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Lord Mayn

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Everything posted by Lord Mayn

  1. i never use Goto, HK-47, T3-M4, or Bao Dur. they all suck. the only ones i really use are Kreia, Atton, Handmaiden, and the sexy sexy Mira...as long as shes wearing the bellydancers uniform :D and to tell yall the truth, i never cared much for droids in general. i want my team to use melee weapons
  2. where do you find all of the Mandalorians so they can join Mandalore? iv only found 2 groups of them. one on the Nar Shaddaa Docks, and on Dantooine as scavengers. are there any others? if so, WHERE THE F*CK ARE THEY?!?!?!?!
  3. Broderskapets Ring by Dimmu Borgir Kom unge bror Skjenk oss din rene ungdom Legg ditt liv i v
  4. a rocket launcher would be cool, but your party members would most likely get in the way and be blown to little bits.....
  5. God is the Light side and Satan is the Dark side. God isnt the force, and death isnt Satan. if God and Satan were playing a game of soccer, then the force would be the feild on which they are playing on. cause the field would be where good and evil happenes. the force isnt pure light or Dark. so the force isnt God, and Death isnt Satan...its just there playground. understand????
  6. Handmaiden vs. Mira.....Bra and Panties match that'd be hot
  7. if theres a bond between you and kreia, arent you supposed to die if she dies??
  8. Kreia. she knows that the lightside and darkside dont have all of the answers. and she knows that when you help people, you take there challenges away and weaken them. i dont know about everyone else, but i would want a teacher who has walked on both sides of the force. to be the student of a jedi would only tell you what a jedi knows about the sith. Which would be that they are afraid, and they wish to kill everything. to be the student of a sith would only tell you what they know. that the jedi are cowards who are weak. i dont know about anyone else, but i would like to hear both sides of the story before i become a jedi or a sith. and thats why i like Kreia
  9. id vote for Kreia, but shes not on there.
  10. wookies dont need intelligence. why would something make its intelligence that high? damn this game has bugs....
  11. Vrook was way too condemning in the end. when i said "i have come to kill you all", the other jedi wanted to talk about it first, but Vrook said no, and just wanted to kill me. Jedi are peace keepers, they do not attack unless they themselves are attacked, or there is no other way.
  12. when the Ebon Hawk crashed on malacor, the Exile goes and kills everything. then Mira gets up, and kills Hanharr. BUT WHAT HAPPENES AFTER THAT????? WAS THAT JUST FOR FUN?!?!?!
  13. Mine is definitly Red. the way it looks when it swings around looks most evil, and the fact the my characters face is cracked and grey just makes it all the more better
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