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Marka Ragnos

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Posts posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. Y'know, I was thinking about the Yuuzhan Vong in relation to the "True Sith" at one point...


    Perhaps I'm mistaken about something, but, as I recall, the Yuuzhan Vong's backstory, according to The New Jedi Order, was...



    ...they were once a part of the Force in the same manner as most other lifeforms, but then their (living) homeworld stripped them of it and left them connected to the Force only on a level at which they could no longer interact with it and most other Force users could no longer interact with them through it.



    What I'm going to say would depend on how long before The New Jedi Order that supposedly occured.


    Y'see, I was thinking...if some of the "Ancient Sith" survived the war with the Galactic Republic those many years ago and fled to the Unknown Regions, perhaps that group's culture -- while maintaining the philosophies of the Sith -- changed and evolved such over the years that biotechnology and some other early elements of what became the Yuuzhan Vong's beliefs and customs were integrated into it. Therefore, if Revan and the Exile were to confront "pre-Yuuzhan Vong Sith" in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III, the tale would perhaps end with them not dying out and becoming extinct, but, rather, becoming disconnected from the Force (reminiscent of the Exile's own experience). That would leave them alive, but their existence and presence still commonly unknown throughout the galaxy, for their culture to be impacted by their loss of the Force and for them to slowly become the Yuuzhan Vong over the next four thousand years.


    Besides, all the pictures I've seen of the "Ancient Sith" (like Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow and such) and the Yuuzhan Vong seemed actually vaguely similar, apart from the latter's self-inflicted mutilations and scars and so on.


    I can only imagine there's something wrong with all that and that it'll be pointed out to me, though.

    wha? that's screwing with the entire history of the yuuzhan-vong. they are from a different galaxy for pete's sake.

  2. and if black holes exist, how did they get away from eachother to start with? if they were created later, what the heck could create that and get away from the other thing that could create another one of that?


    i don't know anything about this, but i am just trying to ask common sense questions that haven't been explained to me about this theory.

    black holes are stars that collapsed in on themselves and became so dense they turned into black holes or somesuch.
  3. 1. Yes there is a bronze crystal, though it looks the same as an orange lightsaber.

    2. Three of the four pictures on the back of thew box are wrong:

    One has Kreia with two hands and a lgithsaber-she never wielded a lgithsaber with both hands

    THe HK-50 one is wrong-no saber on Telos

    The bottom one has a female exile with Handmaiden

    And the middle one is right.

    sad that even the box is wrong.
  4. hahaha the hungry guard story is a prime example. a guard gets hungry so he steals some food, another guard comes along and attacks him. Some of their attacks hit innocent bystanders and more guards come along trying to arrest them. Soon everybody's trying to arrest everybody and attacking everybody and some people are going around stealing. ;) Another one is there is a man with a rake and a man with a hoe. The devs switch the items around and one guy kills the other guy for his tool back!

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