in the game, so I'm a little bit torn. Moreover, as I implied above, I really love building a character that can get as many dialogue options as possible, and I'm not sure the best way to do that. There's no single stat like Charisma that will help me get those, the way there is in D&D-based games. (In older games I would often play a Bard, especially if the Blade kit was available, since you could pump Charisma and still have an important role to play in combat. Sorcerers were nice, too.) If I do build a Monk, is there any way I can build him to do good damage and still manage to fit a few point into Intelliegence, Perception, and Resolve? I'd assume I'd need to make a tanky Monk, since if I go for a damage dealer who runs in just after the tank the deflection I'd get from Perception and Resolve would reduce the number of wounds I take, but from what I've been reading the thing the pre-made companions are most lacking are characters that can output really good amounts of damage, so I'd rather build a damage dealer if possible. If anyone has a good tanky monk build, though, please let me know. And if I only put, say, 12 in Intelligence, Perception, and Resolve, will there be magic items/enchantments available early enough for me to bump them up to 14 before I miss too much? Speaking of which, can a Monk survive without pumping any points into Constitution? If I DO want to make an even halfway decent damage dealer, I know I'll want points in Might and Dexterity, and that doesn't leave me with many points for other things. Or should I not even be looking into making a Monk at all? So, since that whole spiel is pretty long, here are my priorities: 1) A class that compliments the pre-made companions well. 2) A class that requires a lot of micromanagement and has a lot of fun abilities to use during combat. 3) A character who can get as many dialogue options as possible. 4) A build which, despite #3, is still good in combat. Thanks in advance for any advice you all can give!
  5. I'm glad to find out that there are plans to fix this, but I hope you guys can make it your number one priority. I can understand and forgive actual bugs, but this is just an all-around terrible mechanic that should never have made it into the final game, especially not in an unskippable scene. If I hadn't bought the game on Steam, I would have returned it after my first half hour of attempting this. Making macros and/or buying a controller shouldn't be required just to complete a PC game. Sorry if this comes off as harsh or whiny, but I just figured I should throw in my support for this topic, and try to keep it bumped up near the top.
  6. Just wanted to say thanks for getting my title changed! *spirits it away in some vault somewhere to keep forever and ever, even after he's forgotten where it was* Other than that, I just wanted to chime in that I'm all for keeping membership open until Paypal is closed too. Not that my opinion on the matter really makes a difference, or anything, but it just seems to make sense.
  7. So, I was at work when I found out about this, and the kickstarter was just about to end, so I threw up my last-minute 8 bucks and made my forum posts here REALLY quickly. I didn't even notice that the member list was RIGHT THERE at the beginning of the thread, under a spoiler alert, so I made a post asking if the name I wanted (Simple Tailor of the Obsidian Order) was already taken. Now that I've actually got time to read the thread, it seems that it was! (Well, technically the one that was already taken was "Plain, Simple Tailor" but the idea was basically the same...) Sorry about that! I'll try to be more careful next time... Anyway, now that I've had some time to think about it, I think I shall be: Vorkon - Compulsive Hoarder of the Obsidian Order Hey, at least it rhymes! And, come to think of it, it describes my playstyle in most RPGs, as well...
  8. Obsidian Order kind of is one too Well, yeah, that's kind of why I was worried that someone else might have already taken the title. It's a fairly obvious joke! One other request, though. (Sorry to throw this in last minute!) Provided that title is still unused, of course, could you put the "simple tailor" part in quotes? So, it would be: Vorkon - "Simple Tailor" of the Obsidian Order It works much better that way, I think! Of course, if somebody's already taken it, I'm fine with just a simple "of the Obsidian Order" title, quotes or no. I just saw it as a good excuse to throw in a few more dollars last minute, so I don't really have any other name in mind.
  9. Just added the 8 dollars to my pledge! If nobody has something similar yet, I'd like to be the "Simple Tailor of the Obsidian Order." (That's a Star Trek DS9 joke, if you couldn't tell.) Haven't changed my name on Kickstarter yet. I need to wait for the name to get approved here first, right?
  10. HK has this one feat available called "droid interface," which claims to allow him to communicate with droids that do not speak a sentient language. What does this feat do, and should I bother getting it? Thanks in advance.
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