I think I figured out the Telos fuel thing. It took a while, but if you get into enough dialogue with Goto, you figure it out eventually. Granted, this conclusion is sketchy at best, but in a very round about way it makes sense. It just wasn't played out very well.
Lt. Grenn offers you a reward for finding fuel.
There are two options to get Vogga the Hutt to agree to deliver fuel.
Goto offers you a reward for stabilizing Telos and finding a fuel source.
Goto also says that Vogga is not an option because it will bankrupt the Republic. So, there goes Goto's reward. Since there are no other fuel sources available aside from Vogga, the story for that one stops there.
Vogga says Grenn would not be happy to hear it from him, so you have to tell Grenn instead. Vogga also says he has begun shipments. Since we know that Grenn might not like the idea of getting fuel from Vogga OR bankrupting the Republic and Vogga has begun shipments it is possible that Grenn would refuse the shipments, we just weren't informed of that. If you were able to get Vogga to deliver fuel, the battle on Citadel Station could change drastically, and perhaps it would not work at all.
So either there is a different fuel source that was cut out OR (and this is my personal belief) that quest was not thought out as well as the rest of the game.
Thoughts on that, anyone?
Anyone from Obsidian have a comment or clarification?
Did I miss something?