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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. ghostofkumquatq3 inc. is reborn!
  2. I'm touched that you think of me as Mrs. Robinson. And I hate you for getting that song stuck in my head now.
  3. I don't even get what your signature means. Is that a song?
  4. Send me the money first, then I'll decide whether I want to send you anything. Oh and I don't live in the UK, but that doesn't matter.
  5. Ahh I missed your posts. Ol' reliable.
  7. I meant I finished it. The only things I haven't done are play through the mercenary missions.
  8. PC. Although my PC is a piece of junk, so I'll probably switch to consoles when the next generation go down in price.
  9. I can just imagine how rabbid some of those forums are. If it's anything like the Lucasarts forums then I feel for you posting on there.
  10. I liked Peragus. It wasn't my favorite planet, but it also wasn't my least favorite. It certainly ranked ahead of Korriban and Malachor V.
  11. You wrote the article, didn't you.
  12. Resident Evil 4
  13. I voted Korriban, but thinking about it again I'd say Malachor V. The story pretty much ends before Malachor V and it's just a "rush to the end" planet. Korriban was also boring, except for the DS cave thing.
  14. Kreia by far. She was a manipulator and diabolical. Malak was just a hired thug. Kreia=Palpatine Malak=Vader Palpatine was the better Sith Lord because he was about manipulation. Vader was just his iron fist.
  15. I think the "predictions" part of their article should have been the first indication that this wasn't a genuine indication that K3 is in development.
  16. I finally picked it up for my PS2 and I have to say it reminded me why I used to be a big fan of the RE series. The only comment I have is wondering why the story diverged so far from the RE storyline of Umbrella and whatnot.
  17. Just logged on to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (especially Hades, who needs a huge ). Hope everyone is well and has a safe and fun holiday season.
  18. Yes. Anyone who can't has the attention span of a 2 year old.
  19. Thirdly: No. A KOTOR TV series would inevitably mess up what we already know about the series. I don't want a TV series about Revan and/or the Exile because they only exist as I know them in the games I played as them.
  20. So then your argument is there is nothing wrong with piracy? Your answer better be yes otherwise you basically just argued semantics rather than because you actually had a logical argument.
  21. Who cares if it's silly or not? If there was a law (ridiculous sounding or not) that you cannot sell replicas of that wood carving and a person did so anyways, it's illegal and exactly the same as piracy. I honestly can't believe you're arguing this. Like I said already, whether or not piracy and theft are EXACTLY IDENTICAL in definition is irrelevant. The point was they're both illegal activities and there is no instance in which either one is okay to do. The fact you're arguing the exact definition rather than seeing the gist of my previous point proves you're just grasping at straws.
  22. Consider this: the friend doesn't give the person permission to use that wood carving. it is theft, regardless of whether he returned the original or not. You're confusing who should represent who in your example. The person who owns the wood carving would be the company or developer, not the end user who bought the product and then let their friends make copies. As for your first part, I'd really like to see your proof that countries don't consider software piracy a form of theft that carries with it fines and/or imprisonment. Which is generally what I was getting at with my point a while ago, whether or not you want to get precise to the definition of everything. I would have thought that was obvious.
  23. I really hope you're just being funny and trying to egg me on, because you'd be pretty stupid to argue that software piracy isn't a form of theft. Whether or not you "deprived" someone of something is irrelevent. The fact that you took access to something you had no legal right to is all that matters.
  24. It's the same thing in theory, since you're acquiring something that is not yours nor have any legal right to do so.
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