Well. Think about it. Human intellengnce has caused this to occur unnaturally. E.g pollution. The the abuse of human intellignce and choice causes things to happen unnaturally.
Maybe sex is meant is really meant to be used, for the love between a man/female. Self masturbation might not be natural at all. After all. If doesnt occur naturally.
How do you know that same sex realasionships is really a sickness that know one whats to admit. Like with sex changes and stuff, people dont what to face to problem that human intellignece is being used to mutate humanity.
i didnt say that it was just those people on the worlds. Obciously have the same ecosystem of this world. But instead its eirther fulls of same sex or oppisite sex realasionships strictly. Therefore the homosexuels would die out indicating it is unnatural .
Well. If you have two planets. One full of homosexuals the other of hetrosexuals and each can strictly relate the their perferred sex who dies out?
Thus a male/female relationship is natural whist and same sex realasionship is not.